Edge-LB Command Line Interface (CLI)

Provides usage and reference information for Edge-LB commands

You can use the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) commands and subcommands to configure and manage your Edge-LB load balancer instances programmatically or from a shell terminal.

Adding the Edge-LB command-line interface package

In most cases, you add the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) as part of your initial installation of the Edge-LB API server and Edge-LB pool packages when you are preparing to deploy Edge-LB load balancing. However, one of the key benefits of running containerized services is that they can be placed anywhere in the cluster.

Since you can deploy packages anywhere on the cluster, you might find that you need to install the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) on additional computers for other administrators. To simplify access to the Edge-LB command-line programs, you can install the CLI as a separate package by running the command:

dcos package install --cli edgelb --yes

After the CLI package is installed, you can use the Edge-LB commands to manage Edge-LB load balancer pools and load balancing activity.

dcos edge-lb

Reference for the dcos edge-lb command…Read More

dcos edge-lb cleanup

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dcos edge-lb create

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dcos edge-lb delete

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dcos edge-lb diagnostic

Reference for the dcos edge-lb diagnostic command…Read More

dcos edge-lb endpoints

Reference for the dcos edge-lb endpoints command…Read More

dcos edge-lb ingress-lb

Reference for the dcos edge-lb ingress-lb command…Read More

dcos edge-lb lb-config

Reference for the dcos edge-lb lb-config command…Read More

dcos edge-lb list

Reference for the dcos edge-lb list command…Read More

dcos edge-lb ping

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dcos edge-lb pool-template create

Reference for the dcos edge-lb pool-template create command…Read More

dcos edge-lb pool-template delete

Reference for the dcos edge-lb pool-template delete command…Read More

dcos edge-lb pool-template list

Reference for the dcos edge-lb pool-template list command…Read More

dcos edge-lb pool-template reset

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dcos edge-lb pool-template show

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dcos edge-lb pool-template status

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dcos edge-lb pool-template update

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dcos edge-lb show

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dcos edge-lb status

Reference for the dcos edge-lb status command…Read More

dcos edge-lb template create

Reference for the dcos edge-lb template create command…Read More

dcos edge-lb template delete

Reference for the dcos edge-lb template delete command…Read More

dcos edge-lb template show

Reference for the dcos edge-lb template show command…Read More

dcos edge-lb template update

Reference for the dcos edge-lb template update command…Read More

dcos edge-lb update

Reference for the dcos edge-lb update command…Read More

dcos edge-lb version

Reference for the dcos edge-lb version command…Read More