dcos edge-lb ping

Reference for the dcos edge-lb ping command

Use this command to test the readiness of the Edge-LB API server. A successful result is the string pong. This command returns an HTTP error if the API is not yet available.


dcos edgelb ping [options]


Name, shorthand Description
--help, -h Display usage information.
--verbose, -v Enable additional logging of requests and responses.
--name="<name>" Specify the name of the service instance to query.


To test Edge-LB connectivity by sending a ping request, the Edge-LB service account or user account must have the following permission:

dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb:/ping full


To test the connection to the Edge-LB API server, use the command:

dcos edgelb ping

If the connection is successful, the command returns the following:
