Installing Edge-LB


Describes how to get Edge-LB packages, create a service account, and install Edge-LB

This section guides you through the basic steps to prepare and install Edge-LB for load balancing in a DC/OS™ Enterprise cluster.

The steps to follow depend on the deployment scenario you want to implement. For example, if you are setting up a demonstration or small-scale cluster for testing, evaluation, or personal use, you can use an account that is a member of the superusers group. In this case, you would use the default configuration settings to get started without creating a dedicated service account with specific permissions and a signed certificate.

For most production deployments, however, you should create a unique service account for installing and managing Edge-LB.

Before you begin

  • You must have the DC/OS CLI and DC/OS Enterprise CLI installed.

  • You must be logged in with an account that has superuser permission or the permissions listed in Installation permissions.

  • You must have a registered customer account to log in to the D2iQ® support portal.

  • You must have network access to download the remote Edge-LB repositories, or a local repository that has the Edge-LB packages JSON or bundle.

    If your cluster is air gapped - behind a firewall, restricted to an internal network with no access to the Internet, or unable to access the public catalog for any reason - then you can deploy using the package registry.

Identify the Edge-LB package location

You must have access to the following Edge-LB packages:

  • The Edge-LB API server package provides the Edge-LB REST API that is used to manage one or more Edge-LB pools.
  • The Edge-LB pool package provides the Edge-LB command-line interface, configuration templates, and load balancer program.

These packages are available for download from the D2iQ® support portal. You must be able to access the repositories for both the Edge-LB API server and Edge-LB pool packages to install Edge-LB.

Depending on whether you have Internet access, follow the corresponding instructions to get the Edge-LB packages:

Download package artifacts

If you have a registered customer account and Internet access from the bootstrap node or another computer in your organization, you can download the Edge-LB API server and Edge-LB pool packages from the D2iQ support portal.

To download the Edge-LB packages:

  1. Log in to the D2iQ support portal using your registered account email address and password.

    You must have an account to download the Edge-LB packages. If you have not previously registered an email address for an account, click create a new account to get started.

  2. Open Downloads directly or click My Account, then click Downloads to view the list of packages available for download.

    By default, the most recent DC/OS packages that are available for download are listed.

  3. Open the list of Mesosphere Product Downloads to change the filter for the list of packages available for download using the small down arrow next to the heading.

  4. Select GA Edge-LB Releases from the list view of releases available for download.

  5. Locate the versions of the Edge-LB API server and pool packages to download.

  6. Click Download to download both the Edge-LB and the pool package to your working directory.

    Each Download link identifies a package URL for a JSON file you use to add the packages to the repository. You can copy the contents of each file to a local directory or include the HTTPS URL path in the command line you use to add Edge-LB to the package repository.

Add Edge-LB to the package repository

After you download or copy the content of each Edge-LB package JSON file, you need to make the artifacts accessible to the cluster from an HTTP or HTTPS server by adding them to the package repository.

To add the Edge-LB API server and pool packages to the package repository:

  1. Open a shell terminal where you have access to the DC/OS command-line interface for Enterprise clusters.

  2. Add the Edge-LB API server package to the repository:

    dcos package repo add --index=0 edgelb
  3. Add the Edge-LB pool package to the repository:

    dcos package repo add --index=0 edgelb-pool
  4. Open the DC/OS web-based console, then click Catalog to verify the Edge-LB and Edge-LB pool services have been added.

Preparing a service account

After you download the package artifacts and add the Edge-LB packages to the repository, you are ready to create and configure permissions for the service account you want to use to manage Edge-LB server and load balancer operations.

If you have successfully downloaded and added Edge-LB packages, you can continue to the instructions for creating a service account.

Editing settings before adding a service account

If you are not configuring a dedicated service account for managing Edge-LB pools, you can begin configuring Edge-LB settings by selecting the Edge-LB tiles in the Catalog, then clicking Review & Run.

  1. Open the DC/OS web-based console, then click Catalog.

  2. Type a string such as edge in the Search catalog field.

  3. Click edgelb to display the service summary.

  4. Click Review & Run to edit the Edge-LB configuration settings by modifying the fields displayed, or by selecting JSON Editor to edit the JSON file directly.

  5. Click Review & Run, then click Run Service to install the Edge-LB API server package with the configuration settings you specified.

  6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to configure Service settings for the Edge-LB pool.

  7. Click Edgelbpool to specify the following required properties:

    • count
    • cpus
    • mem
    • disk

    You can specify additional pool configuration properties as needed, then click Review & Run.

  8. Click Run Service to install the Edge-LB pool service.

  9. Click Services to verify the Edge-LB API and Edge-LB pool services are installed and running.

    Configuring Edge-LB API settings

IMPORTANT: Although you can add and modify settings directly in the web-based console from the Catalog, do not start the services until you have created the service account principal, configured the appropriate permissions, and completed the remaining installation steps. If you attempt to start the Edge-LB pool service without completing the other installation steps, the deployment will start, but it will not be able to resolve to a healthy Running state.

Deploy using the package registry

If you have an isolated (air gapped) network that cannot connect directly to the Internet, deploy using the package registry. The support portal includes .dcos package files for Edge-LB, called ‘Edge-LB Bundle’ files in the portal.

Create a service account

The Edge-LB API server must be associated with a service account so that it can launch Edge-LB pools on public and private nodes, based on user requests. Service accounts are used in conjunction with public/private key pairs, secrets, permissions, and authentication tokens to provide secure access for services running on DC/OS Enterprise clusters. Service accounts control the communications and DC/OS API actions that the services are permitted to make.

Creating a service account involves the following steps:

  • Create a public/private key pair
  • Create a security principal for the service account
  • Assign permissions to the service account principal
  • Create and store a secret associated with the service account principal

The secret store is used by Edge-LB to retrieve and install SSL certificates on the Edge-LB pools. The SSL certificates enable transport layer security (TLS) for all HTTP-based traffic between client requests and service backends.

To create a service account for Edge-LB

  1. Open a shell terminal where you have access to the DC/OS Enterprise command-line interface (CLI).

  2. Create a public/private key pair and save each value into a separate file:

    dcos security org service-accounts keypair edge-lb-private-key.pem edge-lb-public-key.pem

    This code sample creates the keys in the current directory. You must have write permission for the directory for the command to complete the operation successfully. Executing this command creates a 2048-bit RSA public/private key pair.

  3. Create the security principal (edge-lb-principal) for the new service account containing the public key (edge-lb-public-key.pem) created in the previous step:

    dcos security org service-accounts create -p edge-lb-public-key.pem -d "Edge-LB service account" edge-lb-principal
  4. Verify the new service account:

    dcos security org service-accounts show edge-lb-principal

    The command displays output similar to the following:

    description: Edge-LB service account
    is_remote: false
    is_service: true
    provider_id: ''
    provider_type: internal
    public_key: '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
  5. Create a secret (dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret) for the service account principal (edge-lb-principal) and private key (edge-lb-private-key.pem):

    dcos security secrets create-sa-secret edge-lb-private-key.pem edge-lb-principal dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret

    For more information about creating and storing secrets for services, see Configuring services and pods and Spaces.

  6. List the secrets created:

    dcos security secrets list /

    The command displays output similar to the following:

    - dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret
  7. Provision the Edge-LB service account with the required permissions by doing one of the following:

    • Adding the service account principal to the superusers group.
    • Granting the permissions required to perform specific Edge-LB tasks.

    Granting all permissions using the superusers group: Adding the service account principal (edge-lb-principal) to the superusers group ensures that the account has sufficient permissions to perform all Edge-LB operations and upgrades. You can add the service account principal to the superusers group by running a command similar to the following:

    dcos security org groups add_user superusers edge-lb-principal

    After adding the service principal to the supergroups group, you can continue to Create a configuration file for service authentication and complete the installation.

    Granting specific permissions to the service account: If you follow the principle of least-privilege, you should not add the service account principal to the superusers group. Instead, you should limit the permissions granted to allow only management of DC/OS packages, Marathon tasks, and Edge-LB pool-related activity. You can grant specific permissions to the service account principal using commands similar to the following:

    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:ops:ca:rw full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:ops:ca:ro full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:package full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1 full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1/scheduler full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:framework:principal:edge-lb-principal full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:framework:role full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:reservation:principal:edge-lb-principal full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:reservation:role full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:volume:principal:edge-lb-principal full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:volume:role full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:task:user:root full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:task:app_id full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal 'dcos:secrets:default:/dcos-edgelb/*' full
    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal 'dcos:secrets:list:default:/dcos-edgelb/*' full

    These sample permissions also enable Edge-LB pool framework schedulers to register with Mesos master nodes and to launch load-balancer tasks. You must also grant the following permission for each Edge-LB pool created:

    dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:dcos-edgelb/pools/<pool-name> full

    For more information about the permissions required to perform specific tasks, see the Edge-LB Permissions reference section.

After you have created a service account principal, stored the certificate as a secret, and assigned appropriate permissions, you are ready to create a configuration file and complete the installation.

Create a configuration file for service authentication

After configuring service authentication, you must create a JSON options file with your credentials. This file is passed to DC/OS when you install Edge-LB.

  1. Open a new file for Edge-LB configuration options in a text editor.

    For example:

    vi edge-lb-options.json
  2. Edit the file to specify the service account secret (dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret) that you created earlier.

      "service": {
        "secretName": "dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret",
        "principal": "edge-lb-principal",
        "mesosProtocol": "https"
  3. Set the service.mesosProtocol configuration setting "https" for either permissive security.

  4. Set the service.mesosAuthNZ configuration setting to true (default) for either permissive security.

    For example:

    "service": {
        "secretName": "dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret",
        "principal": "edge-lb-principal",
        "mesosProtocol": "https",
        "mesosAuthNZ": true,
        "logLevel": "info"
  5. Specify other configuration settings, as needed.

    NOTE: If you are using the install --options= approach and you modify the service name to be other than the default, edgelb, then you must be explicit when specifying the service name when you use any "dcos edgelb xxxx" commands.

    As an example of this effect, suppose you deployed a service with the JSON configuration file:

        "service": {
            "name": "dcos-edgelb/api",

    This command creates a service called dcos-edgelb/api from the Edge-LB service’s point of view. But that service name causes creation of the task name, dcos-edgelb/api/api, which could become confusing! The string value, /api, is always (implicitly) appended to the name.

    As an alternative, after creating the edge-lb-options.json file and installing the edgelb/api service, execute the following command to rename the service so that you don’t have to track the name:

    dcos config set edgelb.service_name "dcos-edgelb"

    Examples of other configuration settings you can change include specifying the service path for the apiserver where dcos-edgelb corresponds to the pool.namespace when configuring pools. Other common configuration settings specify the CPU, memory, disk, and log level (debug, info, warn, or error) as shown here.

        "service": {
            "name": "dcos-edgelb/api",
            "cpus": 1,
            "mem": 1024,
            "disk": 10,
            "secretName": "dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret",
            "principal": "edge-lb-principal",
            "mesosProtocol": "https",
            "mesosAuthNZ": true,
            "logLevel": "info"
  6. Save the configuration file.

  7. Add the configuration file to source control so that you can update configuration at a later time.

Install Edge-LB

After you have added the packages to the cluster catalog, created a secure service account, and configured settings for Edge-LB in a JSON file, you can install Edge-LB to begin creating and managing load balancing pools.

  1. Install Edge-LB using the command:

    dcos package install --options=edge-lb-options.json edgelb

    This command prompts you to accept the terms and conditions to continue.

    By Deploying, you agree to the Terms and Conditions
    Continue installing? [yes/no]
  2. Enter yes to continue and review the output.

    Installing Marathon app for package [edgelb] version [v1.5.0]
    Installing CLI subcommand for package [edgelb] version [v1.5.0]
    New command available: dcos edgelb
    DC/OS edgelb is being installed!
  3. Run a command similar to the following to determine whether the Edge-LB service is ready for use:

    until dcos edgelb ping; do sleep 1; done

    When Edge-LB is ready, the ping command should return the pong response in standard output (stdout).

  • For more information about configuring Edge-LB, see the Edge-LB pool configuration reference section.

  • For more information about the available Edge-LB commands, see the Edge-LB command-line reference section.