Supported Kernels


Use DC/OS Data Science Engine with Kernels

This section contains examples for using DC/OS Data Science Engine.


Perform a default installation by following the instructions in the Quick Start Guide section.

To run any job, first you have to open the lab and choose the notebook you want to run. You can select from notebooks available in the lab, for example, Scala, Python, and R. A Notebook consists of cells; each cell can be of type markdown or code. In the markdown cell, you can write text or HTML. In the code cell, you can type your code as shown in the example below.

Python Kernel

Open a Python 3 Notebook and put the following sections in different code cells.

def initMatrix(nrow, ncol):
    mat = []
    counter = 1
    for i in range(0, nrow):
        row = []
        for j in range(0, ncol):
            counter += 1
    return mat
def sumMatrix(mat):
    sum = 0
    for row in mat:
        for x in row:
            sum += x
    return sum
mat = initMatrix(10, 10)
sum = sumMatrix(mat)

Scala Kernel

Open a Apache Toree - Scala Notebook and put the following sections in different code cells.

def initMatrix(nrow: Int, ncol: Int): Array[Array[Int]] = {
    val mat = Array.ofDim[Int](nrow, ncol)
    var counter = 1
    for(i <- 0 to 9) {
        for(j <- 0 to 9) {
            mat(i)(j) = counter
            counter += 1
def sumMatrix(mat: Array[Array[Int]]): Int = {
    var sum = 0
    for (i <- 0 to 9) {
        for (j <- 0 to 9) {
            sum = sum + mat(i)(j)
val mat = initMatrix(10, 10)
val sum = sumMatrix(mat)

R Kernel

Open an R Notebook and put the following in a code cell.

mat <- matrix(data = seq(1, 100, by=1), nrow = 10, ncol = 10)
sum = 0
# calculating sum of all numbers
for (r in 1:nrow(mat)) {
    for(c in 1:ncol(mat)) {
        sum = sum + mat[r,c]


Launch a Spark job

Use the Terminal

Open a Terminal from the Notebook UI and run an example spark-submit job:

spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi 100

Use Python Notebook

Open a Python 3 Notebook and put the following in a code cell:

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from random import random
from operator import add
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession\
partitions = 2
n = 100000 * partitions
def f(_):
    x = random() * 2 - 1
    y = random() * 2 - 1
    return 1 if x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= 1 else 0
count = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(range(1, n + 1), partitions).map(f).reduce(add)
print("Pi is roughly %f" % (4.0 * count / n))
# Shutdown Spark workers

Use Scala Notebook

Open a Apache Toree - Scala Notebook and put the following in a code cell:

import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.{HashingTF, IDF}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
// Load documents (one per line)
val documents: RDD[Seq[String]] =
  sc.textFile("file:///opt/spark/data/mllib/kmeans_data.txt").map(_.split(" ").toSeq)
// Compute the term frequency vector
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val tf: RDD[Vector] = hashingTF.transform(documents)
// First to compute the IDF vector and second to scale the term frequencies by IDF
val idf = new IDF().fit(tf)
val tfidf: RDD[Vector] = idf.transform(tf)
// spark.mllib IDF implementation provides an option for ignoring terms which occur in less than
// a minimum number of documents. In such cases, the IDF for these terms is set to 0.
// This feature can be used by passing the minDocFreq value to the IDF constructor.
val idfIgnore = new IDF(minDocFreq = 2).fit(tf)
val tfidfIgnore: RDD[Vector] = idfIgnore.transform(tf)
// Shutdown Spark workers