Kubernetes Base Addons

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Kubernetes Base Addons Updates

For instructions on how to apply KBA updates, see Introduction to KBAs

February 17, 2022


  • defaultstorageclass-protection

    • Add a version tag to the chart and image, instead of using :latest. (COPS-7184)
  • kube-oidc-proxy:

    • Bumps kube-oidc-proxy to 0.3.0 to resolve “kubectl log” latency issues (COPS-7123)
  • Nvidia

    • Fixes Nvidia GPU platform service placement constraints (COPS-7142)
    • Updates Nvidia DCGM exporter to 2.2.9 to fix metrics (COPS-7132)
  • Prometheus

    • Alertmanager CRD is now properly upgraded (COPS-6842)
    • A concurrency policy has been added to the Grafana dashboard CronJob to prevent the unintended creation of an unbound number of pods. (COPS-7105)
    • Pins Grafana image to 7.5.6 and bumps kubectl image to 1.20.6 (COPS-6963)
  • Traefik-Forward-Auth (TFA)

    • Restores the in-cluster storage feature. (COPS-7145)

December 3, 2021


  • Traefik-forward-auth
    • Upgrade container image to 3.0.3, pulling in a fix for URL pattern matching. (#1345)

September 15, 2021


  • Ambassador

    • Bump Ambassador to 1.13
    • Bugfix: Fixed a regression when specifying a comma separated string for cors.origins on the Mapping resource. ([#3609])
    • Change: Envoy-configuration snapshots get saved (as ambex-#.json) in /ambassador/snapshots.
    • The number of snapshots is controlled by the AMBASSADOR_AMBEX_SNAPSHOT_COUNT environment variable; set it to 0 to disable. The default is 30.
    • Change: Set AMBASSADOR_AMBEX_NO_RATELIMIT to true to completely disable ratelimiting Envoy reconfiguration under memory pressure. This can help performance with the endpoint or Consul resolvers, but could make OOMkills more likely with large configurations. The default is false, meaning that the rate limiter is active.
    • Bugfix: The Mapping resource can now specify docs.timeout_ms to set the timeout when the
    • Dev Portal is fetching API specifications.
    • Bugfix: The Dev Portal will now strip HTML tags when displaying search results, showing just the actual content of the search result.
    • Change: Consul certificate-rotation logging now includes the fingerprints and validity timestamps of certificates being rotated.
    • Bugfix: Ambassador Agent now accurately reports up-to-date Endpoint information to Ambassador Cloud
    • Feature: Ambassador Agent reports ConfigMaps and Deployments to Ambassador Cloud to provide a better Argo Rollouts experience. See Argo+Ambassador documentation for more info.
    • Feature: Add AMBASSADOR_JSON_LOGGING to enable JSON for most of the Ambassador control plane. Some (but few) logs from gunicorn and the Kubernetes client-go package still log text.
    • Bugfix: Fixed a bug where the Consul resolver would not actually use Consul endpoints with TCPMappings.
    • Change: Ambassador now calculates its own memory usage in a way that is more similar to how the kernel OOMKiller tracks memory.
    • Bugfix: Fixed a regression where Ambassador snapshot data was logged at the INFO label when using AMBASSADOR_LEGACY_MODE=true
    • Bugfix: Fix a regression from 1.8.0 that prevented Ambassador module config keys proper_case and preserve_external_request_id from working correctly.
    • Bugfix: Fixed a regression in detecting the Ambassador Kubernetes service that could cause the wrong IP or hostname to be used in Ingress statuses (thanks, Noah Fontes!
    • Bugfix: Incorporate the Envoy 1.15.5 security update by adding the reject_requests_with_escaped_slashes option to the Ambassador module.
  • Azuredisk-csi-driver

    • Features
      • support force detach
      • support incremental snapshot
      • support tags in snapshot
      • create snapshot on external resource group
      • add dangling error support
      • support Azure disk batch attach/detach (#650)
      • Windows beta support (switch to csi-proxy v0.2.2 API)
      • support multi OS versions for Windows images
      • Azure stack support
      • ListVolumes support
      • add LogicalSectorSize support for UltraSSD
      • remove unmanaged disk support
      • add full Azure Stack support
      • add more controller metrics
      • support disable AzureStack
      • disable AzureStack by DisableAzureStackCloud config
    • Bug Fixes
      • fix disk API 10s latency issue
      • fix initial delay(1s) when mount azure disk
      • fix incorrect max azure disk max count
      • fix resize error in migration scenario
      • fix azure disk resize error if source does not exist
      • fix: not schedule driver pod on virtual node
      • fix: cache data loss issue on Windows when unmount disk
      • fix: resize filesystem if cloned volume capacity is larger than source volume
      • fix: volume expansion failure on node
      • fix: helm chart installation issue
  • Dashboard

    • Hide pagination controls if there is only a single page of items to display (#5827)
    • Use .log extension instead of .txt for downloaded log files
    • Extend pod view with more information including: related Service Account (#5815) liveness/readiness probe (#6145)
    • Major refactoring and improvements of the log viewer (#5868)
    • Change resource status icons to colored dots (#5867)
    • Add hover effects for clickable elements (#5930)
    • Add deployment rollout restart option (#5917)
    • Improve env variable display for containers and fix ingress view (#5975)
    • Add labels to workload status charts (#5994)
    • Restore serialized reference component (#6090)
    • Reorganize resource list columns and add more columns, i.e. images (#6014)
    • Replace all overview redirects with workloads (#6092)
    • Improve chart metrics calculation to support wider time windows (#6126)
    • Use stable networking.k8s.io/v1 API for Ingress resource
  • Elasticsearchexporter

    • Feature: Added elasticsearch_clustersettings_stats_max_shards_per_node metric. #277
    • Feature: Added elasticsearch_indices_shards_store_size_in_bytes metric. #292
    • Feature: Added --es.indices_mappings flag to scrape elasticsearch index mapping stats and elasticsearch_indices_mappings_stats collector. #411
    • Feature: Added elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_latest_snapshot_timestamp_seconds metric. #318
    • Feature: Added support for reloading the tls client certificate in case it changes on disk. #414
    • Fix: Fixed the elasticsearch_indices_shards_docs metric name. #291
    • Fix: Fixed elasticsearch 7.13 node stats metrics #439
    • Fix: Fixed snapshot stats metrics for some snapshot repository types #442
  • Nvidia

    • Updated Nvidia addon to support driver v460
  • Opsportal

    • Fix cluster details page for AKS clusters (COPS-6997)
    • Fix UI load addon dashboard links even when custom domain ConfigMap does not exist.
  • Prometheus

    • Now possible to enable elasticsearch rules
    • Fix: Bump Prometheus to v2.29.2 which fixes head GC and pending readers race condition that caused issues with rule evaluations.
  • Reloader

    • Reload resource if secret/configmap is re-created
  • Traefik-forward-auth

    • Shorten hook names to be within 63 character length.
    • TFA now sanitizes incoming Connection headers

June 9, 2021


  • Prometheus

    • Fix: In upgrades, use existing PVC from previous installation.
    • Upgrades to the latest version of the kube-prometheus-stack chart. This includes upgrades for multiple applications. The changes listed should not be disruptive to the default addon configuration.
      • prometheus 2.26.0:
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.22.2
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.23.0
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.24.0
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.24.1
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.25.0
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.25.1
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.25.2
      • https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/tag/v2.26.0
      • grafana 7.5.3:
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.3.6
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.3.7
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.3.10
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.4.0
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.4.1
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.4.2
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.4.3
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.4.5
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.5.0
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.5.1
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.5.2
      • https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v7.5.3
      • prometheus-operator 0.47.0:
      • https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/releases/tag/v0.44.1
      • https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/releases/tag/v0.45.0
      • https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/releases/tag/v0.46.0
      • https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/releases/tag/v0.47.0
  • Traefik

    • A bug causing configuration updates to fail when a user adds an invalid TLS secret has been fixed
  • Vsphere-csi-driver

    • Update vpshere-csi-driver to v2.2.0 to pull in the fix for duplicate operations failure when attaching PVs (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/vsphere-csi-driver/issues/580) (COPS-6906)

May 5, 2021


  • Ambassador

    • bump ambassador to 1.12
  • Dashboard

    • Starting from version 4.0.0 of this chart, it will only support Helm 3 and remove the support for Helm 2
  • Default StorageClass Protection

    • Update client-go to 0.19.2 to support k8s 1.16-1.21
    • Use the distroless image and run as nonroot user to address image CVEs
    • Fix CVE-2019-14697.
  • Dex

    • Bump kube-rbac-proxy to tackle vulnerabilities from CVE-14697
    • Ignore metrics auth https://github.com/mesosphere/dex-controller/compare/v0.6.5…v0.6.6#diff-5437c8653258a2e2a070c91d87e2f7581d12f6c7f103b0d8c324a37307287b65R30
    • Bump kube-rbac-proxy version https://github.com/mesosphere/dex-controller/compare/v0.6.5…v0.6.6#diff-4d1856f3f2123c349e94607208c95a821f2485405db0b97ce41e87336a0ea3a7R21
  • Dex-k8s-authenticator

    • Security: use a service account rather than adding extra permissions to the default namespace account
  • Elasticsearch

    • Upgrades to version 7.10.1 of ElasticSearch
  • Fluentbit

    • Update to the latest minor version just to keep up with upstream. The bugfixes listed should have no effect on our default configurations.
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.6.9/
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.6.10/
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.7.0/
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.7.1/
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.7.2/
    • https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.7.3/)
  • Gatekeeper

    • Gatekeeper upgraded to 3.3.0
  • Istio

    • Istio version upgraded to 1.9.1
  • Jaeger

    • Bump jaeger-operator-2.19.0
    • Kiali and Jaeger are now deployable with the “none” provisioner, i.e. in on-premise environments.
  • Kiali

    • kiali and jaeger are now deployable with the “none” provisioner, i.e. in on-premise environments.
    • Bump kiali-operator-1.29.1
    • Configure to use the same version for kiali/kialii that matches the operator.
  • Opsportal

    • Updating GitOps Source in Kommander.
    • Show certification badges in Kommander project catalog.
    • Allow creating Root CA secret when attaching a firewalled cluster in Kommander.
    • Provide a list of loadbalancers when attaching a firewalled cluster in Kommander.
    • Resolve kubecost performance issue
    • Handle license loading state, show loading instead of invalid when license is missing a status
    • Fixes bug in OpsPortal & Kommander UI where LDAP Root CA is malformed when saved
    • Updated UI to only ship with needed dependencies
    • Update opsportal to mitigate CVE-2020-1971
    • Fix empty non-Konvoy cluster Platform Services tab
    • Update UI dependencies to mitigate CVE-2021-23337
    • Fixes bug in OpsPortal where Identity Providers would not show up (COPS-6843)
    • (kommander-ui): disable addons on foundation disabled
    • (kommander-ui): add license delete mutation
    • (kommander-ui): replace license table with single license detail view
    • (kommander-ui): allow workspace namespace to be configurable
  • Prometheus

    • In upgrades, use existing PVC from previous installation.
    • Re-enable etcd prometheus rules
    • Added new Thanos sidecar metrics
    • Significantly improved Thanos sidecar latency (reduced ~2x)
  • Prometheusadapter

    • Bump to latest version v0.8.3
    • Fix authorizer webhook panic by bumping apiserver dependencies #362
    • Add NOTICE to comply with the CNCF rules #359
    • Populate metric selector for custom metrics #348
    • Fix apiserver panics by bump to k8s 1.20, go 1.15 #352
    • Make NodeMetrics and PodMetrics APIs match K8s conventions #344
    • Fix an error were resources in reported by the Kubernetes dashboard and kubectl top reported double of the actual resources.
  • Reloader

    • Bump from v0.0.79 to v0.0.80
    • Add custom annotation support in service account
    • When upgrading from a release that used helm 2 to install, reloader cannot be cleanly upgraded due to selector changes. This adds a flag that causes reloader to be uninstalled before being upgraded. This should have no effect on running applications.

February 10, 2021


  • Default StorageClass Protection

    • Update client-go to 0.19.2 to support k8s 1.16-1.21
    • Use the distroless image and run as nonroot user to address image CVEs
    • Fix CVE-2019-14697.
    • Use unique Service selectors to avoid selecting unwanted endpoints from other charts.
  • Dex

    • Bump kube-rbac-proxy to tackle vulnerabilities from CVE-14697
    • Fix: ignore metrics auth https://github.com/mesosphere/dex-controller/compare/v0.6.5…v0.6.6#diff-5437c8653258a2e2a070c91d87e2f7581d12f6c7f103b0d8c324a37307287b65R30
    • Chore: bump kube-rbac-proxy version https://github.com/mesosphere/dex-controller/compare/v0.6.5…v0.6.6#diff-4d1856f3f2123c349e94607208c95a821f2485405db0b97ce41e87336a0ea3a7R21
  • Fluentbit

    • Fixes an issue causing some audit logs to be dropped.
  • Kiali

    • Configure to use the same version for kiali/kiali that matches the operator.
  • Kibana

    • Downgrade kibana and elasticsearch to 6.8.10 to fix a regression
  • Opsportal

    • Bump kommander ui version fixing the service monitor issues
  • Velero

    • Upgrade Velero to 1.5.2 and minio 8.0.8. Users can now use the official velero client, where before users needed to use a patched velero client.
    • Upgrade kubeaddons-addon-initializer init container to v0.4.3. This fixes the issue that was making it impossible to use a custom S3Url in Velero. (COPS-6675)

December 19, 2020


  • Cert-manager:
    • Fix a bug that prevented upgrading when Kommander is not installed

November 12, 2020


  • Ambassador Experimental

  • Cert-manager:

    • v1 API
    • Renaming our API group from certmanager.k8s.io to cert-manager.io
    • Removal of the v1alpha API
    • kubectl cert-manager status command to help with investigating issues
    • Using new and stable Kubernetes APIs
    • Improved logging
    • ACME improvements
    • kubectl cert-manager create certificaterequest for signing local certificates
    • General Availability of JKS and PKCS#12 keystore support
    • kubectl cert-manager CLI plugin allowing manual renewal and API version conversion
    • ACME External Account Binding support
    • Support for full set of x509 ‘subject’ parameters (#542, @jr0d)
    • The Deployment selectors were changed, use delete upgrade-strategy.
    • support being upgraded from v0.10 to v1.0.3. (#594, @jr0d), (#656, @jr0d)
  • Default StorageClass Protection

    • Add servicemonitor labels to enable metrics collection (#619, @gracedo)
  • Dex

    • Fix to enable dex-controller metrics collection (#621)
  • Elasticsearch:

    • Fixes regression from helm/charts#17643 where the explicit selectors do match the previously implicit selectors.
    • Fix plugin install initcontainer which would fail if plugin already exists. This happens when Node reboots and keeps emptyDir, or if elasticsearch image already contains plugin
    • In private environments where we replicate all the images, the test image cannot be pulled due it misses imagePullSecrets (#497)
  • External-dns

    • Add servicemonitor label to enable metrics collection by Prometheus (#617, @gracedo)
  • Fluent-bit:

    • bump the fluent-bit app version to 1.5.6
      • aws: utils: fix mem leak in flb_imds_request
      • fix double free when destroying connections if the endpoint in unavailable
      • remove noisy error introduced in v1.5.5
      • fix deletion of pending connections in the destroy_queue (#538)
    • The Deployment selectors were changed, use delete upgrade-strategy. (#574, @dkoshkin)
    • Upgrades fluent-bit to v1.5.7. See https://fluentbit.io/announcements/v1.5.7.
    • Adds chart value podLabels. (#584)
    • configuration to unblock output buffer. (#589, @alejandroEsc)
  • Istio Experimental

    • Bug Fixes
      • Fixed HTTP match request without headers conflict
      • Fixed Istio operator to watch multiple namespaces (Istio #26317)
      • Fixed EDS cache when an endpoint appears after its service resource (Istio #26983)
      • Fixed istioctl remove-from-mesh not removing init containers on CNI installations.
      • Fixed istioctl add-to-mesh and remove-from-mesh commands from affecting OwnerReferences (Istio #26720)
      • Fixed cleaning up of service information when the cluster secret is deleted
      • Fixed egress gateway ports binding to 80⁄443 due to user permissions
      • Fixed gateway listeners created with traffic direction outbound to be drained properly on exit
      • Fixed headless services not updating listeners (Istio #26617)
      • Fixed inaccurate endpointsPendingPodUpdate metric
      • Fixed ingress SDS from not getting secret update (Istio #18912)
      • Fixed ledger capacity size
      • Fixed operator to update service monitor due to invalid permissions (Istio #26961)
      • Fixed regression in gateway name resolution (Istio 26264)
      • Fixed rotated certificates not being stored to /etc/istio-certs VolumeMount (Istio #26821)
      • Fixed trust domain validation in transport socket level (Istio #26435)
    • Improvements
      • Added istioctl analyzer to detect when Destination Rules do not specify caCertificates (Istio #25652)
      • Added missing telemetry.loadshedding.- options to mixer container arguments
      • Improved specifying network for a cluster without meshNetworks also being configured
      • Improved the cache readiness state with TTL (Istio #26418)
      • Updated SDS timeout to fetch workload certificates to 0s
      • Updated app_containers to use comma separated values for container specification
      • Updated default protocol sniffing timeout to 5s (Istio #24379) (#516, @shaneutt)
  • Kibana

    • Fixes an issue that causes Kibana to deploy without an audit log dashboard. (#511, @branden)
  • Metallb

    • Enable metrics collection (#623)
  • Prometheus

September 25, 2020

stable-1.17-2.4.0 stable-1.16-2.4.0 stable-1.15-2.4.0

  • Istio:

    • The “kubernetes-service-monitor” service monitor has been removed. (#481, @gracedo)

    • Bumped Istio to v1.6.8:

      • Fixed security issues:
        • CVE-2020-12603: By sending a specially crafted packet, an attacker could cause Envoy to consume excessive amounts of memory when proxying HTTP/2 requests or responses.
        • CVE-2020-12605: An attacker could cause Envoy to consume excessive amounts of memory when processing specially crafted HTTP/1.1 packets.
        • CVE-2020-8663: An attacker could cause Envoy to exhaust file descriptors when accepting too many connections.
        • CVE-2020-12604: An attacker could cause increased memory usage when processing specially crafted packets.
        • CVE-2020-15104: When validating TLS certificates, Envoy incorrectly allows a wildcard DNS Subject Alternative Name to apply to multiple subdomains. For example, with a SAN of .example.com, Envoy incorrectly allows nested.subdomain.example.com, when it should only allow subdomain.example.com.
        • CVE-2020-16844: Callers to TCP services that have a defined Authorization Policies with DENY actions using wildcard suffixes (e.g. *-some-suffix) for source principals or namespace fields will never be denied access.
      • Other changes:
        • Fixed return the proper source name after Mixer does a lookup by IP if multiple pods have the same IP.
        • Improved the sidecar injection control based on revision at a per-pod level (Issue 24801)
        • Improved istioctl validate to disallow unknown fields not included in the Open API specification (Issue 24860)
        • Changed stsPort to sts_port in Envoy’s bootstrap file.
        • Preserved existing WASM state schema for state objects to reference it later as needed.
        • Added targetUri to stackdriver_grpc_service.
        • Updated WASM state to log for Access Log Service.
        • Increased default protocol detection timeout from 100 ms to 5 s (Issue 24379)
        • Removed UDP port 53 from Istiod.
        • Allowed setting status.sidecar.istio.io/port to zero (Issue 24722)
        • Fixed EDS endpoint selection for subsets with no or empty label selector. (Issue 24969)
        • Allowed k8s.overlays on BaseComponentSpec. (Issue 24476)
        • Fixed istio-agent to create elliptical curve CSRs when ECC_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM is set.
        • Improved mapping of gRPC status codes into HTTP domain for telemetry.
        • Fixed scaleTargetRef naming in HorizontalPodAutoscaler for Istiod (Issue 24809)
        • Optimized performance in scenarios with large numbers of gateways. (Issue 25116)
        • Fixed an issue where out of order events may cause the Istiod update queue to get stuck. This resulted in proxies with stale configuration.
        • Fixed istioctl upgrade so that it no longer checks remote component versions when using --dry-run. (Issue 24865)
        • Fixed long log messages for clusters with many gateways.
        • Fixed outlier detection to only fire on user configured errors and not depend on success rate. (Issue 25220)
        • Fixed demo profile to use port 15021 as the status port. (Issue #25626)
        • Fixed Galley to properly handle errors from Kubernetes tombstones.
        • Fixed an issue where manually enabling TLS/mTLS for communication between a sidecar and an egress gateway did not work. (Issue 23910)
        • Fixed Bookinfo demo application to verify if a specified namespace exists and if not, use the default namespace.
        • Added a label to the pilot_xds metric in order to give more information on data plane versions without scraping the data plane.
        • Added CA_ADDR field to allow configuring the certificate authority address on the egress gateway configuration and fixed the istio-certs mount secret name.
        • Updated Bookinfo demo application to latest versions of libraries.
        • Updated Istio to disable auto mTLS when sending traffic to headless services without a sidecar.
        • Fixed an issue which prevented endpoints not associated with pods from working. (Issue #25974) (#489, @shaneutt)
  • Traefik-forward-auth:

    • Update traefik-foward-auth to 0.2.14
    • Add an option to bypass tfa deployment (#456)
  • Fixed an upgrade issue for several addons which would cause them to not be properly targeted for upgrade (#492, @shaneutt)

September 9, 2020

stable-1.17-2.3.0 stable-1.16-2.3.0 stable-1.15-2.3.0

  • Azuredisk-csi-driver:

  • Cert-manager:

  • Dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Windows download support for the credentials plugin (#377, @jr0d)
    • Fixed bug causing certificate-authority= option to be added to token instructions on the windows tab when it should have been omitted. (#436, @jr0d)
  • Elasticsearch-curator:

    • version 5.8.1 (#374, @sebbrandt87)
    • Added value cronjob.startingDeadlineSeconds: Amount of time to try reschedule job if we can’t run on time (#447)
  • Elasticsearch-exporter:

    • updated from 2.11 to 3.7.0
      • Add a parameter for the elasticsearch-exporter: es.indices_settings as it is supported since version 1.0.4 (the elasticsearch-exporter chart is supporting the version 1.1.0)
      • Update description for envFromSecret parameter in readme
      • Feature flap the flag es.uri to allow fallback to env var ES_URI
      • Allow setting environment variables with k8s secret information to support referencing already existing sensitive parameters.
      • Add es.ssl.client.enabled value for better functionality readability
      • Add option to disable client cert auth in Elasticsearch exporter
      • Add the serviceMonitor targetLabels key as documented in the Prometheus Operator API
      • Add log.level and log.format configs
      • Add the ServiceMonitor metricRelabelings key as documented in the Prometheus Operator API
      • Add sampleLimit configuration option (#449)
  • Fluent-bit:

    • Three different elasticsearch indicies created
      • kubernetes_cluster-- (for container logs)
      • kubernetes_audit-- (for audit logs from kube-apiserver)
      • kubernetes_host-- (for all systemd host logs)
    • version 1.5.2
    • apply meaningful aliases to plugins and their metrics. (#432, @branden)
  • Istio:

    • the “kubernetes-service-monitor” service monitor has been removed. (#483, @gracedo)
  • Traefik-foward-auth:

    • update to 0.2.14
      • Add an option to bypass tfa deployment (#456)
  • Kibana:

  • Ops-portal:

  • Prometheus:

    • chore: bump chart to v9.3.1
      • refactor!: (breaking change) version 9 of the helm chart removes the existing additionalScrapeConfigsExternal in favor of additionalScrapeConfigsSecret. This change lets users specify the secret name and secret key to use for the additional scrape configuration of prometheus.
      • feat: add ingress configuration for Thanos sidecar, enabling external access from a centralized thanos querier running in another cluster
      • feat: add scrape timeout config to service monitor to avoid timeouts on slow kubelets
      • feat: add docker checksum option to improve security for deployed containers
      • feat: add option to disable availability rules
      • feat: enable scraping /metrics/resource for kubelet service
      • feat: [prometheus] enable namespace overrides
      • feat: [prometheus] allow additional volumes and volumeMounts
      • feat: [alertmanager] add volume and volume mounts to spec
      • feat: [alertmanager] add support for serviceAccount.annotations
      • feat: [grafana] enable adding annotations to all default dashboard configmaps
      • chore: bump prometheus to v2.18.2
      • chore: bump alertmanager to v0.21.0
      • chore: bump hyperkube to v1.16.12
      • chore: bump grafana to v5.3.0
      • fix: add missing grafana annotations to k8s-coredns dashboard
      • fix: reduced CPU utilization and time lag for code_verb:apiserver_request_total:increase30d scrape
      • fix: invalid image pull policy for the admission webhook patch
      • fix: alert “KubeNodeUnreachable” no longer fires on an autoscaling scale-down event (#444, @samvantran)
    • disable ServiceMonitors for kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler. kubernetes has determined the ports that were used for these tests was insecure and has limited it to localhost only. This causes these specific tests to fail. The state of the controller-manager and scheduler pods are still tracked in general as pods. (#474, @dkoshkin)

August 26, 2020

stable-1.17-2.2.0 stable-1.16-2.2.0 stable-1.15-2.2.0

  • prometheus

    • Fix an issue that may cause Grafana’s home dashboard to be empty.
    • Disable ServiceMonitors for kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler. kubernetes has determined the ports that were used for these tests was insecure and has limited it to localhost only. This causes these specific tests to fail. The state of the controller-manager and scheduler pods are still tracked in general as pods.
    • Improve Grafana dashboard names and tags for dashboards tied to addons.
  • traefik

    • Fix metrics access and reporting.

August 12, 2020

stable-1.17-2.1.1 stable-1.16-2.1.1 stable-1.15-2.1.1

  • dex-k8s-authenticator
    • Windows download support for the credentials plugin.

July 22, 2020

stable-1.17-2.1.0 stable-1.16-2.1.0 stable-1.15-2.1.0

  • traefik

    • Fix the velero-minio entrypoint to inherit global ssl and proxy protocol configurations.
  • elasticsearch

    • Default data nodes has been increased to 4.
  • external-dns

    • Disable by default

July 15, 2020

stable-1.17-2.0.2 stable-1.16-2.0.2 stable-1.15-2.0.2

  • traefik:
    • Fix metric access and reporting.

July 14, 2020

stable-1.17-2.0.1 stable-1.16-2.0.1 stable-1.15-2.0.1

  • traefik:

    • Fix metric access and reporting.
  • prometheus:

    • Improve Grafana dashboard names and tags for dashboards tied to addons.

July 9, 2020

stable-1.17-2.0.0 stable-1.16-2.0.0 stable-1.15-2.0.0

  • awsebscsiprovisioner:

    • The manual steps to upgrade the snapshot APIs from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 are no longer required. This has been automated in the chart CRD install hook by default. If you do not want that default behavior, of cleaning up v1alpha1 snapshot CRDs, set cleanupVolumeSnapshotCRDV1alpha1 to false and follow the instructions for upgrading to Kubernetes 1.17.
  • azuredisk-csi-driver:

    • The manual steps to upgrade the snapshot APIs from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 is no longer required. It has been automated in the chart CRD install hook by default. If you do not want that default behavior of cleaning up v1alpha1 snapshot CRDs, you can set snapshot.cleanupVolumeSnapshotCRDV1alpha1 to false and follow the instructions for upgrading to Kubernetes 1.17.
  • dashboard:

    • Upgraded the Kubernetes dashboard to 2.0.3.
    • Added metrics visualizations to the Kubernetes dashboard UI.
  • dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Fixed a bug in init container that removed custom CA certificate from main cluster login instructions.
    • You can render configure kubectl instructions with the cluster hostname.
    • Added clippy js for clipboard support.
  • gcpdisk-csi-driver:

    • The manual steps to upgrade the snapshot APIs from v1alpha1 to v1beta1 are no longer required. This is automated in the chart CRD install hook by default. If you do not want this default behavior, of cleaning up v1alpha1 snapshot CRDs, set cleanupVolumeSnapshotCRDV1alpha1 to false and follow the instructions for upgrading to Kubernetes 1.17.
  • opsportal:

    • Fixed a typo in ‘lables’ that caused issues during upgrades.
    • Allow landing page deployment replica count to be configured.
  • prometheus:

    • Updated prometheus-operator chart. This adds a grafana dashboard for monitoring autoscaler.
    • Increased the default Prometheus server resources.
  • prometheus-alert-manager:

    • Increased memory and cpu limits caused by OOM errors.
  • prometheus-operator:

    • Upgraded to version 0.38.1.
      • prometheus:
      • grafana:
        • Upgraded to version 6.7.3.
  • traefik:

    • Fixed an issue so clusterhostname can also be an ipaddress.
    • Distribute pods across nodes and zones when possible.
    • You can set a PodDisruptionBudget to ensure at least 1 pod is running at all times.
    • Traefik is upgradeable again when the initCertJobImage field is modified.
    • Upgraded to 1.7.24.
    • mTLS is available.
    • accessLogs.filters are setable.
    • caServer is setable for acme challenge.
    • Access log is enabled by default.
    • Reverted changes to the service ports that broke Velero functionality.
  • traefik-foward-auth:

    • Fixed a bug that might cause oauth callback to be redirected to other services.
  • ValuesRemap has been added for rewriting the forward authentication url in multiple addons.

  • Konvoyconfig has a new field caCertificate that supports custom certificates in managed clusters.

  • Istio addon is upgraded to 1.6.3.

  • Added the Conductor service card to the cluster detail page of the UI.

June 2, 2020


  • kibana:
    • Fixes an issue deploying an outdated version of Kibana to GCP.

May 28, 2020

stable-1.16-1.8.0 stable-1.15-1.8.0

  • kibana:
    • Fixes an issue deploying an outdated version of Kibana to GCP.

May 13, 2020

stable-1.16-1.7.0 stable-1.15-1.7.0

  • dex:

    • Supports specifying the root CA for LDAP connectors in the Dex controller.
  • dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Adds support for the Konvoy credentials plug-in.
  • elasticsearch:

    • Default number of data replicas changed from 2 to 4.
  • prometheus:

    • Restricts api extension RBAC rules.
    • Fixes the statefulset crash loop on Kubernetes.
  • velero:

    • Increments velero to chart version 3.0.3, which includes velero-minio RELEASE.2020-04-10T03-34-42Z.
    • Switches minio backend logging from plaintext to json format.

April 24, 2020


  • cert-manager:

    • usages is no longer definable as part of issuerRef. It is now a key on its own.
  • dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Now supports a kubectl credentials plugin for automatically managing identity tokens. Instructions for downloading the plugin and configuring kubectl can be found at https://<cluster-ip>/token/plugin.
  • Elasticsearch:

    • Fixes an issue that can cause the elasticsearch addon to fail to deploy.

April 9, 2020

stable-1.16-1.5.0, stable-1.15-1.5.0

  • awsebscsiprovisioner:

    • Upgrade awsebscsiprovisioner chart to 0.3.5 and aws-ebs-csi-driver to 0.5.0.
  • dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Allow use of the default system CA.
  • Elasticsearch:

    • Revert the PVC size to default 30G for data nodes.
  • Istio:

    • Disable Istio PodDisruptionBudget. The default settings, and replica count of 1, prevents pods on nodes from being drained.
  • kube-oidc-proxy:

    • Allow use of the default system CA bundle.
  • Prometheus:

    • Upgrade prometheus-operator chart to v8.8.4.
  • Traefik:

    • Upgrade Traefik to 1.7.23. This change fixes the access to the Kubernetes API server when the connection needs to be upgraded to SPDY and other bug fixes. For more details, see mesosphere/charts#514.

March 27, 2020

stable-1.16-1.4.1, stable-1.15-1.4.1

  • Velero:

    • Revert the velero refactor to stable-1.16-1.4.0 due to an instability issue.
  • Velero-minio:

    • Fix instability issues after completing upgrade.

March 25, 2020


WARNING DO NOT USE: This release deletes the secret for the velero backups. The data remains but is not accessible without the secret.

  • Dex:

    • Add SAML connector support in the dex controller. This allows users to add SAML IDP using the Kubernetes API.
  • Velero:

    • Add switch to use minio helm chart, instead of operator, for backup storage. This allow users to install their own minio operator for general purpose object storage.

March 12, 2020

stable-1.16-1.3.0, stable-1.15-1.3.0

  • Elasticsearch, Fluentbit:
    • Create Elasticsearch Index Template. Requires Fluentbit to deploy only after Elasticsearch deploys.

February 28, 2020

stable-1.16-1.2.0, stable-1.15-1.2.0

  • Dex:

    • Improve the LDAP connector validation in Dex controller.
    • Fix dex addon issue that disallows adding local users.
    • Use Dex controller v0.4.1 that includes support for OIDC group claims.
    • Upgrade Dex to v2.22.0 to support group claims for OIDC connectors.
  • Dex-k8s-authenticator:

    • Allow configuring scopes. Drop offline_access scope as it is not used.
  • Elasticsearch-curator:

    • Add and enable curator to remove old indexes from Elasticsearch, freeing up storage.
  • Fluent-bit:

    • Disable audit log collection. In production clusters the audit log can bloat the number of fields in an index. This causes filling of resource limits and throttling. This collection is pending further investigation.
  • Kibana:

  • Kube-oidc-proxy:

    • Enable token passthrough.
  • Opsportal:

    • Set opsportalRBAC.allowAllAuthenticated to true.
    • Add RBAC support.
  • Traefik-forward-auth:

    • Enable RBAC and impersonation.
    • Remove whitelisting.
  • Add support for kubernetes clusters on GCP.

  • Various chart bumps for stability, bug and security fixes.