Konvoy 2.0 Release Notes

View release-specific information for Konvoy 2.0

D2iQ® Konvoy® version 2.0 was released on August 26, 2021.

NOTE: You must be a registered user and logged on to the support portal to download this product. For new customers, contact your sales representative or sales@d2iq.com before attempting to download Konvoy.

Release summary

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience, fix reported issues, integrate changes from previous releases, and maintain compatibility and support for other packages used in Konvoy.

Supported versions

Kubernetes Support Version
Minimum 1.21.3
Maximum 1.21.x
Default 1.21.3

New features and capabilities

Pre-baked AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

Konvoy can now use pre-baked AMIs. AMI images contain configuration information and software to create a specific, pre-configured, operating environment.

Improved cluster autoscaling

Cluster Autoscaler automatically scales up your cluster as soon as you need it, and scales it back down to save you money when you don’t. In this release, the Cluster Autoscaler has been reimplemented, making it more responsive to scale up/down requests, as well as making adding/deleting nodes faster.

Pre-provisioned providers

You can now create on-premises Konvoy clusters using a new cluster-api-provider-preprovisioned pre-provisioned provider.

Support for Flatcar Container Linux

Konvoy now supports Flatcar Container Linux version 2905.2.1 and higher as a supported operating systems with the pre-provisioned provider.

Node pool management

Konvoy comes with new CLI commands to create, scale and delete node pools.

Kubernetes node feature discovery

All Konvoy clusters are now automatically deployed with Kubernetes Node Feature Discovery and NVIDIA GPU feature discovery. Konvoy automatically discovers and labels Kubernetes nodes with host level information that can be used for application scheduling decisions.

Automatic Kubernetes certificate renewal

You can now configure Konvoy to automatically renew Kubernetes cluster certificates.

Component updates

The following components have been upgraded to the listed version:

  • Kubernetes 1.21.3
  • Calico 3.19
  • AWS EBS CSI 1.1.0
  • Cluster Autoscaler 1.21.0

Additional resources

For information about working with native Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.