DKP 2.2.3 Release Notes

View release-specific information for DKP 2.2.3

D2iQ® Kommander® version 2.2.3 was released on October 25th, 2022.

NOTE: You must be a registered user and logged on to the support portal to download this product. New customers must contact their sales representative or before attempting to download or install DKP.

Release summary

Welcome to D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) 2.2.3! This release fixes reported issues, integrates changes from previous releases, and maintains compatibility and support for other packages used in Kommander.

DKP 2.2.x supports Kubernetes versions between 1.21.0 and 1.22.x. Any cluster you want to attach using DKP 2.2.x must be running a Kubernetes version in this range.

Supported versions

Kubernetes Support Version
Minimum 1.21.0
Maximum 1.22.x
Default 1.22.8

Fixes and Improvements

Workload clusters cannot be successfully attached when the management cluster uses a custom domain and certificate (D2IQ-93002)

A problem that caused the Kommander federation-controller to use system certificates instead of the configured custom certificates was corrected. The federation-controller now uses custom certificates if they are present.

Missing cert-manager images in air-gapped bundles (D2IQ-93002)

The air-gapped image bundles did not include images for cert-manager, which prevented successful deployment of the platform applications to managed and attached clusters in those environments. The bundle has been updated to include the correct images.

Component and Application updates

When upgrading to this release, the following services and service components are upgraded to the listed version:


  • CAPPPVersion = “v0.8.4”
  • CAPZVersion = “v1.3.1”
  • Containerd 1.4.13
  • KIB v1.17.2


Common Application Name APP ID Version Component Versions
Centralized Grafana centralized-grafana 33.1.6 - chart: 33.1.6
- prometheus-operator: 0.54.1
Centralized Kubecost centralized-kubecost 0.23.3 - chart: 0.23.3
- kubecost: 1.91.2
Cert Manager cert-manager 1.7.1 - chart: 1.7.1
- cert-manager: 1.7.1
Chartmuseum chartmuseum 3.6.2 - chart: 3.6.2
- chartmuseum: 3.6.2
Dex dex 2.9.18 - chart: 2.9.19
- dex: 2.31.0
Dex K8s Authenticator dex-k8s-authenticator 1.2.10 - chart: 1.2.9
- dex-k8s-authenticator: 1.2.2
DKP Insights Management dkp-insights-management 0.1.6 - chart: 0.1.6
- dkp-insights-management: 0.1.6
External DNS external-dns 6.2.7 - chart: 6.2.7
- external-dns: 0.11.0
Fluent Bit fluent-bit 0.19.20 - chart: 0.19.20
- fluent-bit: 1.8.13
Gatekeeper gatekeeper 3.7.0 - chart: 3.7.0
- gatekeeper: 3.7.0
Gitea gitea 5.0.6 - chart: 5.0.6
- gitea: 1.16.6
Grafana Logging grafana-logging 6.22.0 - chart: 6.22.0
- grafana: 8.3.6
Grafana Loki grafana-loki 0.33.3 - chart: 0.33.1
- loki: 2.2.1
Istio istio 1.11.6 - chart: 1.11.6
- istio: 1.11.5
Jaeger jaeger 2.29.0 - chart: 2.29.0
- jaeger: 1.31.0
Karma karma 2.0.1 - chart: 2.0.1
- karma: 0.70
Kiali kiali 1.49.1 - chart: 1.49.0
- kiali: 1.49.0
Knative knative 0.3.9 - chart: 0.3.9
- knative: 0.22.3
Kube OIDC Proxy kube-oidc-proxy 0.3.1 - chart: 0.3.1
- kube-oidc-proxy: 0.3.0
Kube Prometheus Stack kube-prometheus-stack 33.1.6 - chart: 33.1.6
- prometheus-operator: 0.54.1
- grafana: 8.3.6
- prometheus: 2.33.4
- prometheus-alertmanager: 0.23.0
Kubecost kubecost 0.23.3 - chart: 0.23.3
- kubecost: 1.91.2
Kubefed kubefed 0.9.2 - chart: 0.9.2
- kubefed: 0.9.2
Kubernetes Dashboard kubernetes-dashboard 5.1.1 - chart: 5.1.1
- kubernetes-dashboard: 2.4.0
Kubetunnel kubetunnel 0.0.11 - chart: 0.0.11
- kubetunnel: 0.0.11
Logging Operator logging-operator 3.17.3 - chart: 3.17.2
- logging-operator: 3.17.2
Metallb metallb 0.12.3 - chart: 0.12.3
- metallb: 0.8.1
MinIO Operator minio-operator 4.4.10 - chart: 4.4.10
- minio-operator: 4.4.10
NFS Server Provisioner nfs-server-provisioner 0.6.0 - chart: 0.6.0
- nfs-server-provisioner: 2.3.0
Nvidia nvidia 0.4.4 - chart: 0.4.4
- nvidia-device-plugin: 0.2.0
Grafana (project) project-grafana-logging 6.20.6 - chart: 6.22.0
- grafana: 8.3.6
Grafana Loki (project) project-grafana-loki 0.33.3 - chart: 0.33.1
- loki: 2.2.1
Prometheus Adapter prometheus-adapter 2.17.1 - chart: 2.17.1
- prometheus-adapter: 0.9.1
Reloader reloader 0.0.104 - chart: 0.0.104
- reloader: 0.0.104
Thanos thanos 0.4.6 - chart: 0.4.6
- thanos: 0.17.1
Traefik traefik 10.9.1 - chart: 10.9.1
- traefik: 2.5.6
Traefik ForwardAuth traefik-forward-auth 0.3.8 - chart: 0.3.8
- traefik-forward-auth: 3.1.0
Velero velero 3.1.5 - chart: 3.1.5
- velero: 1.5.2

Additional resources

For more information about working with native Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.

For a full list of attributed 3rd party software, see