Kommander 2.0 Release Notes

View release-specific information for Kommander 2.0

D2iQ® Kommander® version 2.0 was released on 26, August 2021.

Release summary

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience, fix reported issues, integrate changes from previous releases, and maintain compatibility and support for other packages used in Kommander.

New features and capabilities

Platform applications

Platform applications, previously referred to as Addons, have moved to Kommander.

Kommander UI for use with Konvoy

Managing applications and infrastructure in single to multi-cluster environment has become even easier. Kommander provides a single pane of glass for all the observability, metrics, monitoring, and logging of all clusters in your deployments.

Multi-Tenant Logging Architecture

In DKP 2.0, Logging is disabled by default. This release contains a new logging architecture implementation as well as documentation that describes how to manually enable logging at both the Workspace and Project levels. Logging at the Project-level also supports multi-tenant logging. Access the Logging doc pages to review the new architecture and to get started with multi-tenant logging.

Unidirectional Network Functionality

Unidirectional Network Functionality has changed to Network Tunneling.

HTTP Proxy Support

Kommander supports environments where Internet access is restricted, and must be made through an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In these environments, you can configure Kommander to use the HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In turn, Kommander then configures all platform services to use the HTTP/HTTPS proxy. Managed clusters in restricted network conditions such as behind DMZs, firewalls, and proxies with no inbound connectivity can now be managed by Kommander. Kommander can create a TLS encrypted tunnel to enable all the observability functionality provided by Kommander. You can even use SSO to authenticate to a managed cluster.

Upstream industry changes

The following sections refer to recent changes in the Open Source software DKP uses that may require action on your part as part of an upgrade or installation of D2iQ software.

Fluentbit DNS timeout

A change in Fluentbit 1.7.5 impacted how the application behaves when the ‘splunk_send_raw’ feature is enabled. If you use this feature in Kommander, review the Fluentbit upstream issue for suggestions on how to properly use it.

Component updates

The following services and service components have been upgraded to the listed version:

  • centralized-grafana: 17.2.1
    • grafana: 8.0.5
  • centralized-kubecost: 0.17.1
    • cost-analyzer: 1.85.0
    • grafana: 7.5.6
    • prometheus: 2.22.2
    • prometheus alertmanager: 0.20.0
    • thanos: 0.22.0
  • cert-manager: 0.2.7
    • cert-manager: 1.0.3
  • dex: 2.9.10
    • dex: 2.27.0
  • dex-k8s-authenticator: 1.2.8
    • dex-k8s-authenticator: 1.2.2
  • external-dns: 2.20.5
    • external-dns: 0.7.0
  • fluent-bit: 0.16.2
    • fluentbit: 1.8.3
  • gatekeeper: 0.6.8
    • gatekeeper: v3.4.0-rc.1
  • grafana-logging: 6.13.9
    • grafana: 8.0.5
  • grafana-loki: 0.33.1
    • loki: 2.2.1
  • istio: 1.9.1
    • istio: 1.9.1
  • jaeger: 2.21.0
    • jaeger: 1.21.2
  • karma: 2.0.0
    • karma: 0.88
  • kiali: 1.29.0
    • kiali: 1.29.0
  • kube-oidc-proxy: 0.2.5
    • kube-oidc-proxy: 0.2.0
  • kube-prometheus-stack: 17.2.1
    • grafana: 8.0.5
    • prometheus: 2.28.1
    • prometheus alertmanager: 0.22.2
    • thanos: 0.17.2
  • kubecost: 0.17.1
    • cost-analyzer: 1.85.0
    • grafana: 7.5.6
    • prometheus: 2.22.2
    • prometheus alertmanager: 0.20.0
    • thanos: 0.22.0
  • kubefed: 0.8.1
    • kubefed: 0.8.1
  • kubernetes-dashboard: 4.0.3
    • kubernetes-dashboard: 2.2.0
  • kubetunnel: 0.0.7
    • kubetunnel: 0.0.7
  • logging-operator: 3.13.0
    • logging-operator: 3.13.0
  • metallb: 0.12.2
    • metallb: 0.9.3
  • minio-operator: 4.1.7
    • minio-operator: 4.1.3
  • nvidia: 0.4.2
    • nvidia driver version: 460.73.01
  • project-grafana-logging: 6.13.9
    • grafana: 8.0.5
  • project-grafana-loki: 0.33.1
    • loki: 2.2.1
  • project-logging: 1.0.0
  • prometheus-adapter: 2.11.1
    • prometheus-adapter: 0.8.3
  • reloader: 0.0.99
    • reloader: 0.0.99
  • thanos: 0.3.31
    • thanos: 0.17.1
  • traefik: 10.3.0
    • traefik: 2.5.0
  • traefik-forward-auth: 0.3.2
    • traefik-forward-auth: 3.0.2
  • velero: 3.1.3
    • velero: 1.5.2

Additional resources

For more information about working with native Kubernetes, see the Kubernetes documentation.