Custom Cluster Application Cards

Define custom application cards displayed on a cluster's detail page.

Custom Cluster Application Cards

Custom application cards can be added to the cluster detail page’s Applications section by creating a ConfigMap on the cluster. The ConfigMap must have a label applied through the CLI and must contain both name and dashboardLink data keys to be displayed. Upon creation of the ConfigMap, the Kommander UI displays a card corresponding to the data provided in the ConfigMap. Custom application cards have a Kubernetes icon and can link to a service running in the cluster, or use an absolute URL to link to any accessible URL.

ConfigMap example

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: "my-app"
  namespace: "app-namespace"
    "": "my-app"
  name: "My Application"
  dashboardLink: "/path/to/app"
Key Description Required
metadata.labels.“” The application name (ID). X The display name that describes the application and displays on the custom application card in the user interface. X
data.dashboardLink The link to the application. This can be an absolute link, or a relative link, /dkp/kommander/dashboard. If you use a relative link, the link is built using the cluster’s path as the base of the URL to the application. X
data.docsLink Link to documentation about the application. This is displayed on the application card, but omitted if not present.
data.category Category with which to group the custom application. If not provided, the application is grouped under the category, “None.”
data.version A version string for the application. If not provided, “N/A” is displayed on the application card in the user interface.

Use a command similar to this to create a new custom application ConfigMap:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: "my-app"
  namespace: "default"
    "": "my-app"
  name: "My Application"
  dashboardLink: "/path/to/app"