Overview & Concepts

Introductory topics about D2iQ Dispatch.

Dispatch is a cloud-native GitOps platform. GitOps is a way to do Kubernetes cluster management and application delivery; it works by using Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. Dispatch enables you to:

  • Define and execute build, test, and deployment workflows.
  • Implement modern GitOps processes to increase test coverage and speed up your deployments.
  • Define your build pipeline using powerful languages using well-known development methodologies, so that you can spend more time writing code and less time maintaining your pipelines.

Key Features

Flexible Pipeline Configuration. Dispatch lets you leverage languages such as CUE and Starlark to declaratively define a build and test pipeline. You can reduce pipeline complexity by defining functions, schema validation and other well-known programming constructs.

Choice of Build Locations. You can execute your pipeline on your laptop, on-prem cluster or in the public cloud. Dispatch lets you run the same pipeline in any environment.

Cloud Native. Dispatch is optimized to run on Kubernetes, using build and deploy services that leverage Kubernetes’ underlying services and processes.

Software Lifecycle as Code. Dispatch lets you implement GitOps processes to store build pipelines and application deployment methodologies in Git for repeatable and efficient lifecycle management.

Command Line & Browser-based interfaces. Dispatch provides both Command Line and a browser accessible dashboard.

Progressive Deployment. Dispatch enables you to easily implement progressive deployment strategies to ensure greatly reduced risk deployments of your applications.

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