Continuous Integration Pipelines

Building, Testing and Delivering cloud native applications into Kubernetes.

In Dispatch, CI pipelines are configured using a Dispatchfile. The Dispatchfile describes:

  • All tasks that run as a part of a pipeline
  • Rules for triggering tasks in a pipeline
  • Resources produced and consumed as a part of the pipeline (images, git repositories, S3 artifacts, etc).

Configuration Format

Dispatch supports several different configuration formats for you to choose from. Choose the format with which you are most comfortable.

By default, the cue configuration format is used. However, at the top of your Dispatchfile, you can declare the Dispatchfile format using a shebang syntax, for example:

Frontend Example
starlark #!mesosphere/dispatch-starlark:v0.6
cue #!mesosphere/dispatch-cue:v0.4
json #!mesosphere/dispatch-json:v0.3
yaml #!mesosphere/dispatch-yaml:v0.3

For the available frontend language versions supported in your Dispatch version, refer to the release notes..

The four choices of frontend languages enable the the developer to leverage their existing skills for developing applications in building out their pipeline.

For More Information

For examples of these frontend languages refer next to the dispatchfile.

For references on pipeline configuration, see the Pipeline Configuration Reference page.

Also, be sure to check out the list of CI tutorials for building out a pipeline see the CI tutorials for some commonly used scenarios.