
Limitations of DC/OS Apache Spark

  • Mesosphere does not provide support for Spark app development, such as writing a Python app to process data from Kafka or writing Scala code to process data from HDFS.

  • Spark jobs run in Docker containers. The first time you run a Spark job on a node, it might take longer than you expect because of the docker pull.

  • DC/OS Apache Spark only supports running the Spark shell from within a DC/OS cluster. See the Spark Shell section for more information. For interactive analytics, we recommend Zeppelin, which supports visualizations and dynamic dependency management.

  • With Spark SSL/TLS enabled, if you specify environment-based secrets with spark.mesos.[driver|executor].secret.envkeys, the keystore and truststore secrets will also show up as environment-based secrets, due to the way secrets are implemented. You can ignore these extra environment variables.

  • Anyone who has access to the Spark (Dispatcher) service instance has access to all secrets available to it. Do not grant users access to the Spark Dispatcher instance unless they are also permitted to access all secrets available to the Spark Dispatcher instance.

  • When using Kerberos and HDFS, the Spark Driver generates delegation tokens and distributes them to it’s Executors via RPC. Authentication of the Executors with the Driver is done with a shared secret. Without authentication, it is possible for executor containers to register with the Driver and retrieve the delegation tokens. To secure delegation token distribution, use the --executor-auth-secret option.

  • CNI limitations:

    • Configuration of network plugin labels from DC/OS UI supported only in JSON editing mode.
    • Network plugin labels are not supported by Docker containerizer.
    • Currently, DC/OS Admin Router doesn’t support virtual networks so DC/OS Spark endpoints will not be accessible from CLI and jobs need to be submitted from a routable network.