Prometheus Remote Storage to InfluxDB

Integrating Prometheus with remote storage InfluxDB

Remote Storage

DC/OS Prometheus local storage is not supposed to be long term data storage; rather, it is an ephemeral cache. The remote write and remote read features of Prometheus allow transparent sending and receiving of samples.

Prometheus remote storage on Influx DB

Prometheus supports a remote read and write API, which stores scraped data to other data storages. Writes get forwarded onto the remote store.


  1. Install InfluxDB
  2. Start InfluxDB service
  3. Create user and password
  4. Create db (where you would want Prometheus metrics to be stored).

Integration with InfluxDB

Once the InfluxDB service is up and running, the following configuration is required at the Prometheus end:


# Remote write configuration (for Graphite, OpenTSDB, or InfluxDB).
 - url: "http://<Public ip of influx server>:<influx service port>/api/v1/prom/write?u=<user>&p=<password>&db=<dbname>"

# Remote read configuration (for InfluxDB only at the moment).
 - url: "http://<Public ip of influx server>:<influx service port>/api/v1/prom/read?u=<user>&p=<password>&db=<dbname>"Sample :# Remote write configuration (for Graphite, OpenTSDB, or InfluxDB).


# Remote write configuration (for Graphite, OpenTSDB, or InfluxDB).
 - url: "<user>&p=<password>&db=prometheus_demo"

# Remote read configuration (for InfluxDB only at the moment).
 - url: "<user>&p=<password>&db=prometheus_demo"

InfluxDB listens at port number 8086, by default.