Quick Start

Getting Started with Percona Server for MongoDB



  1. Generate and save 4 x random passwords for the system-level MongoDB users (backup, userAdmin, clusterAdmin and clusterMonitor), using the openssl tool:

    $ openssl rand -base64 8
    $ openssl rand -base64 8
    $ openssl rand -base64 8
    $ openssl rand -base64 8
  2. Generate and save a 1023-length key for MongoDB using the openssl tool:

    $ openssl rand -base64 756
  3. Install and configure Percona-Server-MongoDB from the DC/OS web interface by adding the 4 x generated passwords and key to the required fields of the Mongodb Credentials section of the service config.

  4. The service will now deploy with a default configuration. You can monitor its deployment via the Services tab of the DC/OS web interface.

  5. Gather the dns names of the member nodes.

    $ dcos percona-server-mongodb endpoints mongo-port
          "address": [
          "dns": [
  6. Connect to MongoDB and add a non-admin user using the mongo shell tool and the userAdmin user (replace username/password for your situation).

    $ mongo mongodb://useradmin:useradminpassword@mongo-rs-0-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory,mongo-rs-1-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory,mongo-rs-2-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
    > use admin;
    > db.createUser({
          user: "myApp",
          pwd: "myAppPasswd123456",
          roles: [
              { db: "myApp", role: "readWrite" }
    > quit()

    You can also add a MongoDB user using the DC/OS CLI and a .json file describing the MongoDB user: ```shell` $ cat <myApp.json { “user”: “myApp”, “pwd”: “myAppPasswd123456”, “roles”: [ { “db”: “myApp”, “role”: “readWrite” } ] } EOF $ dcos percona-server-mongodb user add admin myApp.json

  7. Reconnect using your new application-level user myApp.

    $ mongo mongodb://myApp:myAppPasswd123456@mongo-rs-0-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory,mongo-rs-1-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory,mongo-rs-2-mongod.percona-server-mongodb.autoip.dcos.thisdcos.directory:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
  8. Change to MongoDB database myApp and write a document to the collection test.

    > use myApp;
    > db.test.insert({ message: "This is a test!" });
    WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
  9. Read all documents from collection test.

    > db.test.find()
    { "_id" : ObjectId("5ab8fa034af828c184b57616"), "message" : "this is a test!" }
  10. Get the number of documents for collection test.

    > db.test.count()
  11. Drop/delete the collection test.

    Note: Drops/deletes cannot be undone. Always back up important data before dropping it!
    > db.test.drop()

See Also