Known Issues

Known issues in DC/OS

The table below shows all limitations of the MongoDB service that are the result of issues in DC/OS in JIRA or the DC/OS SDK in Github.

Limitation Description Bugs
Automated MongoDB Backups not yet supported Automation of MongoDB backups is not yet supported. This feature is coming soon.
DC/OS Secret Store is not supported DC/OS Secret Store support for keys and passwords is blocked by DCOS_OSS-2326
Support Region/Zone awareness for Replica Sets Currently regions/zones are unsupported.
Cannot set WiredTiger cache size Currently WiredTiger uses default cache sizing, in most cases this is 50% of memory
Config: Memory swapiness Currently the framework is unable to set Virtual Memory swapiness to a recommended value for MongoDB.
Config: XFS Formatting Currently the framework is unable to enforce an XFS-based filesystem for storing MongoDB data. We strongly recommend WiredTiger-based installations (the default) run on DC/OS agent nodes using the XFS filesystem only! We also suggest the EXT3 filesystem is avoided due to poor performance.
Config: Transparent HugePages Currently the framework is unable to set Transparent HugePages (RedHat/Fedora/CentOS-only) to a recommended value for MongoDB. We recommend THP is disabled entirely on DC/OS agent nodes running this framework!