Reference information

Marathon-LB endpoints, command-line reference, and configuration templates and labels

Marathon-LB HAProxy endpoints

Marathon-LB automatically generates configuration information for the HAProxy program, then reloads and restarts HAProxy, as needed. Marathon-LB generates the HAProxy configuration based on application data available from the Marathon API. It can also subscribe to the Marathon Event Bus for real-time updates.

When an application starts, stops, relocates, or has any change in health status, Marathon-LB automatically regenerates the HAProxy configuration and reloads HAProxy.

Marathon-LB exposes the following endpoints on port 9090 by default.

Endpoint Description
public-node:9090/haproxy?stats The Statistics endpoint produces an HTML page that provides statistical information about the current HAProxy instance and its load balancing activity. You can view the statistics from this endpoint in your browser.
public-node:9090/haproxy?stats;csv The Statistics CSV endpoint provides statistical information about the current HAProxy instance and load balancing activity as comma-separated values (CSV). In CSV format, the information can be consumed by other tools. For example, this endpoint produces the results used in the script.
public-node:9090/_haproxy_health_check The Health check endpoint returns 200 OK if HAProxy is healthy.
public-node:9090/_haproxy_getconfig The Configuration endpoint returns the HAProxy configuration file as it was when HAProxy was started. Implemented in getconfig.lua.
public-node:9090/_haproxy_getvhostmap The Virtual-host-to-backend endpoint returns the HAProxy virtual host to backend map if the --haproxy-map flag is enabled. If you are not using the --haproxy-map option, the endpoint returns an empty string. Implemented in getmaps.lua.
public-node:9090/_haproxy_getappmap The App-ID-to-backend endpoint returns the HAProxy application identifier to backend map. Like _haproxy_getvhostmap, this endpoint requires you to enable the --haproxy-map option and returns an empty string otherwise. Also implemented in getmaps.lua.
public-node:9090/_haproxy_getpids The Process identifiers endpoint returns the PIDs for all HAProxy instances within the current process namespace. The endpoint literally returns the output of $(pidof haproxy). Implemented in getpids.lua. This endpoint is also used by the script to determine if connections have finished draining during a deployment.
public-node:9090/_mlb_signal/hup The Reload configuration endpoint sends a SIGHUP signal to the marathon-lb process, causing it to fetch the running apps from Marathon and reload the HAProxy configuration as though an event was received from Marathon.
public-node:9090/_mlb_signal/usr1 The Restart configuration endpoint sends a SIGUSR1 signal to the marathon-lb process, causing it to restart the HAProxy load balancer with the existing configuration, without checking Marathon for changes.

NOTE: The /_mlb_signal/hup and /_mlb_signal/usr1 endpoints do not function if Marathon-LB is running in poll mode. With the poll argument, Marathon-LB exits after each poll, so there is no running process to be signaled.

Marathon-LB command reference

Marathon-LB manages operations for the HAProxy program to provide high availability for applications running on high-volume websites. Marathon-LB relies on the script to perform the following key tasks:

  • Connects to the Marathon API to retrieve information about all running apps.

  • Generates and validates the Marathon-LB HAProxy configuration file settings.

  • Reloads the HAProxy program.

    Marathon-LB works with HAProxy configuration settings to provide load balancing

By default, Marathon-LB binds to the service port of every application and sends incoming requests to the application instances. Services are exposed on their service port as defined in their Marathon app definition. Furthermore, apps are only exposed on the load balancers that have the same load balancer group setting. The group setting is defined globally or in the app definition file by specifying the HAPROXY_GROUP label for individual applications.

Invoking marathon-lb directly

In most cases, the script runs in the background. However, you can also run the script directly from the command-line. For example, you can generate the HAProxy configuration information from Marathon by running the script for localhost:8080 with the following command:

./ --marathon http://localhost:8080 --group external --strict-mode --health-check

Specifying credentials when running marathon-lb

If Marathon requires authentication, you can include a user name and password using the --auth-credentials configuration option. For example:

./ --marathon http://localhost:8080 --auth-credentials=admin:password

You can also provide credentials from the VAULT if you define the following environment variables before running Marathon-LB:


If you set these environment variables, you should set the VAULT_PATH to the root path where your user account and password are located.

Skipping configuration validation

Running the script refreshes the haproxy.cfg configuration file. If there are any changes to the configuration file, the script automatically reloads the HAProxy program with the changes. You can skip the configuration file validation process if you don’t have HAProxy installed or if you are running HAProxy on Docker containers.

To skip validation of configuration settings, run the following command:

./ --marathon http://localhost:8080 --group external --skip-validation

Viewing complete usage information

If you run the script directly from the command line, you can specify additional functionality such as sticky sessions, HTTP to HTTPS redirection, SSL offloading, virtual host support, and the configuration templates to use.

To get the full command reference, run the following command:

./ --help

Running Docker commands for Marathon-LB

Marathon supports both Universal Container Runtime (using cgroups) and Docker containers and images. You can run Marathon-LB using a command similar to the following for Docker images:

docker run -e PORTS=$portnumber --net=host mesosphere/marathon-lb ...

This command uses the -e option to set the PORTS environment variable. The port number is required to allow the HAProxy program bind to this port. The -net option enables the command to connect a container to a specified network.

For example, to expose load-balanced applications from a Docker image on port 9090, you might run the following command:

docker run -e PORTS=9090 mesosphere/marathon-lb sse [other arguments]

Using server-sent events (sse)

If you specify the sse option, the Marathon-LB script connects to the Marathon events endpoint to get notified about state changes. You can use a command similar to the following to capture server-sent events (sse).

docker run mesosphere/marathon-lb sse [other arguments]

Determining the current status for Marathon-LB instances

If you can’t use the HTTP callbacks, you can run a command similar to the following to poll the scheduler state periodically:

docker run mesosphere/marathon-lb poll [other args]

You can also use environment variables to set other configuration options for Marathon-LB. For example, you can set the POLL_INTERVAL environment variable to change the poll interval from its default of 60 seconds.

Usage and command arguments

You can run the Marathon load balancer script ( directly from the command-line in a shell terminal or programmatically. The script accepts the following command-line options and arguments.

Usage [-h] [--longhelp] [--marathon MARATHON [MARATHON ...]]
                      [--haproxy-config HAPROXY_CONFIG] [--group GROUP]
                      [--command COMMAND]
                      [--max-reload-retries MAX_RELOAD_RETRIES]
                      [--reload-interval RELOAD_INTERVAL] [--strict-mode]
                      [--sse] [--archive-versions ARCHIVE_VERSIONS]
                      [--lru-cache-capacity LRU_CACHE_CAPACITY]
                      [--haproxy-map] [--dont-bind-http-https]
                      [--group-https-by-vhost] [--ssl-certs SSL_CERTS]
                      [--skip-validation] [--dry]
                      [--min-serv-port-ip-per-task MIN_SERV_PORT_IP_PER_TASK]
                      [--max-serv-port-ip-per-task MAX_SERV_PORT_IP_PER_TASK]
                      [--syslog-socket SYSLOG_SOCKET]
                      [--log-format LOG_FORMAT] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
                      [--marathon-auth-credential-file MARATHON_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE]
                      [--auth-credentials AUTH_CREDENTIALS]
                      [--dcos-auth-credentials DCOS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS]
                      [--marathon-ca-cert MARATHON_CA_CERT]

Required arguments

Argument Description
-m, --marathon MARATHON [MARATHON ...] Specifies one or more Marathon endpoints. This argument specifies the location of the Marathon containers for Marathon-LB to use. The default endpoint is http://master.mesos:8080. For example, you can use this argument to specify two Marathon instances like this: -m http://marathon1:8080 http://marathon2:8080.
--group GROUP Generates configuration information only for the apps with the specified group names. Use `*` to match all groups, including groups without a group name specified. The default is an empty string.

Optional arguments

Argument Description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--longhelp Print out configuration details. The default is false.
--haproxy-config HAPROXY_CONFIG Specifies the location of the `haproxy` configuration file. The default is /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
--command COMMAND, -c COMMAND If set, run this command to reload haproxy. The default is none.
--max-reload-retries MAX_RELOAD_RETRIES Specifies the maximum number if reload retries before failure. Reloads happen every --reload-interval seconds. Set to 0 to disable reloading attempts or -1 for infinite retries. The default is 10.
--reload-interval RELOAD_INTERVAL Waits the specified number of seconds between reload retries. The default is 10.
--strict-mode Enables backends to be advertised only if HAPROXY_{n}_ENABLED=true. Strict mode might be enabled by default in a future release. The default is false.
--sse, -s Uses server-sent events. The default is false.
--archive-versions ARCHIVE_VERSIONS Specifies the number of configuration versions to archive. The default is 5.
--health-check, -H Determines Marathon's health check status before adding the app instance into the backend pool. The default is false.
--lru-cache-capacity LRU_CACHE_CAPACITY Specifies the LRU cache size (in number of items). This argument should be at least as large as the number of tasks exposed to marathon-lb. The default is 1000.
--haproxy-map Uses HAProxy maps for domain name to backend mapping. The default is false.
--dont-bind-http-https Prevents binding to HTTP and HTTPS frontends. The default is false.
--group-https-by-vhost Groups https frontends by virtual host. The default is false.
--ssl-certs SSL_CERTS Lists SSL certificates separated by commas for frontend marathon_https_in. The default is /etc/ssl/cert.pem. For example: /etc/ssl/,/etc/ssl/
--skip-validation Skips haproxy configuration file validation. The default is false.
--dry, -d Only prints configuration information to the console. The default is false.
--min-serv-port-ip-per-task MIN_SERV_PORT_IP_PER_TASK Specifies the minimum port number to use when auto-assigning service ports for IP-per-task applications. The default is 10050.
--max-serv-port-ip-per-task MAX_SERV_PORT_IP_PER_TASK Specifies the maximum port number to use when auto-assigning service ports for IP-per-task applications. The default is 10100.
--syslog-socket SYSLOG_SOCKET Specifies the socket to write syslog messages to. Use /dev/null to disable logging to syslog. The default is /dev/log.
-log-format LOG_FORMAT Sets the log message format. The default is %(asctime)-15s %(name)s: %(message)s.
--log-level LOG_LEVEL Sets the log level, The default is DEBUG.
--marathon-auth-credential-file MARATHON_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE Specifies the path to file containing a user name and password for the Marathon HTTP API in the format of user:pass. The default is none.
--auth-credentials AUTH_CREDENTIALS Specifies the user name and password for the Marathon HTTP API in the format of user:pass. The default is none.
--dcos-auth-credentials DCOS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS Specifies the DC/OS service account credentials. The default is none.
--dcos-auth-credentials DCOS_AUTH_CREDENTIALS Specifies the DC/OS service account credentials. The default is none.
--marathon-ca-cert MARATHON_CA_CERT Specifies the CA certificate for Marathon HTTPS connections. The default is none.

Template and label reference

The following is a list of the available HAProxy configuration templates. Some templates are global-only (such as HAPROXY_HEAD), but most can be specified on a per service port basis as app labels to override the global settings.

The templates and app labels that can be set per-service-port include an index identifier {n} in the template or label name. The index identifier corresponds to the service port index, beginning at 0, to which the app label applies. For example, you could specify HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HEAD to override the global template HAPROXY_BACKUP_HEAD for the first port of a given application.

Backend template settings

Use the following template and app labels to configure backend settings for the load balancer.

Template name Description and examples
HAPROXY_BACKEND_HEADDefines the type of load balancing and the connection mode for a backend. The default load balancing type (algorithm) is roundrobin. The default connection mode is tcp.

The valid values for the load balancing type include:

  • roundrobin - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights. This algorithm is dynamic and ensures processing time remains equally distributed.
  • static-rr - Each server is used in turns, according to their weights. This algorithm is as similar to roundrobin except that it is static.
  • leastconn - The server with the least number of connections receives the next connection request. Round-robin selection is performed within groups of servers that have the same load to ensure that all servers are used. This algorithm is recommended when long sessions, such as LDAP or SQL sessions are expected, is not appropriate for protocols using short sessions such as HTTP.
  • source - The source IP address is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running servers to designate which server should receive the request. This algorithm ensures that the same client IP address always reaches the same server as long as no server goes down or up. If the hash result changes because the number of running servers has changed, clients are directed to a different server. This algorithm is generally used with TCP mode or for clients that refuse session cookies.
  • uri - This algorithm hashes either the left part of the URI (before the question mark) or the whole URI (if the “whole” parameter is present) and divides the hash value by the total weight of the running servers. The result designates which server receives the request.

You can set the connection mode to tcp, http, or health.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_HEAD is: backend {backend} balance {balance} mode {mode}

You can override this template using the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HEAD”: “\nbackend {backend}\n balance {balance}\n mode {mode}\n”

Specifies the backend options to use where the HAPROXY_{n}_USE_HSTS app label that enables the HSTS response header for HTTP clients is set to true.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_HSTS_OPTIONS is: rspadd Strict-Transport-Security:\ max-age=15768000

You can override this template using the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HSTS_OPTIONS”: " rspadd Strict-Transport-Security:\ max-age=15768000\n"

Sets HTTP health check options, such as the health check timeout interval and consecutive failures allowed.

The valid options for the first health check or the first health check for a given service are exposed as follows:

  • healthCheckPortIndex
  • healthCheckPort
  • healthCheckProtocol
  • healthCheckPath
  • healthCheckTimeoutSeconds
  • healthCheckIntervalSeconds
  • healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds
  • healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures
  • healthCheckFalls (healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures + 1)
  • healthCheckPortOptions (port {healthCheckPort})

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS is: option httpchk GET {healthCheckPath timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s

You can override this template using the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS”: " option httpchk GET {healthCheckPath}\n timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s\n"

Sets HTTP headers, for example, X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_HTTP_OPTIONS is: option forwardfor http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port] http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }

You can override this template using the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_HTTP_OPTIONS”: " option forwardfor\n http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]\n http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }\n"

Redirects backends if the HAPROXY_{n}_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS label is set to true.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS is: redirect scheme https code 301 if !{{ ssl_fc }} host_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS": " redirect scheme https code 301 if !{{ ssl_fc }} host_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

Redirects backends if the `HAPROXY_{n}_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS_WITH_PATH` label is set to true, but includes a path.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_WITH_PATH is: redirect scheme https code 301 if !{{ ssl_fc }} host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_WITH_PATH”: " redirect scheme https code 301 if !{{ ssl_fc }} host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Sets HTTP health check options, such as the health check timeout interval, for a single server.

The valid options for the first health check or the first health check for a given service are exposed as follows:

  • healthCheckPortIndex
  • healthCheckPort
  • healthCheckProtocol
  • healthCheckPath
  • healthCheckTimeoutSeconds
  • healthCheckIntervalSeconds
  • healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds
  • healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures
  • healthCheckFalls (healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures + 1)
  • healthCheckPortOptions (port {healthCheckPort})

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_SERVER_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS is: check inter {healthCheckIntervalSeconds}s fall {healthCheckFalls}{healthCheckPortOptions}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_SERVER_HTTP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS”: " check inter {healthCheckIntervalSeconds}s fall {healthCheckFalls}{healthCheckPortOptions}\n"

Specifies the options for each server added to a backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_SERVER_OPTIONS is: server {serverName} {host_ipv4}:{port}{cookieOptions}{healthCheckOptions}{otherOptions}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_SERVER_OPTIONS”: " server {serverName} {host_ipv4}:{port}{cookieOptions}{healthCheckOptions}{otherOptions}\n"

Sets TCP health check options, such as the health check timeout interval, for a single server.

The valid options for the first health check or the first health check for a given service are exposed as follows:

  • healthCheckPortIndex
  • healthCheckPort
  • healthCheckProtocol
  • healthCheckTimeoutSeconds
  • healthCheckIntervalSeconds
  • healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds
  • healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures
  • healthCheckFalls (healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures + 1)
  • healthCheckPortOptions (port {healthCheckPort})

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_SERVER_TCP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS is: check inter {healthCheckIntervalSeconds}s fall {healthCheckFalls}{healthCheckPortOptions}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_SERVER_TCP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS”: " check inter {healthCheckIntervalSeconds}s fall {healthCheckFalls}{healthCheckPortOptions}\n"

HAPROXY_BACKEND_STICKY_OPTIONS Sets a cookie for services where HAPROXY_{n}_STICKY is true.

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_STICKY_OPTIONS is: cookie mesosphere_server_id insert indirect nocache

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_STICKY_OPTIONS”: " cookie mesosphere_server_id insert indirect nocache\n"

Sets TCP health check options,such as the timeout check.

The valid options for the first health check or the first health check for a given service are exposed as follows:

  • healthCheckPortIndex
  • healthCheckPort
  • healthCheckProtocol
  • healthCheckTimeoutSeconds
  • healthCheckIntervalSeconds
  • healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds
  • healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures
  • healthCheckFalls (healthCheckMaxConsecutiveFailures + 1)
  • healthCheckPortOptions (port {healthCheckPort})

The default template for HAPROXY_BACKEND_TCP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS is an empty string.

The following example sets a timeout check: timeout check {healthCheckTimeoutSeconds}s

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_BACKEND_TCP_HEALTHCHECK_OPTIONS”: “”

Defines the HTTPS backend for vhost.

You must enable the group-https-by-vhost option to use this setting. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_GROUPED_VHOST_BACKEND_HEAD is: backend {name} server loopback-for-tls abns@{name} send-proxy-v2

Denies access for all IP addresses (or IP ranges) that are not explicitly allowed to access the HTTP backend. Use this template with HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ACL. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_ACL_ALLOW_DENY is: http-request allow if network_allowed http-request deny

Specifies the IP addresses (or IP ranges) that have access to the HTTP backend. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ACL is: acl network_allowed src {network_allowed}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_BACKEND_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ACL”: " acl network_allowed src {network_allowed}\n"

Specifies the backend glue for HAPROXY_{n}_HTTP_BACKEND_PROXYPASS_PATH.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_PROXYPASS_GLUE is: http-request set-header Host {hostname} reqirep “^([^ :])\ {proxypath}/?(.)” “\1\ /\2”

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0)of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_BACKEND_PROXYPASS_GLUE”: " http-request set-header Host {hostname}\n reqirep “^([^ :])\ {proxypath}/?(.)” “\1\ /\2”\n"

HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_REDIR Sets the path to which you want to redirect the root of the domain.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_REDIR is: acl is_root path -i / acl is_domain hdr(host) -i {hostname} redirect code 301 location {redirpath} if is_domain is_root

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_BACKEND_REDIR”: " acl is_root path -i /\n acl is_domain hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n redirect code 301 location {redirpath} if is_domain is_root\n"

Specifies the backend glue for HAPROXY_{n}_HTTP_BACKEND_REVPROXY_PATH.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_BACKEND_REVPROXY_GLUE is: acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found rspirep “^Location: (https?://{hostname}(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*)” “Location: {rootpath} if hdr_location”

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0)of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_BACKEND_REVPROXY_GLUE”: " acl hdr_location res.hdr(Location) -m found\n rspirep “^Location: (https?://{hostname}(:[0-9]+)?)?(/.*)” “Location: {rootpath} if hdr_location”\n"

Denies access for all IP addresses (or IP address ranges) that are not explicitly allowed to access the TCP backend. This global template cannot be overridden by service port or application.

The default template for HAPROXY_TCP_BACKEND_ACL_ALLOW_DENY is: tcp-request content accept if network_allowed tcp-request content reject

Specifies the IP addresses (or IP address ranges) that have been granted access to the TCP backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_TCP_BACKEND_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ACL is: acl network_allowed src {network_allowed}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_TCP_BACKEND_NETWORK_ALLOWED_ACL”: " acl network_allowed src {network_allowed}\n"

Frontend template settings

Use the following template and app labels to configure frontend settings for the load balancer.

Template name Description and examples
HAPROXY_FRONTEND_BACKEND_GLUE Glues the backend to the frontend.

The default template for HAPROXY_FRONTEND_BACKEND_GLUE is: use_backend {backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_FRONTEND_BACKEND_GLUE”: " use_backend {backend}\n"

HAPROXY_FRONTEND_HEAD Defines the address and port to bind to for this frontend.

The default template for HAPROXY_FRONTEND_HEAD is: frontend {backend} bind {bindAddr}:{servicePort}{sslCert}{bindOptions} mode {mode}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_FRONTEND_HEAD”: “\nfrontend {backend}\n bind {bindAddr}:{servicePort}{sslCert}{bindOptions}\n mode {mode}\n”

Specifies the ACL that performs the SNI based hostname matching for the HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD template.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL is: use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL”: " use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }}\n"

Defines the access control list (ACL) frontend that matches a particular host name with a path. This template is similar to HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH, but is only applicable for HTTPS requests.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH is: acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH”: " acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host of the HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD through HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH is: acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend}) http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH”: " acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }}\n"

Specifies the ACL that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host with path of the HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD through HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH_AND_PATH is: acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend}) http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH_AND_PATH”: " acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend}\n"

Specifies the ACL that performs the SNI based hostname matching with path for the HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD template.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH is: use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH”: " use_backend {backend} if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} path_{backend}\n"

Specifies the HTTP authentication ACL for the corresponding virtual host.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_AUTH_ACL_ONLY is: acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_AUTH_ACL_ONLY”: " acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n"

Specifies the HTTP authentication request forthe corresponding virtual host.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_AUTH_REQUEST_ONLY is: http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_AUTH_REQUEST_ONLY”: " http-request auth realm “{realm}” if {{ ssl_fc_sni {hostname} }} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD Specifies an HTTPS frontend for encrypted connections that binds to port *:443 by default and gathers all virtual hosts as defined by the HAPROXY_{n}_VHOST label. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

You must modify this template setting if you want to include your SSL certificate. The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD is: frontend marathon_https_in bind *:443 ssl {sslCerts} mode http

Works in combination with HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH to glue ACL names to the appropriate backend. The default template for `HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH` is: http-request auth realm "{realm}" if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH”: " http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Defines the HTTPS frontend for encrypted connections that binds to port *:443 by default and gathers all virtual hosts as defined by the HAPROXY_{n}_VHOST label. This template is useful for adding client certificates per domain.

You must enable the group-https-by-vhost option to use this setting. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_GROUPED_FRONTEND_HEAD is: frontend marathon_https_in bind *:443 mode tcp tcp-request inspect-delay 5s tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

Specifies a route rule HTTPS entrypoint.

You must enable the group-https-by-vhost option to use this setting. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_GROUPED_VHOST_FRONTEND_ACL is: use_backend {backend} if {{ req_ssl_sni -i {host} }}

Specifies the HTTPS frontend for the virtual host.

You must enable the group-https-by-vhost option to use this setting. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application. The default template for HAPROXY_HTTPS_GROUPED_VHOST_FRONTEND_HEAD is: frontend {name} mode http bind abns@{name} accept-proxy ssl {sslCerts}{bindOpts}

HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host of the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL` is: acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL”: " acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

Defines the access control list (ACL) that matches a particular host name. Unlike HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL, this template only includes the ACL portion. It does not glue the access control list (ACL) to the backend. You should only use this template if you have multiple virtual hosts routing to the same backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY is: acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY”: " acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n"

Defines the access control list (ACL) that matches a particular host name with a path. Unlike HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH, this template only includes the ACL portion. It does not glue the access control list (ACL) to the backend. You should only use this template if you have multiple virtual hosts routing to the same backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH is: acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH”: " acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}\n"

Defines the access control list (ACL) that matches a particular host name with a path and authentication method. Unlike HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH, this template only includes the ACL portion. It does not glue the access control list (ACL) to the backend. You should only use this template if you have multiple virtual hosts routing to the same backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH is: acl path_{backend} path_beg {path} acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH”: " acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}\n acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD setting through HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH is: acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname} acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend}) http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH”: " acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host with the path specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD setting through HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH_AND_PATH is: acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname} acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend}) acl path_{backend} path_beg {path} http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_AUTH_AND_PATH”: " acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}\n http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host with the path specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD setting.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH is: acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname} acl path_{backend} path_beg {path} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_WITH_PATH”: " acl host_{cleanedUpHostname} hdr(host) -i {hostname}\n acl path_{backend} path_beg {path}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding app specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_HEAD setting.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_ACL is: acl app_{cleanedUpAppId} hdr(x-marathon-app-id) -i {appId} use_backend {backend} if app_{cleanedUpAppId}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_ACL”: " acl app_{cleanedUpAppId} hdr(x-marathon-app-id) -i {appId}\n use_backend {backend} if app_{cleanedUpAppId}\n"

Specifies the HTTP frontend that binds to port *:9091 by default and gathers all apps in HTTP mode. To use this frontend to forward to your app, configure the app with HAPROXY_0_MODE=http then you can access it via a call to the :9091 with the header "X-Marathon-App-Id" set to the Marathon AppId. Note multiple HTTP ports being exposed by the same marathon app are not supported. Only the first HTTP port is available using this frontend.

This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_HEAD is: frontend marathon_http_appid_in bind *:9091 mode http

HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD Specifies the HTTP frontend that binds to port *:80 by default and gathers all virtual hosts as defined by the HAPROXY_{n}_VHOST label. This template is a global template that cannot be modified by service port or per application.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD is: frontend marathon_http_in bind *:80 mode http

Works in combination with the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY setting to map access control list (ACL) names to their appropriate backends.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY is: use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY”: " use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

Works in combination with the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY setting to map the access control list name to the appropriate backend and to add HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_AUTH is: acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend}) http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_AUTH”: " acl auth_{cleanedUpHostname} http_auth(user_{backend})\n http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname}\n"

Works in combination with the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH setting to map access control list (ACL) names to the appropriate backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH is: use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH”: " use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Works in combination with the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY_WITH_PATH setting to map access control list names to the appropriate backend.

The default template for HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH is: http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname} use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_HTTP_FRONTEND_ROUTING_ONLY_WITH_PATH_AND_AUTH”: " http-request auth realm “{realm}” if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend} !auth_{cleanedUpHostname}\n use_backend {backend} if host_{cleanedUpHostname} path_{backend}\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that performs the SNI-based host name matching for the HAPROXY_HTTPS_FRONTEND_HEAD template using HAProxy maps.

The default template for HAPROXY_MAP_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL is: use_backend %[ssl_fc_sni,lower,map({haproxy_dir}/

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_MAP_HTTPS_FRONTEND_ACL”: " use_backend %[ssl_fc_sni,lower,map({haproxy_dir}/]\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding virtual host specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_HEAD setting using HAProxy maps.

The default template for HAPROXY_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL is: use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,regsub(:.*$,),map({haproxy_dir}/

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL”: " use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,regsub(:.*$,),map({haproxy_dir}/]\n"

Defines the access control list (ACL) that matches a particular host name, You should only use this template if you have multiple virtual hosts routing to the same backend in the HAProxy map.

The default template for HAPROXY_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY is: use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,regsub(:.*$,),map({haproxy_dir}/

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_ACL_ONLY”: " use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,regsub(:.*$,),map({haproxy_dir}/]\n"

Specifies the access control list (ACL) that glues a backend to the corresponding app specified by the HAPROXY_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_HEAD setting using HAProxy maps.

The default template for HAPROXY_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_ACL is: use_backend %[req.hdr(x-marathon-app-id),lower,map({haproxy_dir}/

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_MAP_HTTP_FRONTEND_APPID_ACL”: " use_backend %[req.hdr(x-marathon-app-id),lower,map({haproxy_dir}/]\n"

User authentication list setting

Use the following template and app label to configure basic user name and password settings for the load balancer.

Template name Description and examples
HAPROXY_USERLIST_HEAD Specifies the user list for HTTP Basic authentication.

The default template for HAPROXY_USERLIST_HEAD is: userlist user_{backend} user {user} password {passwd}

You can override this template with the following app label for the first port (0) of a given app: “HAPROXY_0_USERLIST_HEAD”: “\nuserlist user_{backend}\n user {user} password {passwd}\n”

Global header settings

Use the following template to configure default header settings for the load balancer.

Template name Description and examples
HAPROXY_HEAD Specifies header information for the HAProxy configuration file. This template contains global settings and defaults. This template cannot be overridden by service port or application-based settings.

The default template for HAPROXY_HEAD is:

  log /dev/log local0
  log /dev/log local1 notice
  spread-checks 5
  max-spread-checks 15000
  maxconn 50000
  tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
  ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3 no-tlsv10 no-tls-tickets
  ssl-default-server-options no-sslv3 no-tlsv10 no-tls-tickets
  stats socket /var/run/haproxy/socket expose-fd listeners
  server-state-file global
  server-state-base /var/state/haproxy/
  lua-load /marathon-lb/getpids.lua
  lua-load /marathon-lb/getconfig.lua
  lua-load /marathon-lb/getmaps.lua
  lua-load /marathon-lb/signalmlb.lua
  load-server-state-from-file global
  log               global
  retries                   3
  backlog               10000
  maxconn               10000
  timeout connect          3s
  timeout client          30s
  timeout server          30s
  timeout tunnel        3600s
  timeout http-keep-alive  1s
  timeout http-request    15s
  timeout queue           30s
  timeout tarpit          60s
  option            dontlognull
  option            http-server-close
  option            redispatch
listen stats
  mode http
  stats enable
  monitor-uri /_haproxy_health_check
  acl getpid path /_haproxy_getpids
  http-request use-service lua.getpids if getpid
  acl getvhostmap path /_haproxy_getvhostmap
  http-request use-service lua.getvhostmap if getvhostmap
  acl getappmap path /_haproxy_getappmap
  http-request use-service lua.getappmap if getappmap
  acl getconfig path /_haproxy_getconfig
  http-request use-service lua.getconfig if getconfig

  acl signalmlbhup path /_mlb_signal/hup
  http-request use-service lua.signalmlbhup if signalmlbhup
  acl signalmlbusr1 path /_mlb_signal/usr1
  http-request use-service lua.signalmlbusr1 if signalmlbusr1

Additional application labels

You can use the following labels to configure additional application settings.

Label name Description and examples
HAPROXY_{n}_AUTH Specifies the HTTP authentication method to use for the application on the given service port index.

For example, you can use this label to specify the realm name for Basic authentication:

HAPROXY_0_AUTH = realm:username:encryptedpassword

For details on configuring authentication methods, see HTTP Basic authentication

Sets the index of the port to use as the dedicated port for the backend health checks associated with a given service port. By default, the index for the backend health check is the same as the index used for the service port.

For example, if an app exposes two ports–9000 and 9001–you can specify one port for application activity, and one port for for receiving health check information:

portMappings": [ { “containerPort”: 9000, “hostPort”: 0, “servicePort”: 0, “protocol”: “tcp” }, { “containerPort”: 9001, “hostPort”: 0, “servicePort”: 0, “protocol”: “tcp” }

You can then specify that you want to use port 9001 to perform the backend health checks:

Sets the IP addresses (or IP address ranges) that have been granted access to the backend.

For example, you could set the following app label to restrict access to the specified IP addresses and


By default, every IP address is allowed.

Specifies the order in which to enforce permissions if there are multiple backends sharing the access control lists for virtual hosts and paths. For example, if you are using a virtual host and have path access control lists that are shared by multiple backends, the order of the ACLs affects how permissions are granted for the application.

With HAPROXY_{n}_BACKEND_WEIGHT, you can change the order used to evaluated the ACLs by specifying a weight. The ACLs for the backends are then applied from largest to smallest weight.

If you don’t specify a value, the default weight of zero (0) is used. By default, any backends that use HAPROXY_{n}_PATH will have a weight of 1.


HAPROXY_{n}_BALANCE Sets the load balancing algorithm to be used in a backend. The default is `roundrobin`.

For example:

HAPROXY_0_BALANCE = 'leastconn'
HAPROXY_{n}_BIND_ADDR Binds the load balancer to the specific address for the service.

For example:

Sets additional bind options.

For example:

HAPROXY_0_BIND_OPTIONS = 'ciphers AES128+EECDH:AES128+EDH force-tlsv12 no-sslv3 no-tlsv10'
Specifies an alternate service port to be used during a blue/green deployment.
Specifies the color to use for blue/green deployment. This label is used if you run the `` script to determine the state of a deployment. You generally do not need to modify this label setting unless you implement your own deployment orchestrator.
Specifies the deployment group to which this app belongs.
Specifies the time at which a deployment started. You generally do not need to modify this unless you implement your own deployment orchestrator.
Specifies the target number of app instances to seek during deployment. You generally do not need to modify this unless you implement your own deployment orchestrator.
HAPROXY_{n}_ENABLED Enables this backend. By default, all backends are enabled. To disable backends by default, specify the `--strict-mode` option.

For example:


HAPROXY_{n}_GROUP Specifies the HAProxy group per service. This app label enables you to use a different HAProxy group per service port. This label setting overrides `HAPROXY_GROUP` for the particular service. If you have both external and internal services running on same set of instances on different ports, you can use this setting to add them to different HAProxy configurations.

For example:

HAPROXY_0_GROUP = 'external' HAPROXY_1_GROUP = 'internal'

If you run marathon_lb with the --group external option, the command adds the service on HAPROXY_0_PORT (or the first service port if HAPROXY_0_HOST is not configured) to the HAProxy configuration.

Similarly, if you run marathon-lb with the --group internal, the command adds the service on HAPROXY_1_PORT to the HAProxy configuration. If the HAProxy configuration includes a combination of HAPROXY_GROUP and HAPROXY_{n}_GROUP settings, the more specific definition takes precedence.

For example, you might have a load balancing configuration where a service running on HAPROXY_0_PORT is associated with just the ‘external’ HAProxy group and not the ‘internal’ HAProxy group.

HAPROXY_0_GROUP = 'external' HAPROXY_GROUP = 'internal'

In this example, there is no group setting defined for the second service. With this configuration, marathon-lb falls back to using the default HAPROXY_GROUP, which is then associated with the internal HAPorxy group. Load balancers with the group set to ‘*’ collect all groups.

Sets the location to use for mapping local server URLs to remote servers + URL.

For example:


Sets the URL in HTTP response headers sent from a reverse proxied server. This label only updates the Location, Content-Location, and URL fields.

For example:


HAPROXY_{n}_MODE Sets the connection mode to either TCP or HTTP. The default is TCP.

The following exceptions apply: If you don’t specify the HAPROXY_{n}_VHOST label and have not set HAPROXY_{n}_MODE, the mode is set to http.

If you have configured a health check for the given port and the protocol field is set to one of ‘HTTP’, ‘HTTPS’, ‘MESOS_HTTP’, ‘MESOS_HTTPS’, the mode is overridden to ‘http’, regardless of the value of the HAPROXY_{n}_MODE label. For example:

HAPROXY_0_MODE = 'http'
HAPROXY_{n}_PATH Specifies the HTTP path to match, starting at the beginning. You can specify multiple paths separated by spaces. The syntax matches that of the `path_beg` configuration option used in other templates and labels.

To use the path routing, you must also define a virtual host.

If you have multiple backends which share virtual hosts or paths, you can manually specify the order of the backend ACLs with the HAPROXY_{n}_BACKEND_WEIGHT setting. For HAProxy, the use_backend directive is evaluated in the order it appears in the configuration.

For example:
HAPROXY_0_PATH = '/v2/api/derp’ HAPROXY_0_PATH = ‘-i /multiple /paths’

HAPROXY_{n}_PORT Binds to the specified port number for the service. This setting overrides the servicePort which has to be unique. For example: HAPROXY_0_PORT = 80
Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Requires at least one virtual host be set. For example: HAPROXY_0_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS = true
HAPROXY_{n}_SSL_CERT Enables the given SSL certificate for TLS/SSL traffic. For example: HAPROXY_0_SSL_CERT = '/etc/ssl/cert.pem'
HAPROXY_{n}_STICKY Enables sticky request routing for the service. For example:


HAPROXY_{n}_USE_HSTS Enables the HSTS response header for the HTTP clients that support it. For example:


HAPROXY_{n}_VHOST Specifies the Marathon HTTP virtual host proxy host name(s) to gather.

If you have multiple backends that share the same virtual host names or paths, you might need to manually specify the appropriate order to use for the backend access control lists using the HAPROXY_{n}_BACKEND_WEIGHT setting. The HAProxy use_backend directive is evaluated in the order it appears in the configuration.

For example:

HAPROXY_0_VHOST = ',marathon'