Release Notes

Release notes for DC/OS Kubernetes version 2.4.5-1.15.5

Version 2.4.5-1.15.5

Breaking Changes from 1.x

  • DC/OS Kubernetes 2.4.5-1.15.5 requires DC/OS 1.12.
  • DC/OS Kubernetes 2.4.5-1.15.5 introduces breaking changes to the way the package works and is deployed. Therefore, it is not possible to upgrade an existing installation of DC/OS Kubernetes 1.x to 2.4.5-1.15.5.
  • Before installing kubernetes-cluster package 2.4.5-1.15.5, the kubernetes package must be installed and running.
  • It is no longer possible to install DC/OS Kubernetes on DC/OS Enterprise without specifying a service account and a service account secret with adequate permissions.
  • Package options have been renamed and re-organized.
    • node_placement renamed to private_node_placement
    • reserved_resources renamed to private_reserved_resources
    • control_plane_reserved_resources contains the combined resources from previous 1.x options apiserver, controller_manager and scheduler and 2.0.0-1.12.0-beta options control_plane_cpus, control_plane_mem and control_plane_disk were moved to under this group.


  • Kubernetes 1.15.5
  • Docker 19.03.3

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where the kubelets running in control-plane tasks sometimes report invalid allocatable resources for pods.
  • Ensure that control-plane kubelets are always labeled correctly.


Known Issues

Known issues and limitations are listed in the Limitations page.


See Changelog for a list of all changes.