Release Notes

Discover the new features, updates, and known limitations in this release of the Kafka ZooKeeper Service

Version 2.7.0-3.4.14


New Features

  • Added support for DC/OS Storage Service (DSS). See official DSS docs for more details.
  • By upgrading the SDK, Kafka now comes with support for:
    • Quota enforcement
    • Node draining

Version 2.6.0-3.4.14


  • Upgrade the base dcos-commons SDK version to 0.56.1.
  • Upgrade Zookeeper base tech to version 3.4.14. See Zookeeper’s Release Notes for details.
  • Oracle JDK is replaced by OpenJDK 8.

New Features

  • Autosuggestion is available for Service Account and Secrets when launching the service from DC/OS UI
  • Added marathon service scheduler checks

Version 2.5.0-3.4.13


  • Upgrade the base dcos-commons SDK version to 0.55.2.

New Features

  • Number of open file descriptors is now configurable via the RLIMIT_NOFILE_SOFT and RLIMIT_NOFILE_HARD configuration parameters.
  • Timeouts for readiness checks are now configurable via the READINESS_CHECK_INTERVAL, READINESS_CHECK_DELAY and READINESS_CHECK_TIMEOUT configuration parameters.

Version 2.4.0-3.4.13


  • The service now uses Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.13

Bug Fixes

  • [DCOS-40634] Fix a bug where if one node goes down and the other nodes are restarted, it will cause a crashloop.