Release Notes

Discover the new features, updates, and known limitations in this release of the Hive Metastore Service

Release Notes for the Hive Metastore Service version 1.0.0-3.0.0

This is the first release of the Hive Metastore! Please read the documentation for details, but some highlights include:

  • Support for the following databases: Derby, MySQL, Percona-MySQL
  • Ability to easily configure each node’s resources
  • Support for high-availability with the ability to horizontally scale out
  • Automatic generation of the metastore-site.xml file and exposure of it through the endpoints CLI command
  • Beeline CLI support
  • Uses SDK version 0.56.1
  • Support for the DC/OS Storage Service
  • For more information, see the release notes for version 0.56.1