HDFS 2.5.0-2.6.0-cdh5.11.0

HFDS is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy and manage clusters on DC/OS

Welcome to the documentation for DC/OS Apache HDFS. DC/OS Apache HDFS is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy and manage an HA (High Availability) Apache HDFS cluster on Mesosphere DC/OS. Apache HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is an open source distributed file system based on Google’s GFS (Google File System) paper. It is a replicated and distributed file system interface for use with “big data” and “fast data” applications.


DC/OS Apache HDFS offers the following benefits:

  • Easy installation
  • Multiple Apache HDFS clusters
  • Elastic scaling of data nodes
  • Integrated monitoring


DC/OS Apache HDFS provides the following features:

  • Single-command installation for rapid provisioning
  • Persistent storage volumes for enhanced data durability
  • Runtime configuration and software updates for high availability
  • Health checks and metrics for monitoring
  • Distributed storage scale out
  • HA name service with Quorum Journaling and ZooKeeper failure detection