Customizing Edge-LB templates

How to customize Edge-LB load balancing by modifying templates.

Edge-LB uses templates to configure load balancing settings. This tutorial demonstrates how you can create a custom haproxy template for Edge-LB to support Basic authentication.

In this tutorial, you use settings in the custom haproxy template to create at a simple userlist that defines the authenticated and authorized users who are allowed access using frontend and backend configuration settings.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • An active and properly-configured DC/OS Enterprise cluster.
  • Edge-LB installed as described in the Edge-LB installation instructions.
  • The edgelb command-line interface (CLI) installed.

Create a custom template

To create a custom template for basic authentication:

  1. Install Edge-LB as described Installing Edge-LB.

  2. Create an Edge-LB pool as described in Expose and load balance a service.

  3. Fetch the template for the Edge-LB pool you created in the previous step and save it to a file named haproxy.tmpl:

    dcos edgelb template show <pool-name> > haproxy.tmpl

    For example, if you created the ping-lb pool, use the command:

    dcos edgelb template show ping-lb > haproxy.tmpl
  4. Open the haproxy.tmpl template you created in the previous step in a text editor.

  5. Modify the haproxy.tmpl file to create a basic-auth user list with user names and passwords for a set of regular and administrative users:

    userlist basic-auth
      group regular-users
      group admin-users
      user admin  password ASYRtiLFCipT6 groups admin-users
      user drew password n5se4LwUfAW1sqA groups regular-users
      user luz password x18R29iAdV/$1QU groups regular-users
      user guest insecure-password guestpassword
  6. Create an access control list (ACL) rule inside the backend section for the users and groups you defined in the userlist who are allowed to access the load balanced service:

    acl example-auth http_auth(basic-auth)
    http-request auth realm example unless example-auth
  7. Create an access control list (ACL) rule inside the backend section to grant different access rights to users who belong to the admin-users group that you defined in the userlist:

    acl itadmin-auth http_auth_group(basic-auth) admin-users
    http-request auth realm itadmin unless itadmin-auth
  8. Create additional access control list (ACL) rules inside the frontend section to grant limited access to the users who do not belong to the admin-users or regular-users groups that you defined in the userlist:

    acl guest-users hdr_dom(host) -i
    acl basic-auth-user http_auth(basic-auth)
    acl basic-auth-user-with-group  http_auth_group(basic-auth) admin-users regular-users
    http-request auth realm guest if guest-users !basic-auth-user OR guest-users basic-auth-user-with-group
    use_backend web-guest-production if guest-users
  9. Verify your user list and the access control rules you have set for the frontend and backend sections:

    userlist basic-auth
      group regular-users
      group admin-users
      user admin  password ASYRtiLFCipT6 groups admin-users
      user drew password n5se4LwUfAW1sqA groups regular-users
      user luz password x18R29iAdV/$1QU groups regular-users
      user guest insecure-password guestpassword
    frontend web
      bind :80
      #bind :443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/cert/
      option httplog
      log /dev/log local0 debug
      option forwardfor except
      option forwardfor header X-Real-IP
      #redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
      # ACL rule for general access for users defined in backend
      acl example hdr_dom(host) -i
      use_backend web-example-production if example
      # ACL rule for admin-users group member defined in the backend
      acl itadmin hdr_dom(host) -i
      use_backend web-example-production if itadmin
      # ACL rules for guests who are not admin-users or regular-users
      acl guest-users hdr_dom(host) -i
      acl basic-auth-user http_auth(basic-auth)
      acl basic-auth-user-with-group  http_auth_group(basic-auth) admin-users regular-users
      http-request auth realm guest if guest-users !basic-auth-user OR guest-users basic-auth-user-with-group
      use_backend web-guest-production if guest-users
    backend web-example-production
      acl example-auth http_auth(basic-auth)
      http-request auth realm example unless example-auth
      mode http
      server example
    backend web-itadmin-production
      acl itadmin-auth http_auth_group(basic-auth) admin-users
      http-request auth realm itadmin unless itadmin-auth
      mode http
      server itadmin
    backend web-guest-production
      mode http
      server guest
  10. Update the Edge-LB pool to use the custom template:

    dcos edgelb template update <pool-name> haproxy.tmpl

    For example, if the pool is ping-lb, use the command:

    dcos edgelb template update ping-lb haproxy.tmpl