Uninstalling Edge-LB

How to uninstall the Edge-LB package

You can remove the Edge-LB API server and pool packages interactively or programmatically using the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) or Edge-LB API calls. You should not use the DC/OS™ web-based console or the core DC/OS command-line interface (Marathon CLI) to create or destroy Edge-LB pools, load balancer instances, or the Edge-LB API or pool packages. You must perform Edge-LB management operations exclusively through the Edge-LB CLI or Edge-LB API.

You can use the DC/OS web-based console or the core DC/OS command-line interface (Marathon CLI) to add, modify, or delete the services when access to those services is no longer managed through Edge-LB pools.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • Edge-LB installed as described in the Edge-LB installation instructions.
  • The edgelb command-line interface (CLI) installed.

To uninstall Edge-LB

  1. List the pools which are managed by Edge-LB:

    dcos edgelb list
  2. Delete each pool returned from the list command in the previous step:

    dcos edgelb delete <pool-name>

    NOTE: Deleting pools automatically uninstalls managed load balancers.

  3. Uninstall the Edge-LB API server:

    dcos package uninstall edgelb
  4. Remove the Edge-LB package repositories. In most cases, you can remove the repositories with these commands:

    dcos package repo remove edgelb
    dcos package repo remove edgelb-pool

    If you installed Edge-LB AWS repositories, remove them with the commands:

    dcos package repo remove edgelb-aws
    dcos package repo remove edgelb-pool-aws
  5. Remove all Amazon Web Services® (AWS®) Elastic Load Balancer® (ELB®) instances, if applicable:

    dcos edgelb cleanup

    NOTE: If you deployed the cloud connector to use Edge-LB with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), you should run the dcos edgelb cleanup command to remove any ELB instances that remain after Edge-LB has been uninstalled from a DC/OS cluster.