Exposing multiple services in a single pool

How to load balance multiple services in a single Edge-LB instance

This tutorial demonstrates how to set up three services with a single Edge-LB pool instance. This flexibility allows you to configure Edge-LB pools depending on your needs to achieve high availability in your environment. For example, if you have 90 services running on the DC/OS™ cluster, you can configure 30 Edge-LB pool instances with 3 services each to load balance all 90 services.

Before you begin

You must have:

  • Edge-LB installed as described in the Edge-LB installation instructions.
  • The core DC/OS command-line interface (CLI) installed and configured to communicate with the DC/OS cluster.
  • The edgelb command-line interface (CLI) installed.
  • An active and properly-configured DC/OS Enterprise cluster, with at least one DC/OS private agent node to run the load-balanced service and at least one DC/OS public agent node for exposing the load-balanced service.

Create and deploy sample apps

  1. Copy and paste the following JSON settings to create the sample app definition for the ping service in, and save, the ping.json file:

      "id": "/ping",
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "mem": 32,
      "instances": 1,
      "cmd": "echo \"pong\" > index.html && python -m http.server $PORT0",
      "container": {
        "type": "DOCKER",
        "docker": {
          "image": "python:3"
      "healthChecks": [
        "protocol": "MESOS_HTTP",
        "path": "/",
        "portIndex": 0,
        "gracePeriodSeconds": 5,
        "intervalSeconds": 10,
        "timeoutSeconds": 10,
        "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
      "portDefinitions": [
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "port": 0,
        "name": "pong-port"
      "requirePorts": true
  2. Deploy the ping.json sample app definition:

    dcos marathon app add ping.json
  3. Copy and paste the following sample app definition to create the nginx.json file for the NGINX™ service:

      "id": "/nginx",
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "instances": 1,
      "mem": 128,
      "container": {
        "portMappings": [
            "containerPort": 80,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "name": "nginx-port"
        "type": "MESOS",
        "docker": {
          "image": "nginx"
      "networks": [
          "mode": "container/bridge"
  4. Deploy the nginx.json sample app definition:

    dcos marathon app add nginx.json
  5. Copy and paste the following sample app definition to create the echo.json file:

      "id": "/echo",
      "args": [
        "-listen", ":80",
        "-text", "\"Hello from Marathon!\""
      "cpus": 0.1,
      "instances": 1,
      "mem": 128,
      "container": {
        "portMappings": [
            "containerPort": 80,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "name": "echo-port"
        "type": "MESOS",
        "docker": {
          "image": "hashicorp/http-echo"
      "networks": [
          "mode": "container/bridge"
  6. Deploy the echo.json sample app definition:

    dcos marathon app add echo.json

Create the Edge-LB pool configuration file

  1. Copy and paste the following JSON settings to create the sample pool configuration file for the deployed services in, and save, the multi-lb-pool.json file:

      "apiVersion": "V2",
      "name": "multi-lb",
      "count": 1,
      "haproxy": {
        "frontends": [
          "bindPort": 15001,
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "linkBackend": {
            "defaultBackend": "ping-backend"
          "bindPort": 15002,
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "linkBackend": {
            "defaultBackend": "nginx-backend"
          "bindPort": 15003,
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "linkBackend": {
            "defaultBackend": "echo-backend"
        "backends": [
          "name": "ping-backend",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "services": [
            "marathon": {
              "serviceID": "/ping"
            "endpoint": {
              "portName": "pong-port"
          "name": "nginx-backend",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "services": [
            "marathon": {
              "serviceID": "/nginx"
            "endpoint": {
              "portName": "nginx-port"
          "name": "echo-backend",
          "protocol": "HTTP",
          "services": [
            "marathon": {
              "serviceID": "/echo"
            "endpoint": {
              "portName": "echo-port"
        "stats": {
          "bindPort": 0
  2. Deploy the Edge-LB pool instance to expose and access all three services using the multi-lb.json pool configuration file:

    dcos edgelb create multi-lb-pool.json

Verify deployment status

  1. Verify that the services and the pool instance have been deployed successfully :

    dcos marathon app list
  2. Verify the pool configuration for frontend and stats ports:

    dcos edgelb list
  3. Verify the pool-related configuration settings:

    dcos edgelb show multi-lb
  4. Verify the Mesos tasks for the services and the Edge-LB pool instances:

    dcos task list
  5. Verify that the Edge-LB pool instance was deployed successfully with the configured frontend and backend ports:

    dcos edgelb endpoints multi-lb

Verify service access using frontend ports

  1. Verify that you can access the following deployed services using the public IP address and the assigned frontend ports:

    • ping service:
    • nginx service:
    • echo service:

    When you navigate to the public IP address and specified port, verify that you can see the following pages:

    • pong
    • Welcome to Nginx
    • Hello from Marathon!

    If you cannot access one of the pages, check that the Edge-LB frontend ports do not conflict with other ports you are currently using.