Release Notes

Discover the new features, updates, and known limitations in this release of the Edge-LB Service

Release notes for Edge-LB version 1.3.1

Edge-LB Service version 1.3.1 was released April 29, 2019.

New features and capabilities

  • Includes Mesos health checks when generating the list of active backends.
  • Provides Edge-LB artifacts as a .dcos package bundle.
  • Updates the SDK version from 0.55.2 to 0.55.4.
  • Updates the HAProxy version to 1.9.4.
  • Improves support for dynamically-allocated frontend ports.
  • Displays the frontend name in the output for the dcos edgelb endpoints command.
  • Improves the stability and scalability for the Edge-LB pool dcos-template and in the mesos-listener program.
  • Provides additional test coverage and other improvements in existing Edge-LB integration tests.

Issues fixed

  • DCOS-45719 - Edge-LB waits for load balanced applications to to be running in a healthy state before routing traffic to them. This change prevents Edge-LB from routing traffic to an application before it completes its startup operations and its first health check.
  • DCOS-47839 - Users can specify the Edge-LB pool frontend using either the name or port setting.
  • DCOS-44077 - The mesos-listener program that communicates with Edge-LB includes improvements to tests coverage and code refactoring.
  • DCOS-51865 - Edge-LB continuous integration has been enhanced through testing and code refactoring.
  • DCOS-48059 - Edge-LB can successfully return the task id and task status for both server and sidecar tasks.
  • DCOS-46502 - Validates regular expressions from user input.
  • DCOS-48132 - The Edge-LB dcos-template monitors and reloads its configuration file to prevent Edge-LB pool updates from generating errors when there are frequent pool changes.

Known issues and limitations

  • Edge-LB currently does not support Strict security mode on DC/OS 1.10, but supports Strict security mode in DC/OS 1.11.

  • The steps provided in the DC/OS 1.10 web interface to uninstall Edge-LB are incorrect. In order to correctly uninstall Edge-LB for any given DC/OS version, please follow the steps in the Edge-LB uninstall documentation.

  • Edge-LB running on a CentOS/RHEL 7.2 node where /var/lib/mesos is formatted with ext4 may have connection issues.

  • If a pool is configured with invalid constraints it must be removed manually since a failure in proper creation leads to a failure in proper removal.

Release notes for Edge-LB version 1.3.0

Edge-LB Service version 1.3.0 was released February 6, 2019.

New features and capabilities

  • Simplify and optimize the HAProxy reload loop.
  • Improve the update strategy for the Edge-LB pool.
  • Bump the SDK version to 0.55.2.
  • Add protection against installing a pool while its previous version is still uninstalling.
  • Improve sidecars runs.
  • Improve integration test coverage.
  • Improve error messages with better logging
  • Expose task without pre-defined mesos-assigned ports
  • Dynamic allocation of the HAProxy STATS port
  • Dynamic allocation of the HAProxy Frontend port
  • Scale down Edge-LB pool instances

Issues fixed

  • COPS-4272, DCOS-46189 - Edge-LB assets is missing on downloads site
  • DCOS-46043 - Fix Edge-LB API Server’s file comparison functions
  • DCOS-46510 - Edge-LB may create haproxy configuration with duplicate backends
  • DCOS-46837 - Framework scheduler can crash after installing
  • DCOS-48009 - ENVFILE Certificates written in wrong location
  • DCOS-46181 - Integration test does not use artifacts uploaded from its PR

Known issues and limitations

  • Edge-LB currently does not support Strict security mode on DC/OS 1.10, but supports Strict security mode in DC/OS 1.11.

  • Edge-LB currently does not support self-service configuration. All configuration must be handled centrally.

  • The steps provided in the DC/OS 1.10 web interface to uninstall Edge-LB are incorrect. In order to correctly uninstall Edge-LB for any given DC/OS version, please follow the steps in the Edge-LB uninstall documentation.

  • Edge-LB running on a CentOS/RHEL 7.2 node where /var/lib/mesos is formatted with ext4 may have connection issues.

  • If a pool is configured with invalid constraints it must be removed manually since a failure on proper creation leads to a failure in proper removal.