
Configuring a service account and installing Edge-LB

To configure a service account and install the Edge-LB package, use the instructions below.


IMPORTANT: You must have a customer service account to log in as a superuser and download the remote Edge-LB repositories.


  • Edge-LB supports all security modes in DC/OS 1.11 and later. It supports Permissive, Disabled in DC/OS 1.10. DC/OS 1.9 or earlier is not supported.

Add Edge-LB package repositories

The Edge-LB package comprises two components:

  • The Edge-LB API server is a RESTful API that manages one or more Edge-LB pools. Each Edge-LB pool is a collection of load balancers.

  • An Edge-LB pool can be used to launch one or more instances of a load balancer to create a single highly available load balancer. Currently the Edge-LB pool supports only HAProxy as a load balancer.

You must install Catalog repositories for the Edge-LB API server and the Edge-LB pool to install Edge-LB.

NOTE: If your environment is behind a firewall or otherwise not able to access the public catalog, then you must use a local catalog.

Obtaining package artifacts

To install both packages (Edge-LB API Server and Edge-LB Pools), you need to obtain the respective package artifacts. They can be downloaded from Mesosphere customer support site.

NOTE: You will get a "page not found" message if you attempt to download the artifacts without logging in using your customer service account.

Once you have these artifacts, they need to be made accessible to the cluster via an HTTP server. The address of the HTTP server will be used in the next step.

Add them to the package repository

Having the address where the artifacts for the Edge-LB API server and Edge-LB pool repositories are available, use the following command to add them to the Catalog package repository:

dcos package repo add --index=0 edgelb
dcos package repo add --index=0 edgelb-pool

Deploying a local Catalog containing Edge-LB Enterprise

If you need to deploy a local Catalog containing your own set of packages, you must build a customized local Catalog Docker image. The following instructions are based on the DC/OS Catalog deployment instructions.

Prerequisite: Git. On Unix/Linux, see these Getting Started instructions.

  1. Clone the Catalog repository:

    git clone --branch version-3.x
  2. Build the universe-base image:

    cd universe/docker/local-universe/
    sudo make base
  3. Use script to add to the Catalog the JSON definitions during the Obtaining package artifacts step. Each run of the script will process the JSON file, generate the necessary JSON and Mustache files, and add them to stub-repo/packages/<X>/<packagename>.

bash -j stub-universe-edgelb.json
bash -j stub-universe-edgelb-pool.json
  1. From there, they can be merged into the primary universe/repo/packages directory:
cp -rpv stub-repo/packages/* ../../repo/packages
  1. You can then build the mesosphere/universe Docker image and compress it to the local-universe.tar.gz file. Specify a comma-separated list of package names and versions using the DCOS_PACKAGE_INCLUDE variable. To minimize the container size and download time, you can select only what you need. If you do not use the DCOS_PACKAGE_INCLUDE variable, all Certified Catalog packages are included. To view which packages are Certified, click the Catalog tab in the DC/OS web interface.

    sudo make DCOS_VERSION=1.13 DCOS_PACKAGE_INCLUDE=“edgelb:v1.3.1,edgelb-pool:v1.2.1,<other-package>:<version>” local-universe
  2. Perform all of the steps as described in Deploying a local Catalog containing Certified Catalog packages.

Create a service account

The Edge-LB API server must be associated with a service account so that it can launch Edge-LB pools on public and private nodes, based on user requests.

Service accounts are used in conjunction with public-private key pairs, secrets, permissions, and authentication tokens to provide access for DC/OS services to DC/OS. Service accounts control the communications and DC/OS API actions that the services are permitted to make.

Follow the steps below to create a service account, a principal associated with the service account, assign permissions to this principle, and associate a secret store with this service account. The secret store is used by Edge-LB to retrieve and install TLS certificates on the Edge-LB pools in order to enable TLS for all HTTP traffic between client and service backends.

The steps below require DC/OS Enterprise CLI to be installed

Create a key pair

In this step, a 2048-bit RSA public-private key pair is created using the DC/OS Enterprise CLI. Create a public-private key pair and save each value into a separate file within the current directory.

dcos security org service-accounts keypair edge-lb-private-key.pem edge-lb-public-key.pem

NOTE: You can use the DC/OS Secret Store to secure the key pair.

Create the principal

From a terminal prompt, create a new service account (edge-lb-principal) containing the public key (edge-lb-public-key.pem).

dcos security org service-accounts create -p edge-lb-public-key.pem -d "Edge-LB service account" edge-lb-principal

Verify your new service account using the following command.

dcos security org service-accounts show edge-lb-principal

Create a secret

Create a secret (dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret) with your service account (edge-lb-principal) and private key specified (edge-lb-private-key.pem).

NOTE: If you store your secret in a path that matches the service name (for example, service name and path are both edge-lb), then only the service named edge-lb can access it.

dcos security secrets create-sa-secret --strict edge-lb-private-key.pem edge-lb-principal dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret

If you are installing Edge-LB on a cluster in security mode disabled, remove the --strict parameter:

dcos security secrets create-sa-secret edge-lb-private-key.pem edge-lb-principal dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret

List the secrets with this command and confirm that the secret was created.

dcos security secrets list /

Create and Assign Permissions

Use the following CLI commands to provision the Edge-LB service account with the required permissions. All CLI commands can also be executed via the IAM API.

One of two methods can be used to securely provision the Edge-LB service account with the required permissions:

  1. Add edge-lb-principal to the superusers group
  2. Grant actions which are limited to Edge-LB related tasks

Add service account to superusers

Adding edge-lb-principal to the superusers group will ensure that the service account is sufficiently provisioned as pools are created. As new features are added to Edge-LB in future releases, having elevated permissions will also make upgrades simpler.

dcos security org groups add_user superusers edge-lb-principal

Grant limited actions to service account

NOTE: These steps are not necessary if you added edge-lb-principal to the superusers group.

These more limited permissions include management of DC/OS packages, Marathon tasks, Edge-LB pools and tasks. They also enable Edge-LB pool framework schedulers to register with mesos master and launch load-balancer tasks.

dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:package full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:edgelb full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/dcos-edgelb full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1 full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:endpoint:path:/api/v1/scheduler full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:framework:principal:edge-lb-principal full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:framework:role full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:reservation:principal:edge-lb-principal full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:reservation:role full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:volume:principal:edge-lb-principal full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:volume:role full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:task:user:root full
dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:mesos:master:task:app_id full

NOTE: This permission needs to be granted for each Edge-LB pool created.

dcos security org users grant edge-lb-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:dcos-edgelb/pools/<POOL-NAME> full

For more information about required permissions, please see the Edge-LB Permissions

Create a configuration file for service authentication

After configuring service authentication, you must create a JSON options file with your credentials. This file will be passed to DC/OS when you install Edge-LB.

In the file, specify the service account secret (dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret) that you created earlier.

  "service": {
    "secretName": "dcos-edgelb/edge-lb-secret",
    "principal": "edge-lb-principal",
    "mesosProtocol": "https"

EdgeLB also needs the following options to be specified. Their values depend on the security mode of the cluster it is running on:

  • service.mesosProtocol: "https" for Permissive and Strict security modes, "http" (default) for Disabled security mode
  • service.mesosAuthNZ: true (default) for Permissive and Strict security modes, false for Disabled security mode. Parameter is available begining version v1.1.

Other useful configurable service parameters include:

  • "dcos-edgelb/api". The service path for the apiserver. dcos-edgelb corresponds to pool.namespace when configuring pools.
  • service.logLevel: "info". Can be one of debug, info, warn, or error
  • service.cpus: 1.1
  • service.mem: 1024

Save the file with a meaningful name, such as edge-lb-options.json. Keep this file in source control so that you can quickly update your configuration at a later time.

Install Edge-LB

Install Edge-LB with this command.

dcos package install --options=edge-lb-options.json edgelb

Run this command and wait for the Edge-LB service to be ready.

until dcos edgelb ping; do sleep 1; done

You should receive this message when ready:


Adding the Edge-LB command-line interface package

In most cases, you add the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) as part of your initial installation of the Edge-LB API server and Edge-LB pool packages when you are preparing to deploy Edge-LB load balancing. However, you might find that you need to install the Edge-LB command-line interface (CLI) separately, for example, on additional computers for other administrators.

To simplify access to the Edge-LB command-line programs, you can install the CLI packages for Edge-LB by running the following commands:

dcos package install edgelb --cli --yes
dcos package install --cli edgelb --yes

After the CLI package is installed, you can use the Edge-LB commands to manage Edge-LB load balancer pools and load balancing activity.