
Security, encryption and authorization for DSE

DC/OS DataStax Enterprise Security

The DC/OS DataStax Enterprise service supports DSE’s native transport encryption mechanisms. The service provides automation and orchestration to simplify the usage of these important features.

Note: These security features are only available on DC/OS Enterprise 1.10 and above.

Transport Encryption

With transport encryption enabled, DC/OS DataStax Enterprise will automatically deploy all nodes with the correct configuration to encrypt communication via SSL. The nodes will communicate securely between themselves using SSL.

The service uses the DC/OS CA to generate the SSL artifacts that it uses to secure the service. Any client that trusts the DC/OS CA will consider the service’s certificates valid.


Configure Transport Encryption

Set up the service account

Grant the service account the correct permissions.

  • In DC/OS 1.10, the required permission is dcos:superuser full.
  • In DC/OS 1.11 and later, the required permissions are:
dcos:secrets:default:/<service name>/* full
dcos:secrets:list:default:/<service name> read
dcos:adminrouter:ops:ca:rw full
dcos:adminrouter:ops:ca:ro full

where <service name> is the name of the service to be installed.

Run the following DC/OS Enterprise CLI commands to set permissions for the service account on a strict cluster:

dcos security org users grant ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} dcos:mesos:master:task:app_id:<service/name> create
dcos security org users grant ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} dcos:mesos:master:reservation:principal:dev_hdfs create
dcos security org users grant ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} dcos:mesos:master:volume:principal:dev_hdfs create

Install the service

Install the DC/OS DataStax Enterprise service including the following options in addition to your own:

    "service": {
        "service_account": "<your service account name>",
        "service_account_secret": "<full path of service secret>",
        "security": {
            "transport_encryption": {
                "enabled": true, "allow_plaintext": <true|false default false>


Transport Encryption for Clients

With Transport Encryption enabled, service clients will need to be configured to use the DC/OS CA bundle to verify the connections they make to the service. Consult your client’s documentation for trusting a CA and configure your client appropriately.

DSE Authentication/Authorization Schemes

in DC/OS currently supports both internal and ldap authentication/authorization schemes. You can configure both schemes and then select the order in which they are used, or you can configure just one, in which case only that scheme will be used. will try to authenticate with the default scheme first and fall back to the alternate scheme if it has been configured. More information about how handles this can be found in DataStax’s documentation

Enabling Authentication/Authorization

To enable authentication/authorization, follow these steps:

  1. In Advanced Installation wizard, configure the following fields:
    In "cassandra" tab,
    Set authenticator to com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthenticator
    Set authorizer to com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthorizer
    Set role_manager to com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseRoleManager
    In "dse" tab,
    Set AUTHENTICATION_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_SCHEME to either internal or ldap, depending on which sheme you want as the default
    Set AUTHENTICATION_OPTIONS_OTHER_SCHEMES to either internal or ldap (optional to configure the fallback)
    Set ROLE_MANAGEMENT_OPTIONS_MODE to either internal or ldap, according to your needs
    Check AUTHORIZATION_OPTIONS_ENABLED checkbox (optional to enable authorization)
  2. If you are using only internal auth, no further configuration is required for . If you are also using ldap, then follow the sections below to configure ldap based on your needs.

LDAP Configuration

When you enable LDAP authentication in DataStax Enterprise, users and groups that are managed by external LDAP servers can be authenticated by DataStax Enterprise. To enable LDAP authentication with your cluster, you need to configure the followings:

  1. In Advanced Installation wizard, you need to configure the following fields according to your LDAP settings:

    In "dse" tab,
    Check ldap's enabled checkbox
    Set server_host to your LDAP server FQDN or IP address
    Set server_port of your LDAP server port (default is 389)
    Set search_dn  ex. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
    Set search_password  ex. secret
    Set user_search_base  ex. ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
    Set user_search_filter  ex. (uid={0})
    Set user_memberof_attribute  ex. memberof
    Set group_search_type  ex. memberof_search
    Set group_search_base  ex. ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org
    Set group_search_filter  ex. (uniquemember={0})
    Set group_name_attribute  (default is 0)
    Set credentials_validity_in_ms  (default is 0)
    Set search_validity_in_seconds  (default is 0)
    Set connection_pool_max_active  (default is 8)
    Set connection_pool_max_idle  (default is 8)
  2. You will need to run the following CQL statements to grant relevant permission to your LDAP roles

    cqlsh> CREATE ROLE <role-name> WITH LOGIN = TRUE;  (role-name is the corresponding role inside your LDAP)

    Please refer to DataStax’s documentation for more detailed description of each field above.

OpsCenter LDAP Configuration

Configure LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for users accessing OpsCenter.

  1. In Advanced Installation wizard, you need to configure the following fields according to your LDAP settings:
    In "opscenter" tab,
    Check Authentication Configuration's checkbox
    Set login_user to a LDAP user's uid belonging to one or more LDAP groups in "admin_group_name" field below
    Set login_password (the password associated with the login_user field above)
    Set method to LDAP
    Check LDAP Configuration's checkbox
    Set server_host to your LDAP server FQDN or IP address
    Set server_port of your LDAP server port (default is 389)
    Set search_dn  ex. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
    Set search_password  ex. secret
    Set user_search_base  ex. ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
    Set user_search_filter  ex. (uid={0})
    Set user_memberof_attribute  ex. memberof
    Set group_search_type  ex. directory_search
    Set group_search_base  ex. ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org
    Set group_search_filter_with_dn  ex. (member={0})
    Set group_name_attribute  ex. cn
    Set admin_group_name  ex. mygroup, manager, developer
    Please refer to DataStax’s documentation for more detailed description of each field above. Once your Package service instance is ready, you can use your LDAP account to log in to OpsCenter to manage your cluster.

OpsCenter Internal Authentication Configuraton

  1. In Advanced Installation wizard, you need to configure the following fields:
    In "opscenter" tab,
    Check Authentication Configuration's checkbox
    Leave login_user as admin (when you install the package the first time)
    Leave login_password as admin (when you install the package the first time)
    Once your Package service instance is ready, you can use “admin” and “admin” as the username and the password to log into OpsCenter to start managing your cluster.