Release Notes

New features, updates, and known limitations

DC/OS Monitoring v.1.3.0

New features

  • alertmanager: Add smtp auth secret support.
  • alertmanager: Add a package option for git ref name.
  • Add an option to configure prometheus remote write and remote read.


  • Updated SDK to v0.57.3.


Version v1.2.0

New features

  • Added option to configure the token refresh interval for Prometheus agent discovery task.


  • Changed default token refresh interval for Prometheus agent discovery task to 1 hour.
  • Upgraded version of Go to 1.13.
  • Fixed typo in “dcos monitoring describe” CLI subcommand.

Version v1.1.0

New features

  • Support Prometheus server placement constraints.
  • Support scheduler placement constraints.
  • Add new CLI subcommands for Prometheus (“dcos monitoring prometheus”).


  • Add workaround for a bug in DC/OS versions 1.13.0-1.13.4 that caused permission errors in Nginx when running dcos-monitoring as root.
  • Update SDK to v0.57.1.

Version v1.0.2


  • Fix the “More Detail” column in the Home dashboard in Grafana.

Version v1.0.1


  • Increase the default token refresh interval for Prometheus agent discovery task.
  • Fix bug in agent discovery task causing leaked connections.

Version v1.0.0

New features

  • Add a configuration option for the Grafana dashboard theme style (defaults to Light).
  • Default DC/OS Grafana dashboards are loaded to a folder called DC/OS Defaults.
  • Support setting pre-reserved roles for Prometheus.


  • Decrease the number of resources in the default package configuration.
  • Read in DC/OS CA certs for verification in the Prometheus agent discovery task (Enterprise only).
  • Update SDK to v0.56.1.
  • Remove configuration option for Grafana to use public node.
  • Modify configuration option names for Secrets fields.
  • Pushgateway is now optional and off by default.
  • Installation is now blocked with helpful errors if extraneous configuration options are included.
  • The DC/OS Monitoring CLI subcommand is now “monitoring” instead of “dcos-monitoring”.

Known limitations

  • Upgrading from v0.5 is not possible due to Pushgateway defaulting to off.

Version v0.5.0

New features

  • Add Marathon LB integration.
  • Enable gzip compression for Grafana’s HTTP server.
  • Add a link to the Grafana UI on the Services page.
  • Set the Home dashboard in Grafana to the DC/OS Overview dashboard.


  • Grafana dashboard titles are no longer overwritten by the file path of the dashboard json.

Known limitations

  • Service name cannot contain characters that are not allowed in a DNS name (e.g., /) if using Marathon LB integration.

Version v0.4.3


  • Fix issues that occur when the service is installed in a folder.
  • Fix a regression related to deploy key support.

Version v0.4.2


  • Workaround the UI bug for package install.

Version v0.4.1


  • Bug fixes (DSS profile support is missing).

Version v0.4.0

New features

  • Allow accessing Alertmanager UI through Admin Router.
  • Allow accessing Prometheus UI through Admin Router.
  • Support loading Prometheus alert rules from a Git repository.
  • Support reloading Alertmanager configurations after install.
  • Support DC/OS Storage Service (DSS) volume profiles.


  • Support for configuring Prometheus storage retention.
  • Support for configuring Alertmanager resource footprint (i.e., CPU and memory).
  • Installable from the Universe.
  • Update SDK to 0.55.2.
  • New logo.

Known limitations

  • Upgrading from v0.3.0 is not supported at this time.
  • Does not support loading Prometheus alert rules recursively from a directory.

Version v0.3.0

New features

  • Allow accessing Grafana UI through Admin Router.
  • Support configuring Grafana admin user credentials.
  • Support Open DC/OS.
  • Support Package Registry.


  • Remove support for Prometheus Mesos Exporter, which is no longer used to collect Mesos metrics.

Version v0.2.1


  • Correct permissions required to run the package.

Version v0.2.0

New features

  • Support SSH auth when fetching from Git repository.
  • Add default Grafana dashboards which can be automatically loaded.
  • Support Grafana server placement constraints.
  • Support fetching from a branch in a Git repository.


  • Grafana v5.3.4.
  • Use local persistent volume for Grafana server.
  • Use Docker image for Grafana server.
  • Recursively clone Git sub-modules from a Git repository.

Version v0.1.1

Bug fix release.


  • Add missing release notes.

Version v0.1.0

Initial release.

New features

  • Prometheus v2.2.1.
  • Grafana v5.0.1.
  • Alertmanager v0.15.2.
  • Pushgateway v0.5.2.
  • Automatically scrape dcos-metrics service endpoints in Prometheus.
  • Automatically load Grafana dashboard configurations from a Git repository.
  • Automatically load Alertmanager configurations from a Git repository.
  • Support strict mode DC/OS cluster.
  • Support launching Grafana server on public agents.

Known limitations

  • No persistent storage for Grafana dashboard configurations.
  • No external storage for Prometheus data.
  • No backup for Prometheus data.