Alert Rules

Managing alert rules configurations


Alerting is supported in the DC/OS Monitoring service via Prometheus Alertmanager. The DC/OS Monitoring service is automatically configured for Prometheus to talk to Alertmanager. See the Alertmanager documentation for instructions on how to configure and turn on Alertmanager.

This page explains how to load Prometheus alert rules used for alerting. See the Prometheus documentation for instructions on how to define these rules.

Automatically loading Prometheus alert rules

The DC/OS Monitoring service can be configured to automatically load Prometheus alert rules from a Git repository.

Save Prometheus alert rules

You should save your Prometheus alert rules (YAML format) in a Git repository. Assume that the repository is

You can put the alert rules in a subfolder in the repository. For instance,

  "prometheus": {
    "alert_rules_repository": {
      "config_repository": {
        "url": "",
        "path": "/production"

IMPORTANT: Make sure that each of the alert rule files has suffix `.yml` and is a direct child of the subfolder (i.e., not nested under another subfolder).

The Git repository can be either public or private. If the Git repository is private, you will need to configure the credentials to access the Git repository (see below).

NOTE: Mesosphere maintains a Git repository with Prometheus alerting rule configurations at ``. If you would like to use these preconfigured Prometheus alerting rules, you should set `prometheus.alert_rules_repository.config_repository.url` to `` and `prometheus.alert_rules_repository.config_repository.path` to `/rules`. As it is a public repository, there is no need to set up the `credentials`.

  "prometheus": {
    "alert_rules_repository": {
      "config_repository": {
        "url": "",
        "path": "/rules"

Create secrets for Git repository credentials

If the Git repository containing the alert rules is private, you will need to configure the secrets first. Currently, the following Auth types are supported.


dcos security secrets create --value=<GITHUB_USERNAME> githubusername-secret
dcos security secrets create --value=<GITHUB_PASSWORD> githubpassword-secret

For GitHub, the password can be the API token.

Create a custom option file (options.json) like the following. You may omit the credentials section if the Git repository is public.

  "prometheus": {
    "alert_rules_repository": {
      "url": "",
      "path": "/production",
      "credentials": {
        "username_secret": "githubusername-secret",
        "password_secret": "githubpassword-secret"

SSH Auth

dcos security secrets create -f <PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY> gitsshkey-secret

For GitHub, you must add the Deployment Key (i.e., the public key) to the repository.

Create a custom option file (options.json) like the following.

  "prometheus": {
    "alert_rules_repository": {
      "url": "",
      "path": "/production",
      "credentials": {
        "deploy_key_secret": "gitsshkey-secret"

NOTE: You will have to use `` instead of `https` as the scheme of the URL.

Fetching from a branch in a Git repository

By default, the service will fetch from the master branch (that is, refs/heads/master) of the Git repository.

If you want to fetch the alert rules from another branch in a Git repository, you can set the reference_name field:

  "prometheus": {
    "alert_rules_repository": {
      "url": "",
      "path": "/production",
      "reference_name": "refs/heads/my_branch"

Install DC/OS Monitoring service

Then, install the service:

dcos package install dcos-monitoring --options=options.json

The Prometheus alert rules defined in the repository will be automatically loaded when the service finishes deploying. You can go to the Prometheus UI to verify.

Triggering a reload of Prometheus alert rules

It is possible to trigger a reload of the Prometheus alert rules after the service is installed.

dcos monitoring plan start reload-prometheus-alert-rules