Quick Start


Get up and running with DC/OS Data Science Engine

This guide explains how to install the DC/OS Data Science Engine Service.


  • DC/OS and DC/OS CLI installed with a minimum of three agent nodes, with eight GB of memory and 10 GB of disk space.
  • Depending on your security mode, DC/OS Data Science Engine requires service authentication for access to DC/OS. See Provisioning a service account for more information.

NOTE: The following points should be considered before installing the service:
1. DC/OS Data Science Engine uses WebSockets to drive the console, so load balancers and proxies must be configured accordingly.
2. AWS Classic Load Balancer should not be used, because it does not support WebSockets.
3. By default, the DC/OS Universal Installer uses Classic ELBs (Elastic Load Balancers) for both external and internal load balancing until version 2.0.

NOTE: If you are planning to use HDFS on DC/OS Data Science Engine, you will need a minimum of five nodes.

Security Mode Service Account
Disabled Not available
Permissive Optional
Strict Required

Install DC/OS Data Science Engine

From the DC/OS UI

  1. Select the Catalog tab, and search for DC/OS Data Science Engine. Select the data-science-engine package.

  2. Choose the Review & Run button to display the Edit Configuration page.

  3. Configure the package settings using the DC/OS UI or by choosing JSON Editor and modifying the app definition manually. For example, you might customize the package by enabling HDFS support.

  4. Click Review & Run.

  5. Review the installation notes, then click Run Service to deploy the data-science-engine package.

From the command line

Install the data-science-engine package. This may take a few minutes. This step installs the data-science-engine service.

dcos package install -y data-science-engine

Expected output:

 Installing Marathon app for package [data-science-engine] version [2.1.0]
 Installing CLI subcommand for package [data-science-engine] version [2.1.0]
 New command available: dcos data science-engine
 DC/OS Data Science Engine is being installed!
     Documentation: https://docs.mesosphere.com/services/data-science-engine/
     Issues: https://docs.mesosphere.com/support/

Run a Python Notebook Using Spark

  1. From DC/OS , select Services, then click on the “Open” icon for the data-science-engine.

    Open JupyterLab

    Figure 1 - Open new Jupyter window

    This will open a new window or tab in the browser for JupyterLab. Log in using the password if specified during the installation of the data-science-engine package in Service -> Jupyter Password option.

  2. In JupyterLab, create a new notebook by selecting File > New > Notebook:

    Create new notebook

    Figure 2 - Create a new notebook

  3. Select Python 3 as the kernel language.

  4. Rename the notebook to “Estimate Pi.ipynb” using the menu at File -> Rename Notebook.

  5. Paste the following Python code into the notebook. If desired, you can type sections of code into separate cells as shown below.

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
import random

conf = SparkConf().setAppName("pi-estimation")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

num_samples = 100000000
def inside(p):     
  x, y = random.random(), random.random()
  return x*x + y*y < 1
count = sc.parallelize(range(0, num_samples)).filter(inside).count()
pi = 4 * count / num_samples

  1. Run the notebook. From the menu, select Run -> Run All Cells. The notebook will run for some time, then print out the calculated value.

    • Expected output: 3.1413234

Enable GPU support

DC/OS Data Science Engine supports GPU acceleration if the cluster nodes have GPUs available and CUDA drivers installed. To enable GPU support for DC/OS Data Science Engine add the following configuration in service config:

"service": {
  "gpu": {
    "enabled": true,
    "gpus": "<desired number of GPUs to allocate for the service>"