Deploying DC/OS

Deploying DC/OS in a production-ready environment

Overview of Production Installation

The production installation method is used to install production-ready DC/OS that can be upgraded. Using this method, you can package the DC/OS distribution and connect to every node manually to run the DC/OS installation commands. This installation method is recommended if you want to integrate with an existing system or if you do not have SSH access to your cluster.

The DC/OS installation process requires a bootstrap node, master node, public agent node, and a private agent node. You can view the nodes documentation for more information.

The following steps are required to install DC/OS clusters:

  • Configure bootstrap node
  • Install DC/OS on master node
  • Install DC/OS on agent node

Production Installation Process

Figure 1. The production installation process

This installation method requires that:

  • The bootstrap node must be network accessible from the cluster nodes.
  • The bootstrap node must have the HTTP(S) ports open from the cluster nodes.