Template Reference

Advanced template parameters

These advanced template parameters are specified in the individual JSON files. During DC/OS installation these template files are used to generate a customized DC/OS build.

Zen templates

The Zen templates orchestrate the individual component templates to create a DC/OS cluster.

Agent templates

The agent templates create public or private agent nodes that are then attached to a DC/OS cluster as a part of an AutoScalingGroup.

Master templates

The master templates create master nodes, on top of the infrastructure stack already created.

Infrastructure template

The infrastructure template defines and creates a DC/OS specific infrastructure that works well with an existing VPC.


The Zen templates (e.g. ee.elzen-1.json) orchestrate the individual component templates.

Parameter Name Key Value
AdminLocation Optional: Specify the IP range to whitelist for access to the admin zone. Must be a valid CIDR. To allow access from any IP address, use
CustomAMI Optional: Specify an AMI ID. Must reside in the same region and have all DC/OS prerequisites installed.
InternetGateway Internet Gateway ID, must be attached to the Vpc. Used by all nodes for outgoing Internet access.
KeyName AWS EC2 Key Pair to SSH into instances
MasterInstanceType Region-specific instance type. Example: m3.xlarge
PrivateAgentInstanceCount Specify the number of private agent nodes or accept the default.
PrivateAgentInstanceType Region-specific instance type. Example: m3.xlarge
PrivateSubnet Subnet ID for use by all private agent nodes
PublicAgentInstanceCount Specify the number of public agent nodes or accept the default.
PublicAgentInstanceType Region-specific instance type. Example: m3.xlarge
PublicSubnet Subnet ID for use by all public agent nodes
Vpc Existing VPC to use. Nodes will be launched using subnets and Internet Gateway under this VPC

Private agents

The private agent template (advanced-priv-agent.json) creates agents which are then attached to a DC/OS cluster as a part of an AutoScalingGroup. To configure the template, specify the VPC, subnet, and master DNS address for the DC/OS cluster to join.

Parameter Name Description
InternalMasterLoadBalancerDnsName DNS Name of Internal Load Balancer. Has to be valid for agents to join a running cluster
KeyName AWS EC2 Key Pair to SSH into instances
PrivateAgentInstanceCount Specify the number of private agent nodes or accept the default.
PrivateAgentInstanceType Region-specific instance type. Example: m3.xlarge
PrivateAgentSecurityGroup Permissive Security group used by private Agents
PrivateSubnet Subnet ID for use by all private agent nodes

Public agents

The public agent template (advanced-pub-agent.json) creates agents which are then attached to a DC/OS cluster as a part of an AutoScalingGroup. To configure the template, specify the VPC, subnet, and master DNS address for the DC/OS cluster to join.

Parameter Name Description
InternalMasterLoadBalancerDnsName DNS Name of Internal Load Balancer. Has to be valid for agents to join a running cluster
KeyName AWS EC2 Key Pair to SSH into instances
PublicAgentInstanceCount Specify the number of public agent nodes or accept the default.
PublicAgentInstanceType Region-specific instance type. E.g. m3.xlarge
PublicAgentSecurityGroup Permissive Security group used by Public Agents
PublicSubnet Subnet ID for use by all public agent nodes


The master templates (advanced-master-1.json, advanced-master-3.json, advanced-master-5.json, advanced-master-7.json) create masters, on top of the infrastructure stack already created.

Parameter Name Description
AdminSecurityGroup Admin URL Security Group. Controls Access to the Admin page
ExhibitorS3Bucket S3 Bucket resource name. Used by Exhibitor for Zookeeper discovery and coordination. See Exhibitor documentation on '"shared configuration"': https://github.com/Netflix/exhibitor/wiki/Shared-Configuration for more information
KeyName AWS EC2 Key Pair to SSH into instances
LbSecurityGroup Loadbalancer Security Group. Rules allow masters and private agent nodes to communicate.
MasterInstanceType Region-specific instance type. Example: m3.xlarge
MasterSecurityGroup Security group used by master nodes
PrivateAgentSecurityGroup Security group used by Private Agents, typically with limited access to the outside
PrivateSubnet Subnet ID for use by all private agent nodes
PublicAgentSecurityGroup Permissive Security group used by Public Agents
PublicSubnet Subnet ID for use by all public agent nodes


The infrastructure template (infra.json) defines, and creates, a DC/OS specific infrastructure that works well with a VPC already created. This is the lowest building block of a DC/OS cluster and the components created in this stack are consumed by the dependent templates (master and agents).

Parameter Name Description
AdminLocation Optional: Specify the IP range to whitelist for access to the admin zone. Must be a valid CIDR.
InternetGateway Internet Gateway ID, must be attached to the 'Vpc'. Used by all nodes for outgoing Internet access.
KeyName AWS EC2 Key Pair to SSH into instances
PrivateSubnet Subnet ID for use by all private agent nodes
PublicSubnet Subnet ID for use by all public agent nodes
Vpc Existing VPC to use. Nodes will be launched using subnets and Internet Gateway under this VPC