
Using the Network menu

The Networking screen provides a comprehensive view of the health of your virtual IP addresses (VIPs).

Tweeter scaled

Figure 1 - Networking tab

There are two sub-pages for the Networking interface: Networks and Service Addresses.

Networks tab

The Networks tab lists the networks currently deployed on your cluster. This is the main view, by default.

If you click on the name of a network, you can see the Networks detail page, with two tabs: Tasks and Details.

Networks Detail

Figure 2 - Networks detail


The Tasks tab lists the following information:

Name Description
Task Task name.
Container IP IP address of the container.
Port Mappings Host port to container port mapping, if it exists.


The Details tab lists the following information:

Name Description
Name Name of the virtual network.
IP Subnet IP subnet of the network.

Service Addresses tab

The Service Addresses tab displays a summary of the statistics for each network service address:

Service Addresses tab

Figure 3 - Service Addresses tab

Name Description
Name Mesos DNS name.
Successes Number of successful requests.
Failures Number of failed requests.
Failure % Failure rate.
P99 Latency P99 latency means that 99% of the requests should be faster than given latency. In other words only 1% of the requests are allowed to be slower.

Service Addresses detail tabs

If you click on the name of a running service, you will access the Backends page, which will display more detail about the performance of the specified network.

Service Address Backends

Figure 4 - Backends page

The same information found in the Service Addresses page is displayed, but with a graphical representation and more detail.

If you click on the Name of the local IP address, you will access information about any clients.

Service Address Detail 2

Figure 5 - Service Addresses detail page showing clients

Creating a VIP

DC/OS can map traffic from a single Virtual IP (VIP) to multiple IP addresses and ports.

For detailed information on creating a virtual IP, see the Networking documentation. .