
Using the Cluster menu

From the UI, you can view a summary of the statistics for a single cluster or for linked clusters.


To see a display of the details of your cluster configuration, click on Cluster > Overview.

Cluster Overview

Figure 1 - Cluster Overview

This view displays General details, Mesos details, Marathon details, and information about your Bootstrap configuration.

You can see the IP address of your cluster from the drop down menu in the upper right corner.

Cluster menu

Figure 2 - Cluster menu

Linked clusters Enterprise

Multiple clusters are used for isolation (for example, testing versus production), accommodating geographic distribution, and so on. DC/OS multiple cluster operations make management and access of multiple DC/OS clusters easy for both operators and users.

To see a display of the details of your linked clusters, click on Linked Clusters.

Linked clusters

Figure 3 - Linked clusters

For detailed information about linked clusters see the multiple clusters documentation.