dcos cluster remove

Removing a connected cluster from the DC/OS CLI


The dcos-cluster remove command will remove a configured cluster from the DC/OS CLI. Either a cluster name or one of the --all / --unavailable options must be passed.


  dcos cluster remove <cluster> [flags]


Name Description
--all Remove all clusters.
-h, --help Help for remove command.
--unavailable Remove unavailable clusters.

Positional arguments

Name Description
<name> Name of the cluster


  1. Run the dcos cluster list command to get the name of the cluster you want to remove:

    dcos cluster list
              NAME                          ID                     STATUS     VERSION                                         URL
        user_81-rd373u5  bb07074e-2c3d-4dc5-8523-75cab9d517cb  UNAVAILABLE  UNKNOWN  http://user_81-elasticl-7qbh2zcfyz6h-407934734.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
    *  user_45-wosq2gi     7edd47b7-7f22-4bd5-b8a9-b53a204aafd3  AVAILABLE    1.13.0   https://user_45-wo-elasticl-1uwhasco5acg9-2062765490.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com
  2. Run the dcos cluster remove command with the name of the cluster you want to remove. In this example, we are removing the cluster named “user_81-rd373u5”:

    dcos cluster remove user_81-rd373u5

    If the command completes successfully, there will be no confirmation message.

  3. To confirm that the cluster has been removed, run dcos cluster list again:

    dcos cluster list
            NAME                        ID                    STATUS    VERSION                                         URL
    *  user_45-wosq2gi     7edd47b7-7f22-4bd5-b8a9-b53a204aafd3  AVAILABLE    1.13.0   https://user_45-wo-elasticl-1uwhasco5acg9-2062765490.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com

For more examples, see Cluster Connections.

Parent command

Command Description
dcos cluster Manage your DC/OS clusters