Managing JSON Web Tokens


Managing JSON web tokens

Refreshing Tokens

Services can use a variety of means to refresh their tokens. Ideally, a service should calculate the length of time until the token expires, which is embedded within the token itself, and request a new one before it expires. However, a service can also wait until it receives a 401 to request a new token.

You may need to provision a service with a service account depending on your security mode and the origin of the service’s requests.

An API consumer should be able to handle when its current authentication token expires.

  • Post-Expiration Renewal With this method, you obtain a new auth token after an “invalid token” response is received. An invalid authentication token is responded to with a 401 HTTP status code and the service re-invokes the service account login procedure. It attempts to get a fresh authentication token (with retry and back-off). During the period where the service has no valid authentication token, the service might need to hold back operations, resulting in latency spikes.
  • Pre-Expiration Renewal With this method, the token is refreshed before it expires. The service can schedule asynchronous token renewal ahead of the expiration. It can fetch a new authentication token while the old one is still valid. This prevents the latency spikes caused by an expired authentication token.

Out-of-band Verification of an RS256 Authentication JWT

DC/OS services can authenticate incoming requests on behalf of the DC/OS Identity and Access Manager (Bouncer) component, using public key cryptography. This works if the authentication token presented by the client has been signed by Bouncer using Bouncer’s private key with the RS256 algorithm.

Bouncer JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint

The Bouncer’s JWKS endpoint (/auth/jwks) provides the public key details required for verifying the signature of type RS256 JWTs issued by Bouncer. The JSON document data structure emitted by that endpoint is compliant with RFC 7517. Within that data structure, the public key is parameterized according to RFC 7518.

Here is an example response:

curl localhost:8101/acs/api/v1/auth/jwks
  "keys": [
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "sig",
      "n": "7dYvibxUngEyfdut1uSYbRCCP5dT5MQyMfLyy_6o5x8PD-fUMgkm0vGUJAUoKimnkZ85aUmswaU3yAxQiZ8yeaoSpgUR4WJCRhOIEJ6Oyq4mjK06vr9-wJj5gVXDBaqbxD0yhgzMHEDyxg3EFOJ2ve73Vkg4p7pygA4fI_de1Bs6n68Hwt9LJ7B-fPg0PU8IdPe_4dYNuHT09KGxWSlq3m4KSvNxPIGQ8nNK9H3gjQaoBT9-hDXfsAgrQo7GenXRZTYW13KATtRAR5Vtd177iEeVefbK3HRj9IfYjYPnlBP2CZv_YIK-9H_33JPXxlDTFgI92l_JKRF-fPSa1EEkIw",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "kid": "49f795b26f80bec01f44b0f52e6ba6459ee2048fbb342f861f1a4e8ed4ebcb7f",
      "kty": "RSA"

Constructing the public key from the JWKS data

The two parameters that fully define an RSA public key are the modulus (n) and the exponent (e). Both are integers. In the previous example, the exponent parameter is encoded in the values of the e, and the modulus is encoded with the value of n.

The integers are “Base64urlUInt”-encoded. This encoding is specified by RFC 7518:

The representation of a positive or zero integer value as the base64url encoding of the value's unsigned big-endian representation as an octet sequence. The octet sequence **must** utilize the minimum number of octets needed to represent the value. Zero is represented as BASE64URL(single zero-valued octet), which is "AA".

For example, the value AQAB represents 65537.

Use the tool of your choice to generate the public key representation that you will need to validate the authentication token. Here is a Python example based on the cryptography module (which uses OpenSSL as its back-end). This example generates a public key object from a given exponent and modulus directly.

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa

# `modulus_int` and `exponent_int` are the two parameters defining
# an RSA public key. These are objects of type `int`.
public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
public_key = public_numbers.public_key(backend=default_backend())

Verifying the authentication token using the public key

This example uses the Python PyJWT module, auth token verification, and extraction of the user ID:

# `token` is the string holding the authentication token.
# `public_key` is an RSA public key object of the cryptography module.
payload = jwt.decode(token, public_key, algorithm='RS256')
uid = payload['uid']

The decode method verifies the token signature and expiration time and raises an exception if the token is invalid.

Complete token verification example

This example invalidates an authentication token (an RS256 JWT). Here is the example token


Here is Python code for performing the validation, following the instructions given above:

>>> import jwt
>>> import requests
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
>>> from jwt.utils import base64url_decode, bytes_to_number

>>> keys = requests.get('http://localhost:8101/acs/api/v1/auth/jwks').json()['keys'][0]
>>> keys
{'kty': 'RSA', 'n': 'sybUYxu3TXxXAgG_Eq72tKxE7xhGFgL14g5OGryDtE5dBL8frAoSsI4D7tSKR2pLbOlT68YJbYLUHxoju0E_NB9htjKEsay4t3WXoXQ-XsDM4Zz22H6HfDG6CCcvGb2DoQP0R2je1HJDA56_BoR8shZMxHbrX1WgQURtGygMD7bQY95qmHZYRPlq13-pR5Jnu70OMmFlbl-_o-ag1JfndTJPtx75IalCgy_h_itHLDPhdTfypAJeiewCOUZd9nNa1j19M-xeqlZonlRABqiH0e-vQVWCeW5FZ0HJamIjd2VifhRCp0fSAgCdCQdrY6HdI3h6egpn6z4gwkwXBfczww', 'kid': '55fb61042768f62ea3b06778c6043f7c8c92769a0c248076a2995dfd50c4acb9', 'use': 'sig', 'alg': 'RS256', 'e': 'AQAB'}

>>> exponent_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['e'].encode('ascii'))
>>> exponent_int = bytes_to_number(exponent_bytes)

>>> modulus_bytes = base64url_decode(keys['n'].encode('ascii'))
>>> modulus_int = bytes_to_number(modulus_bytes)

>>> public_numbers = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus_int, e=exponent_int)
>>> public_key = public_numbers.public_key(backend=default_backend())

>>> authtoken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0Njc5ODU0NjYsInVpZCI6InBldGVyIn0.lsLJx2WsX99HF96CizMOcZpMIgbjGDBHvFZCGeNDsM-xZQzHQJHo_UA8WodQ52o8uBJ2CY983DhJdIH2Gfc_fbZtYGvUx-IvQnHFbUBd8qBN0A_4BQHeNINFUKdVQuJsbsW-uVj-w0q3RAFwO5DPPc2ppwIjkeQbgGP1ZN-2-uV6Jow04cdkq4jcODsD1y0v4EmIBPLQil0HU2B95IHtlBNN7haTUkCksXE-43BHy4ErboySeq6VgkwLpw_Pi8n236kZ2-GobSmhA-BpjbkO3uGLHrYUfJjrJyiPM2_PZQMHY80-m5sMMMQ9m1Ciag2Cw74JKGfJ3qMW3j3z2Hm7GQ"
>>> payload = jwt.decode(authtoken, public_key, algorithm='RS256')
>>> payload
{'uid': 'peter', 'exp': 1467985466}

The response indicates that this is a valid authentication token for peter.