
Understanding the DC/OS networking stack

The DC/OS network stack provides

IP connectivity

A container running on DC/OS can obtain an IP address using one of the three networking modes:

These three networking modes are available for all the containers regardless of the container runtime (UCR or Docker) used to launch them.

Host mode networking

In host mode, the containers run on the same network as the other DC/OS system services such as Mesos and Marathon. They share the same Linux network namespace and see the same IP address and ports seen by DC/OS system services. Host mode networking is the most restrictive; it does not allow the containers to use the entire TCP/UDP port range, and the applications have to be able to use whatever ports are available on an agent.

Bridge mode networking

In bridge mode, the containers are launched on a Linux bridge, created within the DC/OS agent. Containers running in this mode get their own Linux network namespace and IP address; they are able to use the entire TCP/UDP port range. This mode is very useful when the application port is fixed. The main issue with using this mode is that the containers are accessible only through port-mapping rules to the containers running on another agent. Both UCR and Docker install port-mapping rules for any container that is launched on bridge mode networking.

Container mode networking

In this mode, the containers are allowed to run on a wide variety of software-defined networks (SDNs). DC/OS supports the CNI (Container network interface) standard for UCR containers, and CNM (Container network model) standard for Docker containers. Using CNI and CNM, DC/OS is able to plumb containers onto any virtual network defined by an SDN provider that supports the CNI or CNM standard. Of the three modes, this is the most flexible and feature-rich since the containers get their own Linux network namespace and connectivity between containers is guaranteed by the underlying SDN network without the need to rely on port-mapping rules on the agent. Further, since SDNs can provide network isolation through firewalls, and are very flexible, it makes it easy for the operator to run multi-tenant clusters. This networking mode also allows the container’s network to be completely isolated from the host network, thus giving an extra level of security to the host-network by protecting it from DDOS attacks from malicious containers running on top of DC/OS.

DNS-Based Service Discovery

DC/OS includes a highly available and distributed DNS-based service discovery. This feature is available to all the containers running on DC/OS regardless of the networking mode that they use. The DNS-based service discovery mechanism in DC/OS is supported by following two components:

  • A centralized component called Mesos DNS, which runs on every master.
  • A distributed component called dcos-dns, that runs as an application within an Erlang VM called dcos-net. The Erlang VM dcos-net runs on every node (agents and masters) in the cluster.

Mesos DNS

Mesos DNS is a centralized and replicated, DNS server that runs on every master. Each instance of Mesos DNS polls the leading Mesos master and generates a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for every application launched by DC/OS. All these FQDNs have the top level domain (TLD) of .mesos. For more information, see the Mesos DNS documentation.


dcos-dns is a distributed DNS server that runs on each agent as well as master, as part of an Erlang VM called dcos-net. This makes it highly available. The instance that is running on the leading master periodically polls the leading master state and generates FQDNs for every application launched by DC/OS. It then sends this information to its peers in the cluster. All these FQDNs have a TLD of .directory.

dcos-dns intercepts all DNS queries originating within an agent. If the query ends with .directory TLD then it is resolved locally; if it ends with .mesos then dcos-dns forwards the query to one of the mesos-dns running on the masters. Otherwise, it forwards the query to the configured upstream DNS server based on the TLD.

dcos-dns also acts as a DNS server for any service that is load balanced using the DC/OS internal load balancer called dcos-l4lb. Any service that is load balanced by dcos-l4lb gets a virtual-ip-address (VIP) and an FQDN in the "*" domain. The FQDN is then stored in dcos-dns and sent to rest of the peers in the cluster. This provides a highly available distributed DNS service for any task that is load balanced by Minuteman. For more information, see the dcos-net repository.

Load Balancing

DC/OS offers different options for layer-4 and layer 7 load balancing. The following sections describe the various features provided at both these layers.

Layer 4

dcos-l4lb is a distributed layer 4 east-west load balancer installed by default. It is highly scalable and highly available, offering zero-hop load balancing, no single choke point and a tolerance to host failures. dcos-l4lb runs as an application within the Erlang VM dcos-net, which runs on all agents and masters within the cluster.

Layer 7

There are two packages within DC/OS that provide layer 7 load-balancing for DC/OS services, Edge-LB and Marathon-LB. Both these packages use HAProxy as their data-plane for load-balancing north-south traffic entering the cluster. While these packages are primarily used to provide layer 7 load balancing (supporting HTTP and HTTPS), they can also provide layer 4 load balancing for TCP and SSL traffic. While the data-plane used by both these packages is fundamentally the same, the control-plane provided by these packages is vastly different.

Edge-LB Enterprise

Edge-LB can support pools of HAProxy load-balancing instances, allowing for multi-tenant support. It comes with its own CLI to configure and launch pools; it supports not only Marathon applications, but also applications managed by other Mesos frameworks that want to expose their applications to outside the cluster. Edge-LB is available only for DC/OS Enterprise.


Marathon-LB is much simpler and manages only a single instance of HAProxy. It can load-balance only the applications launched by the Marathon. Marathon-LB is available for both Open Source and Enterprise versions of DC/OS.

Comparative analysis

While both Marathon-LB and Edge-LB are designed for handling north-south ingress traffic, they can be used for internal east-west layer 7 load-balancing, and even layer 4 east-west load-balancing when necessary. The table below shows a comparative analysis of the different load-balancing solutions present in DC/OS.

Solution dcos-l4lb Edge-LB Marathon-LB
Open Source X X
Enterprise X X X
North-South (External to Internal) X X
East-West (Internal to Internal) X X X
Layer 4 (Transport Layer) X X X
Layer 7 (Application Layer) X X
Marathon Services X X X
Non-Marathon Services X X
zero-hop load balancing X
No single point of failure X

Specifying a cluster identity for network connections

The DC/OS networking component (dcos-net) supports setting a cluster identity option on a node for DC/OS cluster. By enabling this feature, you can prevent nodes from communicating across clusters when a node is moved from one cluster to another. This feature ensures that the nodes from a cluster has a unique identifier and prevents unauthorized “cross-talk” between clusters.

To use the cluster identity feature:

  1. Edit the config.yaml file for each node in the cluster to add the dcos_net_cluster_identity configuration parameter.

  2. Set the parameter value to true to enable the use of a cluster identity.

    For example:

    "dcos_net_cluster_identity": "true"

If you are upgrading the nodes in the cluster to use the cluster identity functionality, the upgraded node (agent or master) with the flag enabled will not be able communicate with the dcos-net service on any nodes that have not been upgraded. Because of this behavior change, you might experience a minor disruption of networking operations during the upgrade until all nodes in the cluster are upgraded with this flag enabled.

During a phased upgrade process, you might see that DNS or L4LB do not function as expected across all of the nodes in the cluster. If you make changes–such as adding a new application, task, or service or deleting an existing application, task, or service–these changes might not be reflected in the information available until after the upgrade is complete.

A note on software re-architecture

In DC/OS 1.11 and later, most of the networking components such as dcos-dns, dcos-l4lb, and dcos-overlay are applications that run as part of a single systemd unit called dcos-net, running on all the nodes of the cluster. Prior to DC/OS 1.11, each of the applications dcos-dns, dcos-l4lb, and dcos-overlay ran as separate systemd units. Prior to DC/OS 1.11, the role of dcos-dns was fulfilled by spartan, dcos-l4lb was fulfilled by minuteman and dcos-overlay was fulfilled by navstar. In DC/OS 1.11, the different systemd units were aggregated into a single service. The main advantage of following this operational pattern is that it led to more efficient use of resources (lower CPU consumption and lower memory), and also made the networking services a lot more robust. This approach also made it easier to maintain the code.

These updates provide the same or better functionality compared to prior versions of DC/OS, but use resources more efficiently. Thus, even though this software re-architecture has changed the internal machinery for providing networking services within DC/OS, from a functional standpoint you should not see any difference.