Using dcos task exec

Using the dcos task exec command inside a task container

The dcos task exec command allows you to execute an arbitrary command inside of a task’s container and stream its output back to your local terminal to learn more about how a given task is behaving. It offers an experience very similar to docker exec, without any need for SSH keys.

To use the debugging feature, the service or job must be launched using either the Mesos container runtime or the Universal container runtime. Debugging cannot be used on containers launched with the Docker runtime. See Using Mesos Containerizers for more information.

You can execute this command in the following modes.

  • dcos task exec <task-id> <command> (no flags): streams STDOUT and STDERR from the remote terminal to your local terminal as raw bytes.

  • dcos task exec --tty <task-id> <command>: streams STDOUT and STDERR from the remote terminal to your local terminal, but not as raw bytes. Instead, this option puts your local terminal into raw mode, allocates a remote pseudo terminal (PTY), and streams the STDOUT and STDERR through the remote PTY.

  • dcos task exec --interactive <task-id> <command> streams STDOUT and STDERR from the remote terminal to your local terminal and streams STDIN from your local terminal to the remote command.

  • dcos task exec --interactive --tty <task-id> <command>: streams STDOUT and STDERR from the remote terminal to your local terminal and streams STDIN from your local terminal to the remote terminal. Also puts your local terminal into raw mode; allocates a remote pseudo terminal (PTY); and streams STDOUT, STDERR, and STDIN through the remote PTY. This mode offers the maximum functionality.

For more information on the dcos task exec commands, see the CLI Reference section.


  • We have included the text of the full flags above for readability, but each one can be shortened. Instead of typing --interactive, you can just type -i. Likewise, instead of typing --tty, you can just type -t.
  • If your mode streams raw bytes, you will not be able to launch programs like vim, because these programs require the use of control characters.

Quick start

Use this guide to get started with the dcos task exec debugging command.


Pipe output from a command running inside a container

You can run commands inside a container by using the dcos task exec command. In this example, a long running Marathon app is launched and then the dcos task exec command is used to get the hostname of the node running the app.

  1. Create a Marathon app definition and name it my-app.json with the following contents:

       "id": "/my-app",
       "cmd": "sleep 100000000",
       "cpus": 1,
       "instances": 1
  2. Deploy the service on DC/OS:

    dcos marathon app add my-app.json
  3. Get the task ID of the job with this CLI command:

    dcos task

    The output should look similar to this:

    NAME        HOST        USER  STATE  ID                                               
    my-app  root    R    <task_id>
  4. Run this command to show the hostname of the container running your app, where <task-ID> is your task ID.

    dcos task exec <task_id> hostname

    The output should look similar to this:

For more information on the dcos task exec commands, see the CLI Reference section.

Run an interactive command inside a task’s container

You can run interactive commands on machines in your cluster by using the dcos task exec command. In this example, the dcos task exec command is used to copy a simple script from your local machine to the task container on the node. The script is then administered locally by using the dcos task exec command.

  1. Create a Marathon app definition and name it my-interactive-app.json with the following contents:

       "id": "/my-interactive-app",
       "cmd": "sleep 100000000",
       "cpus": 1,
       "instances": 1
  2. Deploy the app on DC/OS:

    dcos marathon app add my-interactive-app.json
  3. Get the task ID of the app with this CLI command:

    dcos task

    The output should look similar to this:

    NAME                HOST        USER  STATE  ID                                               
    my-interactive-app  root    R    <task_id>
  4. Write a script called with the following contents:

    echo "Hello World"
  5. Upload the script to your task container:

    cat | dcos task exec -i <task_id> bash -c "cat >"
  6. Give the file executable permissions:

    dcos task exec <task_id> chmod a+x
  7. Run the script inside of the container:

    dcos task exec <task_id> ./

    The output should look similar to this:

    Hello World

Launch a long running interactive Bash session

In this example, a long running job is launched by using the dcos job run command, and the dcos task exec command is used to launch an interactive Bash shell inside the container of that job.

  1. Deploy and run a job with the DC/OS CLI:

    1. Create the following job definition and save as my-job.json. This specifies a sleep job that runs for 10000000 seconds.

        "id": "my-job",
        "labels": {},
        "run": {
          "artifacts": [],
          "cmd": "sleep 100000000",
          "cpus": 0.01,
          "disk": 0,
          "env": {},
          "maxLaunchDelaySeconds": 300,
          "mem": 32,
          "placement": {
            "constraints": []
          "restart": {
            "policy": "NEVER"
          "volumes": []
    2. Deploy the job with this CLI command:

      dcos job add my-job.json
    3. Verify that the job has been successfully deployed:

      dcos job list

      The output should resemble:

      my-job               Unscheduled         None
    4. Run the job:

      dcos job run my-job
  2. Get the task ID of the job with this CLI command:

    dcos task

    The output should look similar to this:

    NAME                          HOST       USER  STATE  ID                                                              root    R    <task_id>
  3. Launch a process inside of the container with the task ID (<task_id>) specified and attach a TTY to it. This will launch an interactive Bash session.

    dcos task exec --interactive --tty <task_id> bash

    You should now be inside the container running an interactive Bash session.

    root@ip-10-0-2-53 / #
  4. Run a command from the interactive Bash session. For example, the ls command:

    root@ip-10-0-1-104 / # ls
    bin   dev  home  lib64	     media  opt   root	sbin  sys  usr
    boot  etc  lib	 lost+found  mnt    proc  run	srv   tmp  var


You can use shorthand such as -i for --interactive or -t for --tty. Also, only the beginning unique characters of the <task_id> are required. For example, if your task ID is exec-test_20161214195 and there are no other task IDs that begin with the letter e, this is valid command syntax: dcos task exec -i -t e bash. For more information, see the CLI command reference.