

Using the Settings menu

From the Settings tab, you can manage

  • UI Settings
  • Package repositories
  • Secret Stores
  • LDAP directories
  • Identity providers

Package repositories

Figure 1 - Settings > Package Repositories tab

UI Settings

The UI Settings tab allows you to manage your DC/OS UI version and the language in which the UI is presented.

DC/OS UI Details

The DC/OS UI Details section shows you which version of the UI is installed; note that this is not the version of DC/OS which is currently installed.


You can revert your UI version to an earlier one if you need to. DC/OS comes with a pre-bundled UI version. As you update the UI using the Settings page, we keep the pre-bundled version in case it becomes necessary to roll back. Therefore if you roll back, you will be getting the pre-bundled version that came with your DC/OS installation.

Click on the Rollback button to load the earlier version of the UI.

Rolling back

Figure 2 - Rolling back to an earlier version of the UI

User Preferences

The User Preferences section shows you which language the UI is displayed in, and allows you to switch to another display language.

  1. Click on Settings > UI Settings.

    UI settings tab

    Figure 3 - UI Settings tab

  2. Click on the Edit button. A Language Preference dialogue box will appear.

  3. From the Language Preferences dialogue box, select your language.

    Language Preferences

    Figure 4 - Language preferences menu

  4. Click Save.

Package Repositories

The Package Repositories tab lists all currently configured package repositories on your DC/OS cluster. For detailed information about your Package Registry options see the Package Registry documentation. You may also find the Deploying a Local Catalog documentation useful.

Adding a repository

You can add a repository, with its associated services, to your DC/OS Enterprise cluster.

  1. Click on the + sign in the upper right corner.

  2. The Add Repository dialogue box will appear. Fill in the values required.

    Add Repo

    Figure 5 - Adding a repository

    Name Description
    Repository Name Name of the repository you want to add.
    URL Path to the repository you want to add.
    Priority 0, 1, or 2
  3. Click Add Repository.

You can find more information about deploying a catalog in the Configuring Services documentation.

You can also deploy a local Catalog containing your own set of packages. See the Selected Packages documentation.

Deleting a Repository

WARNING: If you delete a repository, you will not be able to install any packages belonging to that repository any more.

  1. Hover your mouse over the right hand side of the listing.
  2. A Delete button will appear. Click it to delete your repository. You will be asked to confirm this deletion.

Delete repo

Figure 6 - Deleting a package repository

Secret Stores

The Secret Stores tab displays a list of all your current Secret Stores, as well as the Type associated with each one. No actions are possible on this page, but you can manage your Secrets from the Secrets tab.

Secret Stores

Figure 7 - Language preferences menu

LDAP Directory

You can set up an LDAP connection to avoid having to recreate your user accounts within DC/OS.

Add Directory dialog

Figure 8 - Adding an LDAP connection

To add a directory, click on the Add Directory button. Further details about setting up connections, importing your contacts, and importing a group can be found in the LDAP Authentication documentation.

Identity Providers

DC/OS supports the use of identity provider-based authentication. Detailed information about how to set up identity provider-based authentication can be found in the documentation. We provide information for configuring a SAML identity provider or an OpenID Connect IdP.

Identity providers

Figure 9 - Adding an identity provider