dcos marathon deployment watch

Monitoring application deployments


The dcos marathon deployment watch command allows you to monitor deployments.


dcos marathon deployment watch [--max-count=<max-count>] [--interval=<interval>] <deployment-id>


Name Description
--interval=<interval> Number of seconds to wait between actions.
--max-count=<max-count> Maximum number of entries to fetch and return.
-h, --help Display info about usage of this command.

Positional arguments

Name Description
<deployment-id> The deployment ID. You can view a list of the deployment IDs with the dcos marathon deployment list command.


The dcos marathon deployment watch command does not return a confirmation message, so run dcos marathon deployment list to see the status of your deployment.

$ dcos marathon deployment watch confluent-zookeeper
~$ dcos marathon deployment list
APP                   POD  ACTION   PROGRESS  ID
/confluent-zookeeper  -    restart    0/1     ec0f4f22-ed8c-4bc1-ad55-5854603e257a

Parent command

Command Description
dcos marathon Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS.