dcos backup list


Listing backups


The dcos backup list command will list all known backups.


dcos backup list [prefix] [flags]


Name Description
--help, h Display help for this command.
--json Display output in JSON format.

Positional Arguments

Name Description
prefix Identifying prefix attached to file name for sorting purposes.


List all backups

$ dcos backup list
BACKUP ID                                         VERSION     STATUS           TIMESTAMP
---------                                         -------     ------           ---------
backup-1-fd4bdc87-889c-48c3-a656-9f8e96474b27     1.13.0      STATUS_READY     2019-03-18 23:06:41.836197172 +0000 UTC
backup2-c55c20e9-ba3f-46a6-b944-20a790b5491a      1.13.0      STATUS_READY     2019-03-18 23:15:47.639999548 +0000 UTC
backup3-317c19df-34e4-41a0-93c9-d66c7f307208      1.13.0      STATUS_BACKING_UP     2019-03-18 23:16:33.265478871 +0000 UTC

List only backups starting with ‘backup-’

dcos backup list backup-
BACKUP ID                                         VERSION     STATUS           TIMESTAMP
---------                                         -------     ------           ---------
backup-1-fd4bdc87-889c-48c3-a656-9f8e96474b27     1.13.0      STATUS_READY     2019-03-18 23:06:41.836197172 +0000 UTC

Parent command

Command Description
dcos backup Create, delete, list, restore and show backup commands.