Securing a cluster

Understanding the security features in DC/OS

General security concepts

DC/OS is based on a Linux kernel and user space. The same best practices for securing any Linux system apply to securing DC/OS, including setting correct file permissions, restricting root and normal user accounts, protecting network interfaces with iptables or other firewalls, and regularly applying updates from the Linux distribution used with DC/OS to ensure that system libraries, utilities and core services like systemd and OpenSSH are secure.

Network security

You must use appropriate network mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to cluster nodes.

Depending on your cluster environment, this may include:

  • using physical or virtual subnets to isolate DC/OS Security Zones;
  • using router firewalls or security groups to restrict access to ports;
  • using firewall software (for example, iptables) on the nodes to restrict access to ports.

Use these mechanisms to provide the following connectivity:

  • between master nodes: allow connections on all ports.
  • between agent nodes: allow connections on all ports.
  • from master nodes to agent nodes: allow connections on all ports.
  • from agent nodes to master nodes: allow connections on all ports except TCP ports 8201 and 26257.
  • from external machines to master nodes: block connection requests on all ports except TCP ports 80 and 443.
  • from external machines to private agent nodes: block connection requests on all ports.
  • from external machines to public agent nodes: block connection requests on all ports except advertised port ranges.

You may want to open port 22 to external machines to allow administrative tasks using Secure Shell (ssh). Although DC/OS components do not currently support private network selection, you can configure ssh to be accessible to a private management network using the ListenAddress directive.

Security zones

At the highest level we can distinguish three security zones in a DC/OS deployment, namely the admin, private, and public security zones.

Admin zone

The admin zone is accessible via HTTP/HTTPS and SSH connections, and provides access to the master nodes. It also provides reverse proxy access to the other nodes in the cluster via URL routing. For security, the DC/OS cloud template allows configuring a whitelist so that only specific IP address ranges are permitted to access the admin zone.

Admin Router

Access to the admin zone is controlled by Admin Router.

HTTP requests incoming to your DC/OS cluster are proxied through Admin Router (using Nginx with OpenResty at its core). Admin Router denies access to most HTTP endpoints for unauthenticated requests. In order for a request to be authenticated, it must present a valid authentication token in its Authorization header. A token can be obtained by going through the authentication process. See the Security documentation for more information.

Authenticated users are authorized to perform any actions in their cluster. There is currently no fine-grained access control in DC/OS besides having access or not having access to services.

Steps for securing Admin Router

By default, Admin Router will permit unencrypted HTTP traffic. This is not considered secure, and you must provide a valid TLS certificate and redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS to properly secure access to your cluster. After you have a valid TLS certificate, install the certificate on each master. Copy the certificate and private key to a well known location, such as under /etc/ssl/certs.

If you run HAProxy in front of Admin Router, you should secure the communication between them. For information about securing your communication, see the documentation.

Private zone

A private zone is a non-routable network that is only accessible from the admin zone or through the edge router from the public zone. Deployed services are run in the private zone. This zone is where the majority of agent nodes are run.

Public zone

The optional public zone is where publicly accessible applications are run. Generally, only a small number of agent nodes are run in this zone. The edge router forwards traffic to applications running in the private zone.

The agent nodes in the public zone are labeled with a special role so that only specific tasks can be scheduled here. These agent nodes have both public and private IP addresses and only specific ports should be open in their iptables firewall.

By default, when using the cloud-based installers such as the AWS CloudFormation templates, a large number of ports are exposed to the Internet for the public zone. In production systems, it is unlikely that you would expose all of these ports. It is recommended that you close all ports except 80 and 443 (for HTTP/HTTPS traffic) and use Marathon-LB with HTTPS to manage ingress traffic.

Typical AWS deployment

A typical AWS deployment including AWS Load Balancers is shown below:

Security Zones

Figure 1. Security zones in AWS deployment