Cluster Link API


Managing cluster links with the Cluster Link API

You can use the Cluster Link API to manage cluster links.


Access to the Cluster Link API is proxied through the Admin Router on each master node using the following route:


To determine the URL of your cluster, see Cluster Access.


The Cluster Link API request and response bodies are formatted in JSON.

Requests must include the accept header:

Accept: application/json

Responses include the content type header:

Content-Type: application/json


All Cluster Link API routes require authentication to use.

To authenticate API requests, see Obtaining an authentication token and Passing an authentication token.

The Cluster Link API also requires authorization via the following permissions:

Resource ID Action
dcos:adminrouter:ops:cluster-link full

All routes can also be reached by users with the dcos:superuser permission.

To assign permissions to your account, see the permissions reference.

API Reference

The Cluster Link API allows you to manage cluster link operations on your DC/OS cluster.