Identity and Access Management API

Using the DC/OS Identity and Access Management API

The Identity and Access Management API allows you to manage users through a RESTful interface.

Request and response format

The API supports JSON only. You must include application/json as your Content-Type in the HTTP header, as shown below.

    Content-Type: application/json

Host name and base path

The host name to use will vary depending on where your program is running.

  • If your program runs outside of the DC/OS cluster, you should use the cluster URL. This can be obtained by launching the DC/OS web interface and copying the domain name from the browser. Alternatively, you can log in to the DC/OS CLI and type dcos config show core.dcos_url to get the cluster URL. In a production environment, this should be the path to the load balancer which sits in front of your masters.

  • If your program runs inside of the cluster, use master.mesos.

Append /acs/api/v1 to the host name, as shown below.



All IAM endpoints require an authentication token–except the auth endpoints. The auth endpoints do not require authentication tokens because their purpose is to return authentication tokens upon successful login.

User management

DC/OS Open Source supports three types of users that can be managed via the /users API endpoint.

The User account management documentation covers invocation of available operations in detail.

Authentication token verification

The IAM can provide third-party entities with public key information via the /auth/jwks API endpoint for verifying DC/OS Authentication tokens out-of-band.

See Out-of-band token verification on how to implement authentication token verification on behalf of the IAM.

API reference


While the API returns informative error messages, you may also find it useful to check the logs of the service. Refer to Service and Task Logging for instructions.