Release notes for 2.0.5

Release notes for DC/OS 2.0.5, including Open Source attribution, and version policy.

DC/OS™ 2.0.5 was released on 30 June, 2020.

New customers, contact your sales representative or before attempting to download and install DC/OS Enterprise.

Release Summary

DC/OS is a distributed operating system that enables you to manage resources, application deployment, data services, networking, and security in an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid cluster environment.



DC/OS 2.0.5 includes the following component versions:

  • Apache® Mesos® 1.9.1-dev
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1g

DC/OS Fixed and Improved Issues

  • Fixed a critical error in Metronome where existing jobs appear to be lost after upgrade. (COPS-6174)
  • Fixed an issue with unmounting external persistent volumes in Mesos. (COPS-5920, D2iQ-65497)
  • Zookeeper log messages are now being forwarded to syslog. (COPS-6128, D2iQ-68394)
  • Additional logging has been added to the installation scripts to aid in debugging installation issues. (COPS-5428)
  • Fixed an issue where frameworks could interfere with Marathon pods by launching tasks on resources reserved to Marathon. (D2iQ-68800)
  • Fixed an issue where the DC/OS UI sometimes did not report the correct DC/OS version due to browser caching. (D2iQ-69682)

Mesos Fixed and Improved Issues

For a detailed description on updates to Mesos, see the changelog

Marathon Fixed and Improved Issues

For a detailed description on updates to Marathon, see the changelog.

Metronome Fixed and Improved Issues

For a detailed description on updates to Metronome, see the changelog.