
Understanding diagnostic and status logs for DC/OS core components and services

Mesosphere® DC/OS™ cluster nodes generate logs that contain diagnostic and status information for DC/OS core components and DC/OS services. DC/OS comes with a built-in log pipeline which can transmit all kinds of logs to an aggregated log database.

Service, task, and node logs

The logging component provides an HTTP API /system/v1/logs/ that exposes the system logs. You can access information about DC/OS scheduler services, like Marathon™ or Kafka®, with the following CLI command:

dcos service log --follow <scheduler-service-name>

You can access DC/OS task logs by running this CLI command:

dcos task log --follow <service-name>

You access the logs for the master node with the following CLI command:

dcos node log --leader

To access the logs for an agent node, run dcos node to get the Apache® Mesos® IDs of your nodes, then run the following CLI command:

dcos node log --mesos-id=<node-id>

You can download all the log files for your service from the Services > Services tab in the DC/OS web interface. You can also monitor stdout/stderr.

For more information, see the Service and Task Logs quick start guide.

NOTE: DC/OS can send copies of task logs to the host's journald, but this is disabled by default because of a known systemd performance problem, for details see the configuration documentation


System logs

DC/OS components use systemd-journald to store their logs. To access the DC/OS core component logs, SSH into a node and run this command to see all logs:

journalctl -u "dcos-*" -b

You can view the logs for specific components by entering the component name. For example, to access Admin Router logs, run this command:

journalctl -u dcos-nginx -b

You can find which components are unhealthy in the DC/OS web interface Nodes tab.

system health

Figure 1. System health log showing nodes

Log aggregation

Streaming logs from machines in your cluster is not always the best solution for examining events and debugging issues. Currently we suggest one of these options for log aggregation: