Disk Partitions

Planning disk partitioning for a DC/OS cluster

In planning system resources for DC/OS, you should pay particular attention to how disks are partitioned. To prevent DC/OS from running low on disk space or having disk space contention adversely affect cluster operations, you should create separate partitions to isolate I/O-intensive services such as the journald logging facility process and Mesos sandbox from critical infrastructure services such as ZooKeeper and CockroachDB. Using separate partitions helps to ensure fault-tolerant cluster operations and limits the scope of disk space errors (ENOSPC - no space left on device errors) to recoverable issues such as tasks failing to deploy.

Recommended partition layout

You can use the following guidelines to plan disk partitioning for replicated state stores and persistent configuration override locations under /var/lib/dcos.

Master nodes

For the master nodes, the recommended practice is to host the /var/lib/dcos directory on a separate partition backed by fast, locally-attached storage (SSD/NVMe). Using this separate partition on the master nodes enables the following replicated state stores and persistent configuration override files to be stored under the /var/lib/dcos directory:

  • Mesos Paxos replicated log: /var/lib/dcos/mesos/master/replicated_log
  • Navstar Overlay replicated log: /var/lib/dcos/mesos/master/overlay_replicated_log
  • CockroachDB distributed database: /var/lib/dcos/cockroach
  • Navstar Mnesia distributed database: /var/lib/dcos/navstar/mnesia
  • Navstar Lashup distributed database: /var/lib/dcos/navstar/lashup
  • Secrets vault: /var/lib/dcos/secrets/vault
  • Zookeeper distributed database: /var/lib/dcos/exhibitor/zookeeper
  • History Service cache: /var/lib/dcos/dcos-history

Agent nodes

On the agent nodes, you should use separate partitions for the following directories under /var/lib/mesos:

  • /var/lib/mesos - You should always host the /var/lib/mesos directory on a separate partition. Keep in mind that the disk space that Apache Mesos advertises in its UI is the sum of the space provided by the file system(s) underpinning the /var/lib/mesos directory, including any MOUNT volumes (/dcos/volume<n>).

  • /var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves - This directory hosts the sandbox directories for tasks. You should use a separate partition for this directory, if possible.

  • /var/lib/mesos/slave/volumes - This directory is used by frameworks that consume ROOT persistent volumes. You should use a separate partition for this directory, if possible.

  • /var/lib/mesos/slave/store/docker - This directory stores Docker image layers that are used to provision UCR containers. You should use a separate partition for this directory, if possible.

In most cases, agents do not require a separate partition for the persistent configuration override files stored in the /var/lib/dcos directory. You should, however, be sure to allow enough disk space partitions for the following configuration files on agent nodes:

  • /var/lib/dcos/mesos-slave-common
  • /var/lib/dcos/mesos-resources

NOTE: For overall cluster health, keep in mind that the `/var/lib/mesos/slave/meta/resources`, `/var/lib/mesos/slave/volumes` and `/dcos/volume` MOUNT directories must be available (or restored from backups) for reservations to be re-advertised to the frameworks. Providing separate partitions to ensure the availability of these directories and the resource offers allows operations and tasks to recover successfully.

Other directories and partitions

In addition to the master- and agent-specific partitions, you should consider using a separate partition for each of the following directories:

  • /var/lib/docker - This directory stores Docker image layers and is used by containers launched with the Docker engine.

  • /dcos/volume<n> - These volume-identified directories–for example, /dcos/volume0 and /dcos/volume1–are used by frameworks that consume MOUNT persistent volumes.

  • /opt/mesosphere - This directory contains the DC/OS binaries, libraries, and cluster configuration files. If the DC/OS cluster is version 1.11, or newer, you should place this directory in its own partition. Because the size of this directory tends to increase with each DC/OS upgrade and there is no automatic clean-up of old files, you should monitor disk space usage for the /opt/mesosphere directory carefully. In addition to monitoring the directory, you might want to create a custom script to periodically remove unused or out-of-date files.

All of these file system paths and mount points should be on their own isolated input/output (IO) path, down to the physical devices where they are located to minimize the I/O competition.