Technical Overview

Understanding pods

A pod is a special kind of Mesos task group, and the tasks or containers in the pod are the group members. A pod instance’s containers are launched together, atomically, via the Mesos LAUNCH_GROUP call.

DC/OS handles and represents pods as single services. Containers in pods share networking namespace and ephemeral volumes. You configure a pod via a pod definition, which is similar to a Marathon application definition. There are nonetheless some differences between pod and application definitions. For instance:

  • You must specify an endpoint (not a port number) in order for other applications to communicate with your pod.
  • Pods have a separate REST API.
  • Pods support only Mesos-level health checks.


Marathon pods only support the DC/OS Universal container runtime, which supports multiple image formats, including Docker.

The Universal container runtime simplifies networking by allowing the containers of each pod instance to share a network namespace and communicate over a VLAN or private network. If you specify a container network without a name in a pod definition, it will be assigned to the default network. If you have installed DC/OS using AWS templates, the default network is dcos.

If other applications need to communicate with your pod, specify an endpoint in your pod definition. Other applications will communicate with your pod by addressing those endpoints. See the Examples section for more information.

In your pod definition, you can declare a host or container network type. Pods created with host type share the network namespace of the host. Pods created with container type use virtual networking. If you specify the container network type and Marathon was not configured to have a default network name, you must also declare a virtual network name in the name field. See the Examples section for the full JSON.

Ephemeral Storage

Containers within a pod share ephemeral storage. Volumes are declared at the pod-level and referenced by name when mounting them into specific containers.

Pod Events and State

When you update a pod that has already launched, the new version of the pod will only be available when redeployment is complete. If you query the system to learn which version is deployed before redeployment is complete, you may get the previous version as a response. The same is true for the status of a pod: if you update a pod, the change in status will not be reflected in a query until redeployment is complete.

History is permanently tied to pod_id. If you delete a pod and then reuse the ID, even if the details of the pod are different, the new pod will have the previous history (such as version information).

Pod Definitions

Pods are configured via a JSON pod definition, which is similar to a Marathon application definition. You must declare the resources required by each container in the pod because Mesos, not Marathon, determines how and when to perform isolation for all resources requested by a pod. See the Examples section for complete pod definitions.

Environment variables

Environment variables defined at the pod level are propagated to all pod containers. Pod-level environment variables are overridden by environment variables defined at the pod container level.

Environment variables for ports are defined using the pod container endpoint names (i.e, ENDPOINT_<ENDPOINT_NAME>=).

Below are example environment variables reflecting the multi-pod JSON pod definition example.


Executor Resources

The executor runs on each node to manage the pods. By default, the executor reserves 32 MB and .1 CPUs per pod for overhead. Take this overhead into account when declaring resource needs for the containers in your pod. You can modify the executor resources in the executorResources field of your pod definition.

    "executorResources": {
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 64,
        "disk": 10mb


Specify a secret in the secrets field of your pod definition. The argument should be the fully qualified path to the secret in the store.

    "secrets": {
        "someSecretName": { "source": "/fully/qualified/path" }


Pods support ephemeral volumes, which are defined at the pod level. Your pod definition must include a volumes field that specifies at least the name of the volume and a volumeMounts field that specifies at least the name and mount path of the volume.

	"volumes": [
			"name": "etc"
	"volumeMounts": [
			"name": "env",
			"mountPath": "/mnt/etc"

Pods also support host volumes. A pod volume parameter can declare a host field that references a pre-existing file or directory on the agent.

	"volumes": [
			"name": "local",
			"host": "/user/local"

NOTE: Data does not persist if pods are restarted.

Shared Memory

As tasks in a pod are running on the same agent, it is possible to define a shared memory segment for tasks. Tasks can have either their own private shared memory, or can use a shared memory segment defined by the executor:

It is possible to define a linuxInfo object on the container and/or executor, defining a ipcInfo with a mode and shmSize.

The rules are generally:

For mode

  • PRIVATE: The container/executor has a private shared memory segment
  • SHARE_PARENT: The container/executor uses the shared memory segment of its respective parent.

NOTE: If SHARE_PARENT is used on an executor, the shared memory namespace is shared with the agent. This may be forbidden in the Mesos configuration and may not always work.

For shmSize

  • Can only be used if the mode is PRIVATE
  • Allows you to define the size of the shared memory segment in megabytes

Private shared memory segement for task

This example defines a pod with one container that has a private shared memory segment with a size of 16MB.

  "id": "/pod",
  "containers": [
      "name": "container0",
      "resources": {
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 32
      "image": {
        "kind": "DOCKER",
        "id": "private/image"
      "linuxInfo": {
        "ipcInfo": {
          "mode": "PRIVATE",
          "shmSize": 16
      "exec": {
        "command": {
          "shell": "sleep 1000"

Shared between tasks

To share the IPC namespace, it’s required to define the shared memory setting and size on the executor (which is the the parent container for the tasks). The tasks itself need to have the mode set to SHARE_PARENT.

This example defines a pod with two containers that have a shared memory that is defined on the executor and can therefore be accessed by both containers.

  "id": "/pod",
  "containers": [
      "name": "container0",
      "resources": {
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 32
      "image": {
        "kind": "DOCKER",
        "id": "private/image"
      "linuxInfo": {
        "ipcInfo": {
          "mode": "SHARE_PARENT"
      "exec": {
        "command": {
          "shell": "sleep 1000"
      "name": "container1",
      "resources": {
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 32
      "image": {
        "kind": "DOCKER",
        "id": "private/image"
      "linuxInfo": {
        "ipcInfo": {
          "mode": "SHARE_PARENT"
      "exec": {
        "command": {
          "shell": "sleep 1000"
  "linuxInfo": {
    "ipcInfo": {
      "mode": "PRIVATE",
      "shmSize": 16


Marathon pods support the DC/OS Universal container runtime. The Universal container runtime supports multiple images, such as Docker.

The following JSON specifies a Docker image for a pod:



  • Only Mesos-based health checks are currently supported.
  • Readiness checks are not supported.
  • Service ports are not supported.
  • Dependencies cannot be configured.
  • Generic environmental variables, such as $PORT0, are not passed.