Monitoring Services

Monitoring deployed DC/OS services from the CLI and UI

You can monitor deployed DC/OS™ services from the CLI and UI.

Monitoring Catalog services


From the DC/OS CLI, enter the dcos service command. In this example you can see the installed DC/OS services for Chronos, HDFS™, and Kafka®.

dcos service
NAME      HOST             ACTIVE  TASKS CPU   MEM     DISK   ID
chronos   <privatenode1>   True     0    0.0    0.0     0.0   <service-id1>
hdfs      <privatenode2>   True     1    0.35  1036.8   0.0   <service-id2>
kafka     <privatenode3>   True     0    0.0    0.0     0.0   <service-id3>


See the monitoring documentation.

Monitoring user-created services


From the DC/OS CLI, enter the dcos task command. In this example you can see the installed DC/OS services Chronos, HDFS, Kafka, and the user-created service suzanne-simple-service.

dcos task
NAME                    HOST        USER  STATE  ID                                                           
cassandra       root    R    cassandra.36031a0f-feb4-11e6-b09b-3638c949fe6b               
node-0          root    R    node-0__0b165525-13f2-485b-a5f8-e00a9fabffd9                 
suzanne-simple-service  root    R    suzanne-simple-service.47359150-feb4-11e6-b09b-3638c949fe6b


See the monitoring documentation.