CLI Plugins

How to extend the command line interface

Plugins extend the functionality of the DC/OS™ CLI for cluster-specific actions.

Plugins are cluster-specific. When switching between different clusters, the CLI automatically uses the proper set of plugins installed for that cluster.

Core CLI Plugin

Commands that are specific to a DC/OS version are packaged into a plugin called dcos-core-cli. The CLI automatically installs the core plugin during dcos cluster setup.

The subcommands included in this plugin are:

Command Description
dcos job Deploy and manage jobs in DC/OS.
dcos marathon Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS.
dcos node Administer and manage DC/OS cluster nodes.
dcos package Install and manage DC/OS software packages.
dcos service Manage DC/OS services.
dcos task Manage DC/OS tasks.

Enterprise CLI Plugin

Commands that are specific to a DC/OS Enterprise version are packaged into a plugin called dcos-enterprise-cli.

The CLI automatically installs this plugin during dcos cluster setup when it detects a DC/OS EE cluster.

The subcommands included in this plugin are:

Command Description
dcos backup Access DC/OS backup functionality.
dcos license Manage your DC/OS licenses.
dcos security DC/OS security related commands.

Installing plugins

Users can install plugins using the dcos plugin add command. You can find plugin URLs by browsing the webpage.

Plugins can also be installed through the dcos package command in the core CLI.

Updating Core and Enterprise plugins

The simplest way to update the Core and Enterprise plugins is to re-run the dcos cluster setup command.

Another way is to update them through Cosmos :

dcos package install <dcos-core-cli|dcos-enterprise-cli>

Alternatively, you can find new versions of these plugins by browsing the webpage, and run the dcos plugin add command with the --update command-line option.