dcos backup delete


Deleting backups


The dcos backup delete command will delete an existing backup.


dcos backup delete <backup id> [flags]


Name Description
--help, h Display help for this command.

Positional Arguments

Name Description
<backup id> ID number or label of existing backup.


See the documentation for dcos backup list to get the backup ID.

  1. Run the dcos backup list command to get a list of your backups.

    $ dcos backup list
    BACKUP ID                                         VERSION     STATUS           TIMESTAMP
    ---------                                         -------     ------           ---------
    backup-1-fd4bdc87-889c-48c3-a656-9f8e96474b27     1.13.0      STATUS_READY     2019-03-18 23:06:41.836197172 +0000 UTC
    backup2-c55c20e9-ba3f-46a6-b944-20a790b5491a      1.13.0      STATUS_READY     2019-03-18 23:15:47.639999548 +0000 UTC
    backup3-317c19df-34e4-41a0-93c9-d66c7f307208      1.13.0      STATUS_BACKING_UP     2019-03-18 23:16:33.265478871 +0000 UTC
  2. Use the backup ID to delete the backup:

    dcos backup delete backup-1-fd4bdc87-889c-48c3-a656-9f8e96474b27

    The backup will be deleted but there will be no confirmation output.

  3. However, if you run dcos backup list again, you will not see the backup listed, which indicates that it has been removed.

    dcos backup list
    BACKUP ID                                        VERSION     STATUS                TIMESTAMP
    ---------                                        -------     ------                ---------
    backup2-c55c20e9-ba3f-46a6-b944-20a790b5491a     1.13.0      STATUS_READY          2019-03-18 23:15:47.639999548 +0000 UTC
    backup3-317c19df-34e4-41a0-93c9-d66c7f307208     1.13.0      STATUS_BACKING_UP     2019-03-18 23:16:33.265478871 +0000 UTC

Parent command

Command Description
dcos backup Create, delete, list, restore and show backup commands.